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|date_created=February 21 2017
|date_created=February 21 2017
|status=Finished but open to improvement suggestions
|status=Finished but open to improvement suggestions.  Feel free to contribute.  If you have a breed that you would like to add, feel free do so
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===Physical Description===
===Physical Description===
Canin can best be described as dogmen. They have the body of a human, but the head of a dog and are covered in fur from head to toe. Describing an average canin is difficult due to the wide variety of them. Canin come in many “breeds” (as many as dogs do in fact) and each breed can vary greatly in size. They can be as smaller than a gnome or larger than a troll and everywhere in between. Canin place great value in honesty, integrity, and loyalty. Like dogs, Canin are fiercely loyal to their friends. Some are loyal to a fault. However, if one betrays or severely violates a Canin’s moral code, it is possible to lose their loyalty, but only if the act was severe enough to destroy the friendship (something that Canin do not take well at all). Evil Canin are extremely rare. The few that exist (that aren’t undead or, in one extremely rare and tragically ironic case, a werewolf) are that way because of tragic circumstances in their past, usually multiple instances of abuse or betrayal by those they trusted. Most Canin are hard working and quite happy to do physically demanding jobs, although some of the larger breeds are known to be a bit lazy. Canin seem to have a readiness to fight inversely related to size. The smaller the Canin, the more feisty and ready for a fight they seem to be (although most will end up hiding behind a larger friend when the one they challenge seems to accept). Smaller breeds of Canin also seem to have more dominant personalities. It is not uncommon to see a group of troll sized Canin taking orders from a gnome sized one. Their senses of hearing and smell are extraordinary, making them excellent trackers and leading more than a few to pursue the career of a woodsman or a bounty hunter. There are too many breeds of Canin to stat each one individually, but they can be easily divided into four categories: Toy, Miniature, Standard, and Giant. While they are all the same species, some of the racial features may differ between the different categories. Most will be the same, but attributes will differ.
Canin can best be described as dogmen. They have the body of a human, but the head of a dog and are covered in fur from head to toe. Describing an average canin is difficult due to the wide variety of them. Canin come in many “breeds” (as many as dogs do in fact) and each breed can vary greatly in size. They can be as smaller than a gnome or larger than a troll and everywhere in between. Canin place great value in honesty, integrity, and loyalty. Like dogs, Canin are fiercely loyal to their friends. Some are loyal to a fault. However, if one betrays or severely violates a Canin’s moral code, it is possible to lose their loyalty, but only if the act was severe enough to destroy the friendship (something that Canin do not take well at all). Evil Canin are extremely rare. The few that exist (that aren’t undead or, in one extremely rare and tragically ironic case, a werewolf) are that way because of tragic circumstances in their past, usually multiple instances of abuse or betrayal by those they trusted. Most Canin are hard working and quite happy to do physically demanding jobs, although some of the larger breeds are known to be a bit lazy. Canin seem to have a readiness to fight inversely related to size. The smaller the Canin, the more feisty and ready for a fight they seem to be (although most will end up hiding behind a larger friend when the one they challenge seems to accept). Smaller breeds of Canin also seem to have more dominant personalities. It is not uncommon to see a group of troll sized Canin taking orders from a gnome sized one. Their senses of hearing and smell are extraordinary, making them excellent trackers and leading more than a few to pursue the career of a woodsman or a bounty hunter. There are too many breeds of Canin to stat each one individually, but they can be easily divided into five categories: Toy, Miniature, Standard, Large, and Giant. While they are all the same species, some of the racial features may differ between the different categories. Most will be the same, but attributes will differ.
The Toy Canin are the smallest of the Canin subcategories. Breeds among Toy Canin include such small dog types as the Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Toy Poodle, Papillon, Pug, Shih Tzu, Yorkie, and any other breeds along those size ranges. When creating a Toy Canin character, you can choose a breed for your character to be at character creation or just stick with the basic race as is and call yourself a mutt. Some breeds may have additional abilities that are added onto the basic race.
The Toy Canin are the smallest of the Canin subcategories. Breeds among Toy Canin include such small dog types as the Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Toy Poodle, Papillon, Pug, Shih Tzu, Yorkie, and any other breeds along those size ranges. When creating a Toy Canin character, you can choose a breed for your character to be at character creation or just stick with the basic race as is and call yourself a mutt. Some breeds may have additional abilities that are added onto the basic race.
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|attribfluff=oy Canin are quick and tough, but are not particularly wise or strong.
|attribfluff=Toy Canin are quick and tough, but are not particularly wise or strong.
|subtype=<!-- Racial subtype(s), if they have any. Not required. -->
|typefluff=<!-- Fluff about why they are this type. Not required. -->
|size= Tiny: As a tiny creature, a toy canin gains a +2 size bonus to Armor Class, a +2 size bonus on attacks rolls, and a +8 size bonus on hide checks.  However, he takes a -8 size penalty on grapple checks,  has a carrying capacity of 1/2 that of a Medium size creature and a Reach of 0
|size= Tiny: As a tiny creature, a toy canin gains a +2 size bonus to Armor Class, a +2 size bonus on attacks rolls, and a +8 size bonus on hide checks.  However, he takes a -8 size penalty on grapple checks,  has a carrying capacity of 1/2 that of a Medium size creature and a Reach of 0
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|specialtext6=Triple damage from Sonic Attacks
|specialtext6= Chocolate is bad for Canin.  If ingested, it is treated as a Poison, specifically Black Adder Venom with a DC of 20
|special6=Greater Sonic Vulnerability
|special6=Chocolate Vulnerability
|specialtext7= Like their canine cousins, all Canin have a severe allergy to chocolateWhen making physical contact with chocolate, whether being struck by a weapon made (unlikely) of coated with it or possibly even just touching it (for an especially severe case), they must make a DC 25 Fortitude SaveIf the save succeeds, nothing happensIf the save fails, they immediately take 4 points of Constitution damage.  If chocolate is actually consumed, it is treated as a poison.  The Canin must make 2 DC 25 Fortitude SavesIf either save fails, they immediately take 4 points of Constitution damage, a total of 8 if both saves fail
|specialtext7=Canin are an extremely diverse race.  In addition to the basic race, there are also several different breeds.  When creating a Canin character, you can stick with the basic race or choose a breed and apply it like a mini template, changing a few abilities and other aspects.  I left the names of the breeds the same as they really are (mostly for simplicity), so name changes may be required.  Just use whatever name would be the best fit for your setting
