Iron Buddha (3.5e Prestige Class)
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Heavy élite warriors and horsemen, these monk-like foghters wear armor and perform incredible techniques. 10 6 Good Good Poor Good Other
Iron Buddha
“ | <-Some quote from a character of this class-> | ” |
—<-NPC name->, <-race-> <-class-> |
<-fluff about this prestige class->
Becoming an Iron Buddha
<-Why characters pursue this class, what other classes they typically have, and what abilities are important.->
Alignment: | Any lawful. |
Base Attack Bonus: | +4. |
Skills: | Concentration 8 ranks, Ride 4 ranks. |
Feats: | Mounted Combat, |
Special: | Must have the Steel Sage alternate class feature. |
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Saving Throws | Special | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fort | Ref | Will | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1st | +1 | +2 | +0 | +2 | Monk Abilities, Mounted Sage, Peach Blossom Spring | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2nd | +2 | +3 | +0 | +3 | Bonus Feat, Iron Flower Stance | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3rd | +3 | +3 | +1 | +3 | Floating Gallop | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4th | +4 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Bonus Feat, Wise Rider | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5th | +5 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Petal Gust | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6th | +6 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Armored Insight Stance, Bonus Feat | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7th | +7 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Blooming Charge | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8th | +8 | +6 | +2 | +6 | Bonus Feat, One with the mount | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9th | +9 | +6 | +3 | +6 | Peach Spring Wave | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10th | +10 | +7 | +3 | +7 | Bonus Feat, Peach of Immortality Stance | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level.) |
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the iron buddha.
Weapons and Armors proficiency: An iron buddha gains proficiency with all martial weapons and three exotic weapons of its choosing. Iron buddhas prefer to wear a lamellar armor and use two handed weapons and spears.
Monk Abilities: Your iron buddha and monk levels stack for the purpose of determining its unarmed damage, flurry of blows, stunning strike's uses and DC and wholeness of the body feature. If you use my version of the monk, at each class level, you gain a progression equal to that of the monk for ki techniques and ki points. Your iron buddha's levels count as monk's levels for any prerequisite and scaling feature from feats.
Mounted Sage (Ex): Starting from 1st level, an iron buddha adds its Wisdom modifier to Ride checks. At level 3rd it adds the same modifier to combat maneuvers done while mounted or by its mount (such as trampling a foe).
Peach Blossom Spring: At 1st level an iron buddha learn a special school of ki techniques, the art of the Peach Blossom Spring. This feature works exactly as ki techinques, and allows the iron buddha to perform specific techniques at certain levels. Techniques of this school may be performed while riding, with no penalties.
Bonus Feat: Starting at level 2nd and at each subsequent even level, an iron buddha gains an extra fighter feat, monk feat or feat that has Improved Unarmed Strike as a prerequisites, if it meets its requirements.
Iron Flower Stance (Ex): At 2nd level the iron buddha may enter the Iron Flower Stance. This stance allows the iron buddha to reduce the armor speed penalty by 10 feet (3 meters) and halves the penalty to ability and skill checks, while increasing the maximum Dexterity bonus of the armor by 2. Only one stance may be active at any given time.
Floating Gallop (Ex): At 3rd level the iron buddha learns the following base ki techinque:
Floating Gallop
As a swift action and by spending one ki point, the iron buddha grants its mount the ability to walk on liquids, difficult terrain and any kind of terrain that may not sustain it, as if on a solid path. To do so the iron buddha must succeed on a Ride check with DC 20 and this effect lasts until the mount keeps moving with its rider on.
Wise Rider (Ex): Starting from level 4th the iron buddha may share its current stance with its mount.
Petal Gust (Su): At 5th level the iron buddha learns the following advanced ki techinque:
Petal Gust
By spending 5 ki points as a standard action and making a single ranged attack, the iron buddha may transform the attack in an area effect, covering a cone of 15 feet (4,5 meters) + 5 feet (1,5) per each additional ki point spent, up to 30 feet (9 meters), that strikes at the point the iron buddha aimed, imposing a Reflex save to anyone caught to halve 1d6 per ki point spent of the weapon damage and receiving a -3 to attack and skill rolls until the next round.
Armored Insight Stance (Ex): From level 6th the iron buddha may enter this stance to use its Wisdom bonus in place of its Dexterity bonus to AC and Reflexes. The maximum Dexterity bonus from its armor applies. Only one stance may be active at any given time.
Blooming Charge (Ex): At 7th level the iron buddha learns the following advanced ki techinque:
Blooming Charge
By spending 10 ki points while doing a charge, mounted or not, the iron buddha increases its critical range and multiplier by one, gains its Wisdom modifier to the attack, instead of the standard bonus, unless higher, and to confirm a critical hit. In addition it may move three times its speed, instead of just two (or one increment higher, if its current speed limit is already the triple)
One with the mount (Ex): Starting from the 8th level, an iron buddha and its mount, while riding, count as one size larger than the mount for the purpose of making and resisting combat maneuvers and anytime it would be beneficial.
Peach Spring Wave (Ex): At level 9th the iron buddha may perform the following master ki technique:
Peach Spring Wave
Spending 15 ki points, an iron buddha may perform a monk's flurry of blows with any two-handed weapon or spear it is proficient with, adding its Wisdom modifier to attack rolls and damage. If it has the Ride-By Attack feat, or equivalent, it may hit multiple enemies along its path while riding.
This techniqu requires a full-round action.
Peach of Immortality Stance (Ex): At 10th level the iron buddha doesn't age anymore, avoiding penalties aging, and dying eventually when its time will come. In addition, it may enter this stance to become immune to death effects and to gain Fast Healing equal to its Wisdom modifier (maximum +10).
<span id="<-extraordinary class feature->"><-extraordinary class feature-></span> (Ex): <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->
<span id="<-psi-like class feature->"><-psi-like class feature-></span> (Ps): <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->
<span id="<-spell-like class feature->"><-spell-like class feature-></span> (Sp): <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->
<span id="<-supernatural class feature->"><-supernatural class feature-></span> (Su): <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->
<span id="<-class feature->"><-class feature-></span>: <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->
<span id="<-subclass feature->"><-subclass feature-></span> <-"(Ex)", "(Su)", "(Sp)", or "(Ps)" if applicable.->: <-subclass feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->.
<-Lather, rinse...->
<-... repeat as necessary.->
Bonus Feats: <- any bonus feats gained in pre-epic levels->.
The epic <-class name-> gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic <-class name-> feats) every <-# of levels-> levels after <-usually the last non-epic level->.
Epic <-class name-> Bonus Feat List: <-list of bonus epic feats->
Ex-<-pluralized class name->
<-What happens (if anything) if characters of this class lose an entry requirement or violate their code of conduct (if this class has one). Delete this section if there are no contingencies for continuing in this class.->
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the bluez in the dungeonv |
Author | the bluez in the dungeon + |
Base Attack Bonus Progression | Good + |
Class Ability | Other + |
Fortitude Save Progression | Good + |
Identifier | 3.5e Prestige Class + |
Length | 10 + |
Minimum Level | 6 + |
Rating | Undiscussed + |
Reflex Save Progression | Poor + |
Skill | Autohypnosis +, Balance +, Bluff +, Concentration +, Craft +, Diplomacy +, Handle Animal +, Heal +, Intimidate +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Martial Lore +, Profession +, Ride +, Sense Motive + and Spot + |
Skill Points | 4 + |
Summary | Heavy élite warriors and horsemen, these monk-like foghters wear armor and perform incredible techniques. + |
Title | Iron Buddha + |
Will Save Progression | Good + |