Medic (3.5e NPC)

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Author: Franken Kesey (talk)
Date Created: 06/26/19
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Medic (Psyblade 12)

CR 12

CG S Humanoid
Init/Senses +1/Listen +8, Spot +8
AC 24(10+1Dex+7armor+2brackers+1size+3deflection), touch 15, flat-footed 20
hp 87 (12d8+33(Improved Toughness) HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +10/+12/+17
Speed 30'
Melee Single Powerful Accurate Attack: +3 Energy Attuned-Psionic-Deep Crystal-Power Stored (empowered energy ray)-Mind Weapon (Kukri): Attack +23/+18, Damage 1d3+8d6+11+40.5(74), Crit 18-20/x2 Type Slashing or
Melee Two Weapon Attack: 1st attack: +3 Energy Attuned-Psionic-Deep Crystal-Power Stored (empowered energy ray)-Mind Weapon (Kukri): Attack +21/+16, Damage 1d3+6d6+11+40.5(67), Crit 18-20/x2 Type Slashing; 2nd Attack: Deep Crystal-Mind Weapon (Kukri): Attack +18/+13, Damage 1d3+4d6+8(23.5), Crit 18-20/x2 Type Slashing
Ranged Thrown Mind Weapon (same as first): Attack +17/+12, Damage 1d3+8d6+11+40.5(81), Crit 18-20/x2 Type Slashing, Range 30’ or
Ranged +1 Composite Shortbow: Attack +14/+9, Damage 1d4+7(11.5), Crit 20/x3 Type Piercing Range 70’
Space/Reach 5’/5’
Base Atk/Grp +9/+4/+13
Special Actions Healing
Combat Gear Belt of Giant Strength +4, Gloves of Dexterity +2, Amulet of Health +2, Headband of Intellect +2, Periapt of Wisdom +4, Cloak of Resistance +3
Abilities Str 26, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 22, Cha 6
Feats Weapon Focus, Quicken Power, Two-Weapon Fighting (Improved), Empower Power, Psionic Meditation, Improved Toughness, Augment Healing, Overchannel, Talented
Skills Autohypnosis+13(5r+2sy), Balance+4(1r+2sy), Climb+8, Concentration+15(14r), Diplomacy+0(2sy, cross class), Escape Artist+8(5r+2race), Gather Information+0(2sy, cross class), Heal+10(4r), Hide +9(8r), Intimidate+2(4r), Jump+15(5r+2sy), Knowledge(local)+3(5r), Knowledge(nature)+5(1r+2sy, cross class payed 2), Knowledge(psionics)+7(3r+2sy), Listen+8(2race), Move Silently+7(6r), Profession+10(4r), Psicraft+3(1r), Search+3(1r), Sense Motive+11(5r), Spot+8(2race), Survival+15(7r+2race), Swim+8, Tumble+10(7r+2sy), Use Psionic Device+0(2r), Use Rope+3(2sy if escaping rope); (90 total ranks)


Character Features

Wealth and Gear

Weapons: Kukri x2 (16), +1 Composite Shortbow +6Str (2675), arrows x40 (2).

Armor and Shields: +3 Mithral-Chain Shirt (free, +7 AC), Bracers of Armor +2 (4000, +2 AC, can use weapons in same hand with no penalty), Ring of Protection +3 (free, +3 AC).

Ability and Save Modifying Items: Belt of Giant Strength +4 (16,000), Gloves of Dexterity+2 (4000), Amulet of Health +2 (4000), Headband of Intellect +2 (4000), Periapt of Wisdom +4 (16,000), Manual of Gainful Exercise +1 (27,500), Cloak of Resistance +3 (9000)

Other Gear (gold unless noted otherwise): Backpack (2) loaded with: Bedroll (-1sp), Crowbar (-2), Grappling Hook (-1), Hammer (-5 sp), Small Steel Mirror (-10), Sewing Needle (-5 sp), Cold Weather Outfit (-8), Explorer's Outfit (10), Miner’s Pick (-3), Piton x9 (-9 sp), Tent (10), Trail Rations (-4, 8 days), Silk Rope(50 ft.) x2 (-20), Waterskin x2 (-2); (-74gp total).

Gold: Spent 87,267gp, Saved 733gp, Total Available at 12th level 88,000.

Load with all gear: Kukri x2 2, Shortbow 1, Arrows x40 2, Armor 12.5, Shield 0.5, bedroll 1.25, crowbar 5, grappling hook 4, hammer 2, small steel mirror 0.5, cold weather outfit 1.75, explorer's outfit 2, miner’s pick 10, piton x9 4.5, rations x8 2, rope 10, tent 5, waterskin 2 (68.5lbs total); light load is <229.5lbs.