|special7=Greater Vulnerability: Chocolate
'''Affenpinscher:''' The Affenpinscher doesn’t have the full chip on its shoulder attitude of other toy breeds.  However, if threatened or attacked, they are completely fearless and will not back down from a challenge, but otherwise they are very friendly and affable, gaining +2 Charisma and -2 Wisdom,
'''American Eskimo Dog (Toy)''': American Eskimos are friendly, intelligent, and inquisitive.  They are wary of strangers and take time to warm up to people they don’t know, but quickly make friends once they do.  They love to work, learn, and investigate.  American Eskimos gain a +2 Racial Bonus to Gather Information checks and Investigator and Cold Endurance as a bonus feats,
'''American Hairless Terrier (Toy)''': Toy American Hairless Terriers are intelligent and curious Canin.  They are also stronger and more athletic than most Toys, and are quite graceful, doing well in activities requiring agility.  However, they retain a strong primitive prey drive, causing them to be rather aggressive at times, which can be off putting to people.  Their Ability Modifiers at character creation change to +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, and -2 Charisma instead of the basic Toy Breed modifiers.  Additionally, they are not strong swimmers at all.  They do not add their strength modifier to Swim checks and take a -10 Racial Penalty to Swim
'''Brussels Griffon''': Brussels Griffons are known for their big hearts.  They are alert, inquisitive, playful, and highly affectionate and love to snuggle (much to the discomfort of some of their companions).  It is best to not reject a Brussels’ need for snuggling, because they are emotionally sensitive and won’t take the rejection well.  However, they display a visible air of self-importance and are fairly impatient.  They get along well with others, but have no concept of their own relative size and may attempt to dominate creatures much larger than themselves.  Brussels Griffons gain an additional +2 Intelligence and -2 Wisdom.  They also get a +2 Racial Bonus to Bluff and Intimidate checks, and Iron Will and Persuasive as Bonus Feats.  They add Wizard as a Bonus Favored Class
'''Chihuahua''': Chihuahuas are the smallest breed of Canin, but they do not acknowledge their own small stature.  In fact, they seem to have the biggest chip on their shoulders of all the Toy breeds.  They are quick to anger and even quicker to attack.  They are quite quick though, able to dog a lot of strikes.  Due to these, they gain an additional +2 Dexterity and -2 Wisdom.  If properly befriended, this temper can be mitigated somewhat.  Chihuahuas are born with a molera, a soft spot in the skull.  Their skulls finish developing over time, with the molera filling in after their first six months.  However, there is a 20% chance that the molera does not close completely (roll a percentile die at character creation to determine if this happens or not).  If this happens, they are exceptionally vulnerable to head trauma.  If a Chihuahua with an unclosed molera is subject to a critical hit, there is a 20% chance that the attack strikes them in their weak spot.  If this happens, most of the time they take quadruple damage, but there is a 10% chance that the attack will kill them outright.  Chihuahua Canin love to create private dens and safe spots, whether in a trash pile, pile of clothing, bed sheets, or in the dirt.  They gain a Burrow Speed of 10 feet.
'''Chinese Crested''': Chinese Cresteds actually come in 2 varieties: Hairless and Powderpuff.  However, they are the same breed as both variations can be found in the same litters.  Chinese Cresteds are naturally hairless, but when born, each individual has a 25% chance of having a long silky coat.  Roll a percentile die at character creation to determine whether your Crested Canin is a Hairless or Powderpuff.  Many consider the Hairless Crested to be rather ugly, but think the Powderpuff is quite cute.  As such, Hairless Chinese Cresteds have -2 Charisma, whereas Powderpuffs have a +2 Charisma.  Chinese Cresteds in general are very quick and agile, gaining +10 Base Speed.  They are known for having nervous and neurotic personalities, giving them a -4 penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive.  Additionally, they are vulnerable to cold temperatures and neither variation does well in cold weather.  An unprotected Crested in cold weather (below 40° F) must make a Fortitude save every 10 minutes (DC 15, + 1 per previous check) or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. A character who has the Survival skill may receive a bonus on this saving throw and may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well (see the skill Description).
In conditions of severe cold or exposure (below 0° F), an unprotected Crested must make a Fortitude save once every minute (DC 15, +1 per previous check), taking 1d6 points of nonlethal damage on each failed save. A character who has the Survival skill may receive a bonus on this saving throw and may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well (see the skill description). Characters wearing winter clothing only need check once per hour for cold and exposure damage. A character who takes any nonlethal damage from cold or exposure is beset by frostbite or hypothermia (treat her as fatigued). These penalties end when the character recovers the nonlethal damage she took from the cold and exposure.
Extreme cold (below -20° F) deals 1d6 points of lethal damage per minute (no save). In addition, a character must make a Fortitude save (DC 15, +1 per previous check) or take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. Those wearing metal armor or coming into contact with very cold metal are affected as if by a chill metal spell.  Despite this, Chinese Crested Canin emit so much body heat that they are like living space heaters.  While this does nothing for them, any companions who maintain physical contact with a Crested are treated as having the Cold Endurance Feat for the duration of the contact.  They emit so much body heat though, that those maintaining contact may begin to feel too hot, even starting to sweatAfter 10 minutes of physical contact, those who have been maintaining it must begin making Fortitude Saves DC 10+1 for every minute after 5.  If the save fails, they have gotten too hot and must break the contact to cool down for a number of minutes equal to however long they maintained contact after the first 5.  Breaking contact may not be that easy though, since the Crested will have been enjoying the warmth from their companion and will attempt to close the distance to maintain the contact.  Cresteds do not have this same problem with heat.  They gain Heat Endurance as a bonus feat
'''English Toy Spaniel''': The English Toy Spaniel, also known as the King Charles Spaniel, is a very friendly creature who lacks the issues of some of the other Toys.  They love being around others, doesn’t like being left alone, and enjoys just staying in and conversing with company.  They have an aristocratic bearing, but are not snobbish at all.  Their bodies are squat and compact, slowing their reflexes slightly.  Their Ability Bonuses at character creation change to +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -4 Strength, -2 Wisdom.  They also gain a +2 Racial Bonus on Diplomacy checks.  Their Favored Class changes to Noble (any version) or Bard.
