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|prereqs=[https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/occult-adventures/occult-classes/occultist/archetypes/paizo-llc-occultist-archetypes/sha-ir-occultist-archetype/ Jin Class Feature]
|prereqs=[https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/occult-adventures/occult-classes/occultist/archetypes/paizo-llc-occultist-archetypes/sha-ir-occultist-archetype/ Jin Class Feature]
|fluff=<!-- Any non-mechanical flavor you want to show -->
|fluff=<!-- Any non-mechanical flavor you want to show -->
|benefit=Upon taking this feat, you gain the ability to bind an additional jin (to a maximum of 4 jin at 14th  level). When you regain your spells for the day, you may unbind one or more previously bound jin and bind news ones in their stead. The newly bound jin must be of the same school of magic than the previous jin, but may be of a different elemental school. You lose the spells previously granted by the Jin's elemental school, but gain a new set of spells associated with the elemental school of the newly bound jin.  
|benefit=When you regain your spells for the day, you may unbind one or more previously bound jin and bind news ones in their stead. The newly bound jin must be of the same school of magic than the previous jin, but may be of a different elemental school. You lose the spells previously granted by the Jin's elemental school, but gain a new set of spells associated with the elemental school of the newly bound jin.  
You may even accelerate this by expending 2 points of mental focus as a full-round action, rapidly unbinding a single jin and binding a new one. Any mental focus invested in jin is automatically transferred to the newly bound jin.
You may even accelerate this by expending 2 points of mental focus as a full-round action, rapidly unbinding a single jin and binding a new one. Any mental focus invested in jin is automatically transferred to the newly bound jin.

Latest revision as of 17:50, 11 December 2021

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 5th December 2021
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Jin Binder [General] Prerequisites: Jin Class FeatureBenefit: When you regain your spells for the day, you may unbind one or more previously bound jin and bind news ones in their stead. The newly bound jin must be of the same school of magic than the previous jin, but may be of a different elemental school. You lose the spells previously granted by the Jin's elemental school, but gain a new set of spells associated with the elemental school of the newly bound jin.

You may even accelerate this by expending 2 points of mental focus as a full-round action, rapidly unbinding a single jin and binding a new one. Any mental focus invested in jin is automatically transferred to the newly bound jin.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4454 Articles)
Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteJin Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryAs a Sha’ir you can bind different jins every day. +
TitleJin Binder +
TypeGeneral +