Powers: Level: # Known

Total Power Points: 114

  • 1st: 5
    • Control Object: Telekinetically animate a small object.
    • Detect Status: Highlight allies and enemies that are below 30% HP in a small area. With investment, will also show conditions.
    • Energy Ray: Deal 1d6 energy (cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) damage (+1d6 per extra power point).
  • Expansion:A Become one size category larger.
    • Offensive Precognition: Gain +1 insight bonus on your attack rolls (+1 attack for every 3 extra power points).
  • 2nd: 5
  • 3rd: 4
    • Serious Biological Reconstruction: Psionic touch healing, heals 3d6 damage. With investment, can heal conditions.
    • Healing Sound: You broadcast a healing sound which causes fast healing 1 in a 10’ radius. With investment, can increase healing range or power, or exclude hostile creatures.
    • Ectoplasmic Form: You gain benefits of being insubstantial and can fly slowly.
    • Telekinetic Thrust: Hurl objects with the force of your mind.
    • Virus Replication: You cause a deadly virus to quickly replicate inside the target. This deals 3d8 points of damage and rendering the target sickened for 1 round (Fortitude to halve damage and negate sickness). Also makes a preexisting disease worse.
  • 4th: 4
    • Critical Biological Reconstruction: Psionic touch healing, heals 4d6 damage. With investment, can heal conditions.
    • Cure Conditions: Cure negative conditions. With investment, heals ability damage.
    • Dimension Door: Teleports you short distance.
    • Frankenstein's Monster: IT’S ALIVE! A resurrection gone wrong, which brings subject back as an intelligent undead.
    • Wither: Your touch disrupts the target’s physical form, draining the strength from its muscles. The creature suffers 2d4 points of Strength damage. A successful Fortitude save halves the Strength damage taken.
    • Steadfast Perception: Gain immunity to illusory effects, +6 bonus on Spot and Search checks.


Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan, !Qai.

Strongest Healing Power (Critical Biological Reconstruction): 6d6+8(29), for 7pp (if empowered with augmented healing).

Zone Healing Power: Healing Sound fast healing 5, in 10’ radius (or fast healing 3 if excluding enemies), for 14pp (if overchanneled).

Power DC: 16+spell level (or 10+spell level+Wis modifier).

Max DPR vs. 28AC =109.58: ((326.5*.65+36+23.5*.5+16*.4+13*.25+39*.15+33*.15+39*.15+22.5*.15+124.5)/2)

  • 1st round: manifest offensive precognition (+3attack, quickened and overchanneled, 13pp), then attack.
    • Attack: 8Str((16base+2race+3lvl+4belt+1manual -10)/2)+8BAB+1race+1size+3weapon(only 1st and 3rd)+3power+1feat, -2two weapon, total attack =+23/+20/+18/+15
      • 1st Damage: (1d6+3d6+(8d6+8)+(1d3+3))Energy Attuned-Deep Crystal-Power Stored (energy ray)-Mind Weapon (Kukri)+8Str=26.5(weapon)+36(energy ray)
      • 2nd Damage: (1d6+3d6+(1d3))Energy Attuned-Deep Crystal-Mind Weapon (Kukri)+8Str =23.5
      • 3rd Damage: (1d6+1d3+3)Energy Attuned-Mind Weapon (Kukri)+8Str =16
      • 4th Damage: (1d6+1d3)Energy Attuned-Mind Weapon (Kukri)+8Str =13
    • Critical: 1st: (1d3+11)x2+4d6=39; 2nd: (1d3+8)x2+4d6=33; 3rd: (1d3+11)x2+4d6=39; 4th: (1d3+8)x2+1d6=22.5
  • 2nd round: manifest two energy rays: 1st 11d6+11 (quickened, 12pp), 2nd 18d6+12 (empowered and overchanneled, 14pp) =29d6+23(124.5)
  • Total Power Point Cost: 13+5+8+5+5+12+14 =62 (uses over half daily limit).

House Rules used for this NPC

House rules, 30 point buy (Str16, Dex10, Con10, Int14, Wis16, Cha8), race +2 to any attribute (Con), feats every odd level, ability bonuses are retro-active, healing powers are free to know, increase in powers known based on Wisdom bonus. Given a +3 Ring of Protection and +3 Mithral Chain Shirt for free.

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Facts about "Medic (3.5e NPC)"
AuthorFranken Kesey +
Challenge Rating12 +
Identifier3.5e NPC +
NameMedic (Psyblade 12) +
RaceDag +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeS +
SummaryPsyblade Healer +
TitleMedic +
TypeHumanoid +