'''Havanese''': The Havanese is a very friendly Canin and most consider them to be incredibly cute.  They are somewhat squat in stature and their arms are slightly shorter than normal for most breeds of their size, which dampens their reflexes and slows them down.  Their Ability Bonuses at character creation change to +4 Charisma, +2 Constitution, -2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom.  They gain a +2 Racial bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks and Persuasive and Puppy Dog Eyes as Bonus Feats.  Havanese Canin have been known to make a living as circus performers.  As natural showmen, their Favored Class changes to Bard,
'''Italian Greyhound''': Italian Greyhounds automatically apply the Canin Sighthound Template at character creation, granting them a +1 Level Adjustment.  Their Favored Class changes to Ranger
'''Japanese Chin''': The Japanese Chin Canin is a very friendly breed, lacking the aggressive need to prove themselves of the other Toys, and are also quite intelligent.  Like their canine namesake, they are remarkably cat-like in that they are alert and independent creatures, but also in their preference for heights, remarkable balance, and tendency to hide in unexpected places.  They are known for several health problems, though.  Their Ability Bonuses at character creation change to +2 Charisma, +2 Intelligence, +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution, and -2 Wisdom. They also gain a +4 Racial Bonus to Balance, Hide, and Move Silently checks.  They are natural entertainers and are well known for the Chin Spin, in which they turn around in rapid circles; dancing with their hands clasped together, in the air; and some even "sing", a noise that can range from a low trill to a higher, almost operatic noise.  They always have Performance (Chin Spin) as a Class Skill.  Their Favored Class changes to Bard,
'''Maltese''': Maltese Canin are incredibly happy-go-lucky and exceptionally friendly.  They do not posses the same chip on their shoulder, need to prove themselves attitude as other Toy Breeds, granting them a +2 Charisma.  They have lively personalities are are natural hams, loving to show off.  Maltese Canin absolutely adore humanoids, especially humans, and go out of their way to befriend and spend as much time with them as possible.  Maltese Canin are pretty much fearless, assuming that everyone they meet (humanoid, animal, monster, dragon, etc) is a friend.  Due to their sweet nature and humanoids finding them cute, they are very good at getting their way, even if the person in question had no intention of spoiling their little Canin friend.  They gain a +2 Racial Bonus to Diplomacy and Persuasive and Puppy Dog Eyes as Bonus Feats.  Their Favored Class changes to Bard,
'''Manchester Terrier (Toy)''': Toy Manchester Terriers are high-spirited, very intelligent, and cunning creatures who are very eager to learn.  They are alert, lively, and highly energetic.  Like most terriers, Toy Manchester Terriers are quite vocal.  In fact, they are even more excessively chatty than other terrier breeds and love to socialize.  In fact, their love of gossip and conversation rivals even that of the Brass Dragon.  They are nowhere near as aggressive as other Toy breeds, but they are warriors through and through and especially enjoy taking on small rodents.  They have a tendency to collect the remains of a kill as a trophy, believing that the spoils of war belong to them.  Toy Manchester Terriers gain a +2 Racial Bonus to Survival checks, all Knowledge checks, and Craft (Taxidermy) checks.  They also get Snatch Trophy as a Bonus Feat, Trophy Collector as a Bonus Feat at 3rd level (as long as they meet the prerequisite), and Favored Enemy (Rodents), even if not a Ranger.  If they are a Ranger, they gain it as a bonus Favored Enemy.  They add Fighter or Ranger (player’s choice) as a Bonus Favored Class
'''Miniature Dachshund''' (qualifies for the Canin Scent Hound Template if desired): Miniature Dachshunds are extremely loyal to their friends, but are wary of strangers and take time to warm up to others, granting them a +2 Bonus to Will saves against Fear Effects.  They are stubborn and fearless, not afraid to take on larger foes.  They are highly intelligent, but their short, stubby legs and long body slow their reflexes.  Their Ability Bonuses at character creation change to +2 Intelligence, +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength, -4 Dexterity.  This body structure does make them more maneuverable when digging through tunnels.  Miniature Dachshunds gain Favored Enemy (Badgers), even if not a Ranger.  If they are a Ranger, then they gain it as a bonus Favored Enemy.  They are also excellent diggers, gaining a Burrow Speed of 20 and they may “burrow” into the sheets of a large bed.,
'''Miniature Pinscher''': Miniature Pinschers are assertive, outgoing, active, and independent creatures.  They possess a stately appearance and a self-assured attitude, earning them the nickname the “King of Toys”.  They take the title very seriously, but crave attention and are willing to play class clown and make fools out of themselves to get it.  They are highly suspicious of strangers and completely fearless when facing down a threat, real or imagined.  They are highly energetic and love putting their athleticism to the test.  Min Pins are highly curious creatures and love to investigate anything and everything.  They gain a +2 Racial Bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Search checks and Investigator, Negotiator, and Persuasive as Bonus Feats.  They are great escape artists.  They always get Escape Artist as a Class Skill and gain a +4 Racial Bonus to Escape Artist checks.  Their Favored Class changes to Noble (any version) and Fighter,
'''Norwich Terrier''': Norwich Terriers lack the aggressive tendencies of some of the other Toys.  They are actually quite friendly and intelligent.  They are also incredibly courageous to the point of being overconfident and highly energetic.  Their Ability modifiers at character creation change to +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, +2 Dexterity, -4 Strength, and -2 Wisdom.  They are constantly hungry and will eat anything edible, granting them a +4 to Fortitude Saves versus spoiled foodsTheir Favored Class changes to Sorcerer,
'''Papillon''': Papillons are friendly and confident, mostly lacking the aggressive tendencies of some other Toys, although they do appear if the individual in question had a rough puppyhood.  They gain a +2 Charisma.  Papillons gain Heat Endurance as a bonus featHowever, they are highly susceptible to cold, taking 4 additional points of damage from failed saves in cold environments.
