Electricity, DR (3.5e Sphere)

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Author: Darth_Rabbitt (talk)
Date Created: June 16, 2021
Status: Mostly complete
Editing: Spelling and grammar only
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Electricity Sphere

My own take on a sphere for killing fools with electricity.


Special: You are constantly under the effect of a detect voltage spell and may use shocking grasp as a spell-like ability at will (caster level equals character level.)


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AuthorDarth_Rabbitt +
Identifier3.5e Sphere +
RatingUndiscussed +
SpecialYou are constantly under the effect of a detect voltage spell and may use shocking grasp as a spell-like ability at will (caster level equals character level.) +
Spelllightning bolt +, chain lightning +, ball lightning (SpC) +, wall of thunderbolts +, lightning strikes twice +, stasis energy field +, delilah’s dispersal current +, mighty thunderbolt +, conductor of storms + and apocalypse from the sky +
TitleElectricity, DR +
TypeFiendish + and Elemental +