User:The bluez in the dungeon/Spicer (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 18th July 2023
Status: Complete
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Spicers are specialized alchemists who use only spices, fresh and dried herbs, powders, seeds and oils for culinary and medicinal purposes. They are said to be the precursor of alchemists.

Class: "left"

Level: 1st, 2nd, 14th

Replaces: Mutagen, Throw Anything, Persistent Mutagen

Benefit: A spicer receives the following class features:

Flavoring (Su): A spicer can spend 1 hour to prepare a special mixture of spices and alchemical reagents and store it in spice shaker. The mixture remains potent until used or until the spicer prepares another flavoring mixture, at which point the first becomes inert and the duration of its effects immediately end. Adding this mixture on some food allows a creature to consume the food as a standard action granting it various effects depending on the flavoring, as per the table below.

A spicer can use the Craft (alchemy) skill in place of the appropriate Craft and Profession skill for cooking, for any purposes. It can use alter flavor as a spell-like ability once per day per Int modifier, but the effect is Transmutation rather than Illusion.

This replaces mutagen. A spicer can gain the mutagen, cognatogen, or inspired cognatogen ability, from a discovery or another class. Consider Persistent Mutagen as a discovery which can be taken by level 14th.

Spiced Bombs (Su): Rather than deal direct damage, a spicer's bombs create a cloud of powder in a 5-foot radius for a number of rounds equal to the spicer’s Intelligence bonus (minimum 1). Each creature within this area takes 1d4 points of fire damage immediately and again each round it remains within or enters the cloud.

A creature caught in the cloud when it is first created can attempt a Reflex save (DC = 10 + half the spicer’s level + the spicer’s Intelligence modifier) for half damage. The spiced bombs’ damage increases by 1d4 at 3rd level and every odd level thereafter. Spiced Bombs otherwise functions as Bombs, and discoveries that apply to bombs apply to Spiced Bombs.

This feature alters Bombs.

Spiced Extracts (Su): A 1st level spicer’s extracts are stored in small spice shakers, allowing it to spray them at itself or an adjacent ally. The target is considered the imbiber, as if it had drunk an extract prepared with the infusion discovery. The contents of the spice shakers are transmissed through contact. Spiced extracts are considered extracts for purposes of other abilities, and become inert when not in the spicer’s possession.

This alters extracts and replaces Throw Anything.

Persistent Flavoring (Su): At 14th level, the spicer gains the ability to prepare extremely potent flavorings. Its flavorings can be added on up to four different targets before becoming fully used. This allows a spicer to affect multiple targets with a single use of flavoring.

This replaces persistent mutagen.


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