'''Pekingese''': The Pekingese has a self-important attitude and greets everyone with dignity and pride.  Their ancestors were the companions and guardians of royalty, a fact that they are fully aware of and continue to demand the respect such a position holds today  They may not be completely justified in their attitudes since the royal families they once served are long gone.  This is mainly because the Pekingese is an ancient breed and is in fact one of the oldest breeds of Canin in existence.  They are very intelligent, but they are also independent and incredibly stubborn, considering themselves to be in charge of any situation.  Anybody who feels they are a better leader must persuade them that doing what the new leader wants is to their advantage.  This is a difficult task as the person who wants to be or is actually in charge must prove their worth before the Pekingese will defer to any other authority (royalty being the exception).  Despite this they are loving creatures and very affectionate with those they care about.  However, they are aloof, almost wary of strangers.  Pekingese are exceptionally brave, sometimes to the point of being foolhardy, and will defend their friends and family to the death if needed.  Pekingese don’t always get along well with other Canin.  They have a somewhat elitist attitude and prefer the company of other Pekingese.  However, once they warm up to others, they can become best friends with other Canin and various creatures and include them in their royal groupBecause they originated in a mountainous and cold environment, Pekingese are quite tolerant of cold weather.  This is mainly due to their hair, which is so long that they often look like they are just a bunch of flowing hair with a face and it’s sometimes difficult to distinguish where the limbs actually are.  Pekingese always have Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (Royalty and Nobility) as Class Skills, gain a +4 Racial Bonus to Knowledge (Royalty and Nobility), a +2 Racial Bonus to Diplomacy, and Cold Endurance, Iron Will and Skill Focus (Knowledge: Royalty and Nobility) as Bonus Feats.  Their Favored Class changes to Noble (any version) and Fighter, Paladin, or Warblade (player’s choice).  Pekingese rarely every take Barbarian as they consider that class to be beneath them.
'''Pomeranian''': Pomeranians are friendly and intelligent creatures, but still possess the need to prove themselves that other Toys suffer from.  They are fairly territorial and not afraid to defend their perceived territories from threats, real or imagined.  Despite the aggressive tendencies, many people find them incredibly cute due to their fluffy coats and fox-like faces.  Their Ability modifiers at character creation change to +2 Dexterity, + Constitution, +2 Charisma, +2 Intelligence, -4 Strength, and -4 Wisdom.  Pomeranians are sociable and extroverted.  They love being the center of attention, gaining a +2 Racial Bonus to Diplomacy checks and Puppy Dog Eyes as a Bonus Feat.  They add Crusader as a Bonus Favored Class,
'''Poodle (Toy)''': Poodles are highly intelligent, loyal, and mischievous.  Despite their regal appearance, Poodles have a goofy streak and love to play, being up for a game of any kind.  They are loyal and affectionate with friends and family, but they take a while to warm up to new people.  Poodles as a whole are the second smartest of all the Canin (second only to the Border Collie).  They are amazingly clever, learn fast, and have great memories.  Despite this, Toy Poodles still sometimes carry the same chip on their shoulder as other Toy Breeds.  Their Ability Bonuses at character creation change to +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +4 Intelligence, -4 Strength, -4 Wisdom.  They gain a +4 Racial Bonus on all Knowledge checks and Jack of All Trades and Able Learner (eliminating the Racial Requirement) as Bonus Feats.  They add Wizard or Archivist (player’s choice) as a Bonus Favored Class
'''Pug''': Pugs lack the aggressive tendencies and need to prove themselves that other Toys posses.  They are very friendly, charming, strong willed, and sociable creatures.  They are fairly muscular, making them stronger than other Toys, but they have pretty squat bodies and are known to be lazy.  They are also known to suffer from several health problems. Their Ability modifiers at character creation change to +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -4 Constitution, and -2 Dexterity.  Pugs gain Iron Will as a bonus feat.  Their Favored Class changes to Factotum,
'''Shih Tzu''': Shih Tzu’s are friendlier than many other Toys, mostly lacking their more aggressive tendencies.  They are, however, incredibly stubborn and getting one to do something it doesn’t want to is incredibly difficult.  They are also less agile than some others.  Their ability modifiers at character creation change to +2 Charisma, +2 Wisdom, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Strength.  Additionally, they gain Iron Will as a Bonus Feat.  Shih Tzu’s are very trusting of others, granting them a -8 Racial Penalty on Sense Motive checks.  Their Favored Class changes to Druid
'''Silky Terrier''': Silky Terriers are friendly, intelligent, and self-assured.  Despite their small size, they are born hunters and love to chase small animals.  They are also fearless and won’t back down from a fight no matter how badly the odds are stacked against them.  They love humanoids and are known for sticking close to their friends and following them closely.  Silky Terriers gain a +2 Racial Bonus on Knowledge (Nature) and Survival checks and Self-Sufficient, Skill Focus (Survival), and Track as Bonus Feats.  They gain Ranger as a Bonus Favored Class
'''Tibetan Spaniel''': Tibetan Spaniels are highly intelligent, independent, assertive, and alert creatures.  They are strangely cat-like canin and love to climb on anything, especially if doing so gives them a better view.  They are very affectionate with those they care about, but tend to be aloof with strangers.  They are empathetic and can often determine the moods and feelings of others easily.  The independence of Tibetan Spaniels manifests itself as a wanderlust.  They love to wander off and explore, making adventuring second nature to them.  Their Ability Bonuses at character creation change to +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -4 Strength, -2 Wisdom.  They gain a +2 Racial Bonus on Handle Animal and Survival checks, a +4 Racial Bonus on Balance and Climb checks, and Agile, Athletic, Self-Sufficient, and Skill Focus (Climb) as Bonus Feats.  They gain Ranger or Druid (player’s choice) as a Bonus Favored Class
'''Toy Fox Terrier''': Toy Fox Terriers are highly intelligent, athletic, loyal and protective.  They seem to be unaware of their small stature and have no problems with challenging larger creatures, especially other Canin.  They are extremely loyal and protective of those they care about, but aloof to strangers.  Their protectiveness is incredibly persistent, often turning away challengers who feel that getting passed them is not worth the effort.  They enjoy the company of humans so much that they seem to want to be human rather than a Canin.  Toy Fox Terriers gain a +2 Racial Bonus on Bluff and Intimidate checks, Iron Will and Persuasive as Bonus Feats, and Favored Enemy (squirrels), even if not a Ranger.  If they are a Ranger, they gain it as a Bonus Favored Enemy.  They add Fighter as a Bonus Favored Class
'''Xoloitzcuintli (Toy)''': The Xoloitzcuintil, also known as the Mexican Hairless, is a naturally hairless breed, although there is a 25% chance of them being born with a short fuzzy coat.  Roll a percentile die at character creation to determine if they are hairless or notIn either variation, they are considered to be rather ugly creatures, granting them an additional -4 Charisma
'''Yorkshire Terrier''': Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies, are not as aggressive as other Toys, lacking the need to prove themselves that some exhibit.  However, they are very overprotective of those they care about and the aggressive tendencies come out when they are defending against a perceived threat.  They are also intelligent and quick learners, picking up skills easily.  Their Ability modifiers at character creation change to +2 Intelligence, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution, and -2 Strength.  They gain Jack of All Trades as a bonus feat and their Favored Class changes to Factotum,
|specialtype7=Ex.  Optional
|bonuslanguage= Any (except for secret languages, such as Druidic)
|bonuslanguage= Any (except for secret languages, such as Druidic)

