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'''{{Anchor|Universal Application}} {{Ex}}:''': Once per hour you can use one skill for another skill tied to the same ability score. You could use [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (Arcana) instead of a [[SRD:Craft Skill|Craft]] check for crafting or make a [[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]] check in order to [[SRD:Intimidate Skill|''demoralize opponent'']].
'''{{Anchor|Universal Application}} {{Ex}}:''': Once per hour you can use one skill for another skill tied to the same ability score. You could use [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (Arcana) instead of a [[SRD:Craft Skill|Craft]] check for crafting or make a [[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]] check in order to [[SRD:Intimidate Skill|''demoralize opponent'']].
'''{{Anchor|Improved Jack of All Trades}} {{Ex}}:''': Your [[Jack of All Trades (3.5e Feat)|Jack of All Trades]] feat improve, allowing you to count skill as if they were equal to your HD-3 instead of 1/2 HD if it would be higher. (will be worded better)
'''{{Anchor|Improved Jack of All Trades}} {{Ex}}:''': Your [[Jack of All Trades (3.5e Feat)|Jack of All Trades]] feat improve, allowing you to count skill as if they were equal to your HD-3 instead of 1/2 HD if it would be higher.

Revision as of 12:24, 13 January 2016

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 13th January 2016
Status: Almost Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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A skill master is very obviously extremely skilled at using skills.

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Skill Master

Becoming a Skill Master

Entry Requirements  
Skills: A skill master must possess at least 8 ranks in five different skills. 
Feats: Skill Focus, Skill Trick Genius
Special: Must have solved an entire encounter with nothing more than skill.

Table: The Skill Master

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +0 +0 +0 Bonus Skill Trick, Partial Class Advancement, Superior Skill, Variable Saves, Universal Skill
2nd +2 +0 +0 +0 Quickly Skilled, Skill Trick Mastery
3rd +3 +1 +1 +1 Bonus Skill Trick, Jack of All Trades
4th +4 +1 +1 +1 Universal Application
5th +5 +1 +1 +1 Bonus Skill Trick, Improved Jack of All Trades

Class Skills (8 + Int modifier per level)

A Skill Master treat any skill as a class skill.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Skill Master.

Partial Class Advancement: The skill master class gives advancement to pre-existing class features, such as sneak attack, bardic songs per day (but not bardic music known), caster level (but not spells known), and initiator level (but not new maneuvers). It does not grant new class features, nor does it grant spells per day, spells known, or similar abilities.

Bonus Skill Trick: At 1st level and each odd level thereafter the skill master gain a bonus skill trick she meet the prerequisite of.

Superior Skill: Skill masters are skillful and clever, and have greater use out of skills than most. You may use any of the superior skill options so long as you have at least 1 rank in that skill. All effects created by superior skills are extraordinary effects, and any saving throws are DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Charisma, where applicable.

