Versatile Tactician (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 10th January 2020
Status: Finished
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Versatile Tactician [General] Decima had a plan in mind: "Bin take the flank, men with me." she yelled as she executed her gambit.Prerequisites: Cavalier's Tactician class featureBenefit: When you use your Tactician class feature to grant a teamwork feat, you may grant any teamwork feat you know instead of the selected feat. You may use the tactician class feature as a move action instead of a standard action.

When you gain Master Tactician you may use Tactician as a free action. Special: This feat can be selected as a Cavalier's bonus feat.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4445 Articles)
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteCavalier's Tactician class feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryWhen using the tactician class features, you can grant any feats you know. This feat improve as the ability improve. +
TitleVersatile Tactician +
TypeGeneral +