Revision as of 02:47, 23 February 2017

Author: Halloweenman33 (talk)
Date Created: February 21 2017
Status: Finished but open to improvement suggestions. Feel free to contribute. If you have a breed that you would like to add, feel free do so
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Canin, Toy

Canin look like an anthropromorphic version of a dog. The exact appearance will vary depending on what breed they are.


Canin are generally friendly. They are extremely loyal to their friends, often to a fault. Toy Canin feel that they have something to prove due to their size. They are often pushy, aggressive, overconfident, and obnoxious, but can be agreeable when they feel like it

Physical Description

Canin can best be described as dogmen. They have the body of a human, but the head of a dog and are covered in fur from head to toe. Describing an average canin is difficult due to the wide variety of them. Canin come in many “breeds” (as many as dogs do in fact) and each breed can vary greatly in size. They can be as smaller than a gnome or larger than a troll and everywhere in between. Canin place great value in honesty, integrity, and loyalty. Like dogs, Canin are fiercely loyal to their friends. Some are loyal to a fault. However, if one betrays or severely violates a Canin’s moral code, it is possible to lose their loyalty, but only if the act was severe enough to destroy the friendship (something that Canin do not take well at all). Evil Canin are extremely rare. The few that exist (that aren’t undead or, in one extremely rare and tragically ironic case, a werewolf) are that way because of tragic circumstances in their past, usually multiple instances of abuse or betrayal by those they trusted. Most Canin are hard working and quite happy to do physically demanding jobs, although some of the larger breeds are known to be a bit lazy. Canin seem to have a readiness to fight inversely related to size. The smaller the Canin, the more feisty and ready for a fight they seem to be (although most will end up hiding behind a larger friend when the one they challenge seems to accept). Smaller breeds of Canin also seem to have more dominant personalities. It is not uncommon to see a group of troll sized Canin taking orders from a gnome sized one. Their senses of hearing and smell are extraordinary, making them excellent trackers and leading more than a few to pursue the career of a woodsman or a bounty hunter. There are too many breeds of Canin to stat each one individually, but they can be easily divided into five categories: Toy, Miniature, Standard, Large, and Giant. While they are all the same species, some of the racial features may differ between the different categories. Most will be the same, but attributes will differ. The Toy Canin are the smallest of the Canin subcategories. Breeds among Toy Canin include such small dog types as the Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Toy Poodle, Papillon, Pug, Shih Tzu, Yorkie, and any other breeds along those size ranges. When creating a Toy Canin character, you can choose a breed for your character to be at character creation or just stick with the basic race as is and call yourself a mutt. Some breeds may have additional abilities that are added onto the basic race.


Canin get along with most of the other races. They are especially friendly with humans. Dwarves and elves find the Toy Canin annoying, but are willing to put up with them. Canin are a bit leery of half-orcs, but are more open minded than other races and are willing to give individuals a chance, often warming up to them and in the case of the Toy Canin, trying to dominate them. They dislike the drow, orcs, and other monstrous evil races for their cruel ways, but are sometimes willing to give individuals a chance to prove themselves. Either that or challenge them to a fight


Usually Chaotic Good


Similar to humans, canin are all over the place.


Canin are generally not particularly religious, but they tend to prefer to worship nature deities




Their names are as varied as those of humans and normal dogs

Racial Traits

  • +4 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -4 Strength, -2 Wisdom: Toy Canin are quick and tough, but are not particularly wise or strong.
  • Humanoid (Anthro) 
  • Canin, Toy base land speed is 15 feet.  
  • +2 Racial Bonus on Spot checks 
  • +4 Racial Bonus on Listen checks 
  • +4 Racial Bonus on Survival when tracking by scent 
  • Scent 
  • Too Trusting (Ex): -2 on saving throws against charm/compulsion: Canin are naturally friendly and like to give people the benefit of the doubt. This makes them more susceptible to charm and compulsion effects 
  • Chocolate Vulnerability (Ex): Chocolate is bad for Canin. If ingested, it is treated as a Poison, specifically Black Adder Venom with a DC of 20 
  • Breeds: Canin are an extremely diverse race. In addition to the basic race, there are also several different breeds. When creating a Canin character, you can stick with the basic race or choose a breed and apply it like a mini template, changing a few abilities and other aspects. I left the names of the breeds the same as they really are (mostly for simplicity), so name changes may be required. Just use whatever name would be the best fit for your setting

Affenpinscher: The Affenpinscher doesn’t have the full chip on its shoulder attitude of other toy breeds. However, if threatened or attacked, they are completely fearless and will not back down from a challenge, but otherwise they are very friendly and affable, gaining +2 Charisma and -2 Wisdom,

American Eskimo Dog (Toy): American Eskimos are friendly, intelligent, and inquisitive. They are wary of strangers and take time to warm up to people they don’t know, but quickly make friends once they do. They love to work, learn, and investigate. American Eskimos gain a +2 Racial Bonus to Gather Information checks and Investigator and Cold Endurance as a bonus feats,