Superior Skills
Skill DC Effect
Appraise 20 By appraising an object for 1 hour, you can duplicate the effect of identify, with no material components. For each additional +10 over the DC you can identify another item in the same action.
Autohypnosis 20 You may delay the negative effects of a status condition for 1 round only. For example, you may make this in respond of being petrified, but on a successful check you are able to act as normal for 1 round more, after which you petrify normally.
Balance Varies You may use your result in balance as your ability check or saving throw against any effect which would move you or knock you prone. You must be firmly on the ground to use this ability.
Bluff Varies You may feint as a move action but take a -10 penalty on the check, or feint as a swift action with a -20 penalty.
Climb 30 You duplicate the effect of spider climb for 10 minutes.
Concentration 20 On a successful check as a move action, you "lock on" to one creature in 60 ft. For 1 minute you gain a +10 bonus on listen and spot checks against that creature, and a +1 bonus to attack rolls against it. In return, you take a -2 penalty on AC against all other creatures.
Decipher Script 30 You duplicate the effect of comprehend languages for 10 minutes, granting you the ability to read and speak the text you are making the check against. You cannot use this ability if you only have audio of the unknown or encrypted language.
Diplomacy 15 Speak encouraging words, duplicating the effect of guidance. You cannot use this on yourself.
Disable Device Varies By making a touch attack and a disable device check against a construct as a standard action, you can render the construct staggered for 1 round. The DC is the construct's HD.
Disguise 30 You duplicate the effects of alter self (minus the bonus on disguise checks) until you change disguises. Disguising in this manner takes 1 minute.
Escape Artist 20 You count as one size smaller when beneficial for 1 round.
Forgery Varies You can use forgery to create skeleton keys for locks, given a material which can be shaped such as a paperclip or block of wood. The DC is equal to the open lock DC, -10 if you have studied the lock for at least 10 minutes, +20 to the DC if you have only seen the lock, or +40 if you are making a key for a lock you have only heard about or have passing knowledge.
Gather Information 10 You can spread rumors instead of gathering information. This acts like a bluff check, but the DC of 20 for a vague rumor, 30 for a detailed rumor, 50 for a persistent rumor, and 80 for a rumor which is treated as truth by the public at large. Add +10 to the DC to avoid making yourself traceable as the originator of the rumor.
Handle Animal 30 You duplicate the effect of speak with animals for 1 minute.
Heal 20 You can heal creatures as a full-round action, expending 2 gp of medical supplies for every 1 hp restored. You may restore up to the result of your heal check in hp at one time.
Hide 50 You may duplicate the invisibility spell for 1 minute, subject to the usual limitations of the spell, and you are still subject to see invisibility and other means of bypassing invisibility.
Intimidate Varies You can now intimidate up to 30 ft. away, and may use Str instead of Cha if you so wish. When demoralizing opponents, for every 5 points you exceed the target's modified level check, they remain shaken for 1 additional round.
Jump 20 You may jump and end your movement in mid air levitating in place until the beginning of your next turn, after which you fall as if under feather fall with a caster level equal to your class level. For every 5 ranks in jump you possess, you can jump your mid-air position a second, third, fourth, and further time. For example a skill master with 16 ranks can take up to four move actions (over 2 turns) jumping in mid air before he falls again.
Listen 40 As a standard action you may make a Listen check. You gain blindsense out to 10 feet, plus an additional 10 feet for every +10 to the DC. If you add +20 to the DC, it becomes blindsight. This benefit lasts for 1 minute.
Martial Lore Varies As an immediate action you may identify a maneuver being used on yourself, with a DC of 15 + the initiator level of the maneuver. On a successful check, you gain a +2 bonus on the saving throw or AC against the attack roll of the maneuver. This bonus rises to +4 if you possess the maneuver yourself.
Move Silently 50 You may duplicate the silence spell for 1 minute. You're so quiet, you make other things quiet too.
Open lock Varies You can make a lock more difficult than before. By taking 1 minute you modify the lock and set its DC to the result of your check. You can do this rushed as a full round action by taking a -20 penalty on your roll.
Perform 40 You duplicate the fascinate ability of a bard. After performing you cannot fascinate the same creatures for 24 hours, regardless if they successfully saved or not.
Ride Varies As an immediate action, you may use the result of your Ride check as the Reflex saving throw against attacks on your mount. If the creature succeeds on its save, so do you.
Search +10 You can search a 10 by 10 ft. area, 15 by 15, 20 by 20, and so forth by increasing the DC by +10 each time. In this way, you can search much faster than normal.
Sense Motive Varies As a move action you can read the motions of a creature in 60 ft. and learn their next intended action, such as "attack your cleric" or "cast a buff spell" or "attempt to flee". The DC is 10 + CR of the creature, or the creature's opposed bluff check, whichever is higher. If the creature is amorphous or inhuman, you take a -4 penalty on your roll.
Sleight of Hand Varies You can hide objects of any size. Small objects such as daggers are done as normal, but medium sized objects (such as a one-handed weapon) increase the DC by +15, and large objects (like most two-handed weapons) increase the DC by +30, and so on and so forth.
Spellcraft +10 If you beat the check to identify a spell by 10 or more, you gain a +2 on attempts to dispel the effect.
Spot 50 You duplicate the effect of true seeing for 1 round.
Survival 50 You manage to find sustenance even in the most barren of wastes. By spending 1 hour searching, you duplicate the effects of create food and water regardless of outside circumstances.
Swim 20 You manage to find a way to hold your breath for absurdly long periods of time. You duplicate the effect of water breathing for 2 hours, though you cannot speak as it stems from you holding your breath instead of actually breathing water.
Tumble 40 You can remain mobile even while on the floor. As a free action each round you may make the check, if successful you take no penalties on attack and AC for being prone.
Use Rope Varies By making a DC 20 check you can use grappling hooks as an attack action, and can use whips and other flexible objects as a grappling hook. At DC 40, you duplicate animate rope for as long as you hold one end of the rope, up to 1 minute.

Variable Saves (Ex):: When first taking a level of skill master, choose two of Fortitude, Reflex or Will. The two chosen saving throw's progression for the skill master class become Good instead of Poor.

Universal Skill Focus: At 1st level a skill master gain a +2 bonus on all skill check. This count as the skill focus feat for every single skill for the purpose of prerequisites and stack with the feat.

Quickly Skilled (Ex):: A 2nd level skill master can now use skills much more quickly, she may use any skills twice as fast (halving crafting time) or if the task was one category simpler (such as disable device) whichever is better.

Skill Trick Mastery:: At 2nd level skill master gain Skill Trick Mastery as a bonus feat.

Jack of All Trades (Ex):: At 3rd level you gain Jack of All Trades as a bonus feat even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

Universal Application (Ex):: Once per hour you can use one skill for another skill tied to the same ability score. You could use Knowledge (Arcana) instead of a Craft check for crafting or make a Bluff check in order to demoralize opponent.

Improved Jack of All Trades (Ex):: Your Jack of All Trades feat improve, allowing you to count skill as if they were equal to your HD-3 instead of 1/2 HD if it would be higher.

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