American Hairless Terrier (Toy): Toy American Hairless Terriers are intelligent and curious Canin. They are also stronger and more athletic than most Toys, and are quite graceful, doing well in activities requiring agility. However, they retain a strong primitive prey drive, causing them to be rather aggressive at times, which can be off putting to people. Their Ability Modifiers at character creation change to +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, and -2 Charisma instead of the basic Toy Breed modifiers. Additionally, they are not strong swimmers at all. They do not add their strength modifier to Swim checks and take a -10 Racial Penalty to Swim

Brussels Griffon: Brussels Griffons are known for their big hearts. They are alert, inquisitive, playful, and highly affectionate and love to snuggle (much to the discomfort of some of their companions). It is best to not reject a Brussels’ need for snuggling, because they are emotionally sensitive and won’t take the rejection well. However, they display a visible air of self-importance and are fairly impatient. They get along well with others, but have no concept of their own relative size and may attempt to dominate creatures much larger than themselves. Brussels Griffons gain an additional +2 Intelligence and -2 Wisdom. They also get a +2 Racial Bonus to Bluff and Intimidate checks, and Iron Will and Persuasive as Bonus Feats. They add Wizard as a Bonus Favored Class

Chihuahua: Chihuahuas are the smallest breed of Canin, but they do not acknowledge their own small stature. In fact, they seem to have the biggest chip on their shoulders of all the Toy breeds. They are quick to anger and even quicker to attack. They are quite quick though, able to dog a lot of strikes. Due to these, they gain an additional +2 Dexterity and -2 Wisdom. If properly befriended, this temper can be mitigated somewhat. Chihuahuas are born with a molera, a soft spot in the skull. Their skulls finish developing over time, with the molera filling in after their first six months. However, there is a 20% chance that the molera does not close completely (roll a percentile die at character creation to determine if this happens or not). If this happens, they are exceptionally vulnerable to head trauma. If a Chihuahua with an unclosed molera is subject to a critical hit, there is a 20% chance that the attack strikes them in their weak spot. If this happens, most of the time they take quadruple damage, but there is a 10% chance that the attack will kill them outright. Chihuahua Canin love to create private dens and safe spots, whether in a trash pile, pile of clothing, bed sheets, or in the dirt. They gain a Burrow Speed of 10 feet.

Chinese Crested: Chinese Cresteds actually come in 2 varieties: Hairless and Powderpuff. However, they are the same breed as both variations can be found in the same litters. Chinese Cresteds are naturally hairless, but when born, each individual has a 25% chance of having a long silky coat. Roll a percentile die at character creation to determine whether your Crested Canin is a Hairless or Powderpuff. Many consider the Hairless Crested to be rather ugly, but think the Powderpuff is quite cute. As such, Hairless Chinese Cresteds have -2 Charisma, whereas Powderpuffs have a +2 Charisma. Chinese Cresteds in general are very quick and agile, gaining +10 Base Speed. They are known for having nervous and neurotic personalities, giving them a -4 penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive. Additionally, they are vulnerable to cold temperatures and neither variation does well in cold weather. An unprotected Crested in cold weather (below 40° F) must make a Fortitude save every 10 minutes (DC 15, + 1 per previous check) or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. A character who has the Survival skill may receive a bonus on this saving throw and may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well (see the skill Description). In conditions of severe cold or exposure (below 0° F), an unprotected Crested must make a Fortitude save once every minute (DC 15, +1 per previous check), taking 1d6 points of nonlethal damage on each failed save. A character who has the Survival skill may receive a bonus on this saving throw and may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well (see the skill description). Characters wearing winter clothing only need check once per hour for cold and exposure damage. A character who takes any nonlethal damage from cold or exposure is beset by frostbite or hypothermia (treat her as fatigued). These penalties end when the character recovers the nonlethal damage she took from the cold and exposure. Extreme cold (below -20° F) deals 1d6 points of lethal damage per minute (no save). In addition, a character must make a Fortitude save (DC 15, +1 per previous check) or take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. Those wearing metal armor or coming into contact with very cold metal are affected as if by a chill metal spell. Despite this, Chinese Crested Canin emit so much body heat that they are like living space heaters. While this does nothing for them, any companions who maintain physical contact with a Crested are treated as having the Cold Endurance Feat for the duration of the contact. They emit so much body heat though, that those maintaining contact may begin to feel too hot, even starting to sweat. After 10 minutes of physical contact, those who have been maintaining it must begin making Fortitude Saves DC 10+1 for every minute after 5. If the save fails, they have gotten too hot and must break the contact to cool down for a number of minutes equal to however long they maintained contact after the first 5. Breaking contact may not be that easy though, since the Crested will have been enjoying the warmth from their companion and will attempt to close the distance to maintain the contact. Cresteds do not have this same problem with heat. They gain Heat Endurance as a bonus feat

English Toy Spaniel: The English Toy Spaniel, also known as the King Charles Spaniel, is a very friendly creature who lacks the issues of some of the other Toys. They love being around others, doesn’t like being left alone, and enjoys just staying in and conversing with company. They have an aristocratic bearing, but are not snobbish at all. Their bodies are squat and compact, slowing their reflexes slightly. Their Ability Bonuses at character creation change to +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -4 Strength, -2 Wisdom. They also gain a +2 Racial Bonus on Diplomacy checks. Their Favored Class changes to Noble (any version) or Bard.

Havanese: The Havanese is a very friendly Canin and most consider them to be incredibly cute. They are somewhat squat in stature and their arms are slightly shorter than normal for most breeds of their size, which dampens their reflexes and slows them down. Their Ability Bonuses at character creation change to +4 Charisma, +2 Constitution, -2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom. They gain a +2 Racial bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks and Persuasive and Puppy Dog Eyes as Bonus Feats. Havanese Canin have been known to make a living as circus performers. As natural showmen, their Favored Class changes to Bard,

Italian Greyhound: Italian Greyhounds automatically apply the Canin Sighthound Template at character creation, granting them a +1 Level Adjustment. Their Favored Class changes to Ranger

Japanese Chin: The Japanese Chin Canin is a very friendly breed, lacking the aggressive need to prove themselves of the other Toys, and are also quite intelligent. Like their canine namesake, they are remarkably cat-like in that they are alert and independent creatures, but also in their preference for heights, remarkable balance, and tendency to hide in unexpected places. They are known for several health problems, though. Their Ability Bonuses at character creation change to +2 Charisma, +2 Intelligence, +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution, and -2 Wisdom. They also gain a +4 Racial Bonus to Balance, Hide, and Move Silently checks. They are natural entertainers and are well known for the Chin Spin, in which they turn around in rapid circles; dancing with their hands clasped together, in the air; and some even "sing", a noise that can range from a low trill to a higher, almost operatic noise. They always have Performance (Chin Spin) as a Class Skill. Their Favored Class changes to Bard,

Maltese: Maltese Canin are incredibly happy-go-lucky and exceptionally friendly. They do not posses the same chip on their shoulder, need to prove themselves attitude as other Toy Breeds, granting them a +2 Charisma. They have lively personalities are are natural hams, loving to show off. Maltese Canin absolutely adore humanoids, especially humans, and go out of their way to befriend and spend as much time with them as possible. Maltese Canin are pretty much fearless, assuming that everyone they meet (humanoid, animal, monster, dragon, etc) is a friend. Due to their sweet nature and humanoids finding them cute, they are very good at getting their way, even if the person in question had no intention of spoiling their little Canin friend. They gain a +2 Racial Bonus to Diplomacy and Persuasive and Puppy Dog Eyes as Bonus Feats. Their Favored Class changes to Bard,

Manchester Terrier (Toy): Toy Manchester Terriers are high-spirited, very intelligent, and cunning creatures who are very eager to learn. They are alert, lively, and highly energetic. Like most terriers, Toy Manchester Terriers are quite vocal. In fact, they are even more excessively chatty than other terrier breeds and love to socialize. In fact, their love of gossip and conversation rivals even that of the Brass Dragon. They are nowhere near as aggressive as other Toy breeds, but they are warriors through and through and especially enjoy taking on small rodents. They have a tendency to collect the remains of a kill as a trophy, believing that the spoils of war belong to them. Toy Manchester Terriers gain a +2 Racial Bonus to Survival checks, all Knowledge checks, and Craft (Taxidermy) checks. They also get Snatch Trophy as a Bonus Feat, Trophy Collector as a Bonus Feat at 3rd level (as long as they meet the prerequisite), and Favored Enemy (Rodents), even if not a Ranger. If they are a Ranger, they gain it as a bonus Favored Enemy. They add Fighter or Ranger (player’s choice) as a Bonus Favored Class

Miniature Dachshund (qualifies for the Canin Scent Hound Template if desired): Miniature Dachshunds are extremely loyal to their friends, but are wary of strangers and take time to warm up to others, granting them a +2 Bonus to Will saves against Fear Effects. They are stubborn and fearless, not afraid to take on larger foes. They are highly intelligent, but their short, stubby legs and long body slow their reflexes. Their Ability Bonuses at character creation change to +2 Intelligence, +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength, -4 Dexterity. This body structure does make them more maneuverable when digging through tunnels. Miniature Dachshunds gain Favored Enemy (Badgers), even if not a Ranger. If they are a Ranger, then they gain it as a bonus Favored Enemy. They are also excellent diggers, gaining a Burrow Speed of 20 and they may “burrow” into the sheets of a large bed.,

Miniature Pinscher: Miniature Pinschers are assertive, outgoing, active, and independent creatures. They possess a stately appearance and a self-assured attitude, earning them the nickname the “King of Toys”. They take the title very seriously, but crave attention and are willing to play class clown and make fools out of themselves to get it. They are highly suspicious of strangers and completely fearless when facing down a threat, real or imagined. They are highly energetic and love putting their athleticism to the test. Min Pins are highly curious creatures and love to investigate anything and everything. They gain a +2 Racial Bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Search checks and Investigator, Negotiator, and Persuasive as Bonus Feats. They are great escape artists. They always get Escape Artist as a Class Skill and gain a +4 Racial Bonus to Escape Artist checks. Their Favored Class changes to Noble (any version) and Fighter,

Norwich Terrier: Norwich Terriers lack the aggressive tendencies of some of the other Toys. They are actually quite friendly and intelligent. They are also incredibly courageous to the point of being overconfident and highly energetic. Their Ability modifiers at character creation change to +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, +2 Dexterity, -4 Strength, and -2 Wisdom. They are constantly hungry and will eat anything edible, granting them a +4 to Fortitude Saves versus spoiled foods. Their Favored Class changes to Sorcerer,

Papillon: Papillons are friendly and confident, mostly lacking the aggressive tendencies of some other Toys, although they do appear if the individual in question had a rough puppyhood. They gain a +2 Charisma. Papillons gain Heat Endurance as a bonus feat. However, they are highly susceptible to cold, taking 4 additional points of damage from failed saves in cold environments.

Pekingese: The Pekingese has a self-important attitude and greets everyone with dignity and pride. Their ancestors were the companions and guardians of royalty, a fact that they are fully aware of and continue to demand the respect such a position holds today They may not be completely justified in their attitudes since the royal families they once served are long gone. This is mainly because the Pekingese is an ancient breed and is in fact one of the oldest breeds of Canin in existence. They are very intelligent, but they are also independent and incredibly stubborn, considering themselves to be in charge of any situation. Anybody who feels they are a better leader must persuade them that doing what the new leader wants is to their advantage. This is a difficult task as the person who wants to be or is actually in charge must prove their worth before the Pekingese will defer to any other authority (royalty being the exception). Despite this they are loving creatures and very affectionate with those they care about. However, they are aloof, almost wary of strangers. Pekingese are exceptionally brave, sometimes to the point of being foolhardy, and will defend their friends and family to the death if needed. Pekingese don’t always get along well with other Canin. They have a somewhat elitist attitude and prefer the company of other Pekingese. However, once they warm up to others, they can become best friends with other Canin and various creatures and include them in their royal group. Because they originated in a mountainous and cold environment, Pekingese are quite tolerant of cold weather. This is mainly due to their hair, which is so long that they often look like they are just a bunch of flowing hair with a face and it’s sometimes difficult to distinguish where the limbs actually are. Pekingese always have Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (Royalty and Nobility) as Class Skills, gain a +4 Racial Bonus to Knowledge (Royalty and Nobility), a +2 Racial Bonus to Diplomacy, and Cold Endurance, Iron Will and Skill Focus (Knowledge: Royalty and Nobility) as Bonus Feats. Their Favored Class changes to Noble (any version) and Fighter, Paladin, or Warblade (player’s choice). Pekingese rarely every take Barbarian as they consider that class to be beneath them.

Pomeranian: Pomeranians are friendly and intelligent creatures, but still possess the need to prove themselves that other Toys suffer from. They are fairly territorial and not afraid to defend their perceived territories from threats, real or imagined. Despite the aggressive tendencies, many people find them incredibly cute due to their fluffy coats and fox-like faces. Their Ability modifiers at character creation change to +2 Dexterity, + Constitution, +2 Charisma, +2 Intelligence, -4 Strength, and -4 Wisdom. Pomeranians are sociable and extroverted. They love being the center of attention, gaining a +2 Racial Bonus to Diplomacy checks and Puppy Dog Eyes as a Bonus Feat. They add Crusader as a Bonus Favored Class,

Poodle (Toy): Poodles are highly intelligent, loyal, and mischievous. Despite their regal appearance, Poodles have a goofy streak and love to play, being up for a game of any kind. They are loyal and affectionate with friends and family, but they take a while to warm up to new people. Poodles as a whole are the second smartest of all the Canin (second only to the Border Collie). They are amazingly clever, learn fast, and have great memories. Despite this, Toy Poodles still sometimes carry the same chip on their shoulder as other Toy Breeds. Their Ability Bonuses at character creation change to +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +4 Intelligence, -4 Strength, -4 Wisdom. They gain a +4 Racial Bonus on all Knowledge checks and Jack of All Trades and Able Learner (eliminating the Racial Requirement) as Bonus Feats. They add Wizard or Archivist (player’s choice) as a Bonus Favored Class

Pug: Pugs lack the aggressive tendencies and need to prove themselves that other Toys posses. They are very friendly, charming, strong willed, and sociable creatures. They are fairly muscular, making them stronger than other Toys, but they have pretty squat bodies and are known to be lazy. They are also known to suffer from several health problems. Their Ability modifiers at character creation change to +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -4 Constitution, and -2 Dexterity. Pugs gain Iron Will as a bonus feat. Their Favored Class changes to Factotum,

Shih Tzu: Shih Tzu’s are friendlier than many other Toys, mostly lacking their more aggressive tendencies. They are, however, incredibly stubborn and getting one to do something it doesn’t want to is incredibly difficult. They are also less agile than some others. Their ability modifiers at character creation change to +2 Charisma, +2 Wisdom, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Strength. Additionally, they gain Iron Will as a Bonus Feat. Shih Tzu’s are very trusting of others, granting them a -8 Racial Penalty on Sense Motive checks. Their Favored Class changes to Druid

Silky Terrier: Silky Terriers are friendly, intelligent, and self-assured. Despite their small size, they are born hunters and love to chase small animals. They are also fearless and won’t back down from a fight no matter how badly the odds are stacked against them. They love humanoids and are known for sticking close to their friends and following them closely. Silky Terriers gain a +2 Racial Bonus on Knowledge (Nature) and Survival checks and Self-Sufficient, Skill Focus (Survival), and Track as Bonus Feats. They gain Ranger as a Bonus Favored Class

Tibetan Spaniel: Tibetan Spaniels are highly intelligent, independent, assertive, and alert creatures. They are strangely cat-like canin and love to climb on anything, especially if doing so gives them a better view. They are very affectionate with those they care about, but tend to be aloof with strangers. They are empathetic and can often determine the moods and feelings of others easily. The independence of Tibetan Spaniels manifests itself as a wanderlust. They love to wander off and explore, making adventuring second nature to them. Their Ability Bonuses at character creation change to +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -4 Strength, -2 Wisdom. They gain a +2 Racial Bonus on Handle Animal and Survival checks, a +4 Racial Bonus on Balance and Climb checks, and Agile, Athletic, Self-Sufficient, and Skill Focus (Climb) as Bonus Feats. They gain Ranger or Druid (player’s choice) as a Bonus Favored Class

Toy Fox Terrier: Toy Fox Terriers are highly intelligent, athletic, loyal and protective. They seem to be unaware of their small stature and have no problems with challenging larger creatures, especially other Canin. They are extremely loyal and protective of those they care about, but aloof to strangers. Their protectiveness is incredibly persistent, often turning away challengers who feel that getting passed them is not worth the effort. They enjoy the company of humans so much that they seem to want to be human rather than a Canin. Toy Fox Terriers gain a +2 Racial Bonus on Bluff and Intimidate checks, Iron Will and Persuasive as Bonus Feats, and Favored Enemy (squirrels), even if not a Ranger. If they are a Ranger, they gain it as a Bonus Favored Enemy. They add Fighter as a Bonus Favored Class

Xoloitzcuintli (Toy): The Xoloitzcuintil, also known as the Mexican Hairless, is a naturally hairless breed, although there is a 25% chance of them being born with a short fuzzy coat. Roll a percentile die at character creation to determine if they are hairless or not. In either variation, they are considered to be rather ugly creatures, granting them an additional -4 Charisma

Yorkshire Terrier: Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies, are not as aggressive as other Toys, lacking the need to prove themselves that some exhibit. However, they are very overprotective of those they care about and the aggressive tendencies come out when they are defending against a perceived threat. They are also intelligent and quick learners, picking up skills easily. Their Ability modifiers at character creation change to +2 Intelligence, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution, and -2 Strength. They gain Jack of All Trades as a bonus feat and their Favored Class changes to Factotum,

Vital Statistics

Table: Canin, Toy Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
70 years +4d6 +6d6 +10d6
Table: Canin, Toy Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
135 years 223 years 310 years +3d% years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Canin, Toy Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 1' 3" +1d4 3 lb. × (1d4) lb.
Female 1' 1" +1d4 2 lb. × (1d4) lb.

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AuthorHalloweenman33 +
Effective Character Level1 +
Favored ClassBarbarian +
Identifier3.5e Race +
Level Adjustment0 +
Racial Ability Adjustments+4 Dexterity +, +2 Constitution +, -4 Strength + and -2 Wisdom +
RatingUndiscussed +
SubtypeAnthro +
SummaryCanin look like an anthropromorphic version of a dog. The exact appearance will vary depending on what breed they are. +
TitleCanin, Toy +
TypeHumanoid +