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Gildencursed (3.5e Template)

Author: Rith (talk)
Co-Authors: Eiji-kun
Date Created: January 23, 2011
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Those who have lived steeped in greed for their entire lives are punished in the afterlife by being dipped in molten gold. While this is true of the afterlife, it is rare that a living, corporeal entity wanders into these vast smelting halls of the afterlife, in the hope of becoming dirty rich. These few befall the same fate as the tormented who rest there already, and are soaked in gold bespelled in such a way that it doesn't snuff out whatever awareness is encased within it, and instead allows them to walk on, in eternal burning pain, unable to rest, as the metal forever cools, agonizingly slowly.

Creating a GildencursedEdit

Gildencursed is an acquired template that can be applied to any corporeal creature whose body has been dipped into a specifically enchanted type of molten gold, which, for some reason, only exists in the lower planes or other afterlifes, referred to here after as the base creature. There may be other ways to add this template to an creature, but they are subject to the DM's discretion.

Stat ChangesEdit

Speed: A gildencursed creature is immensely heavy, and is treated as always wearing heavy armor for all intents and purposes, including speed.

Armor Class: A gildencursed creature's natural armor increases by +3.

Damage: Due to a gildencursed creature's incredible weight, all of their natural attacks granted to them by their race (not by the gildencursed template) deal damage as though they were 1 size category larger.

Special Qualities and Abilities: A gildencursed creature has all of the special qualities and abilities of the base creature, and gains the following special qualities and abilities:

Immunities (Ex): A gidlencursed creature has immunity to petrification, paralysis, poison, disease, and sleep effects. A gidlencursed creature also does not eat, sleep, or even breathe.
Fortification (Ex): A gildencursed creature has fortification 50%.
Weight of Gold (Ex): A gidlencursed creature is covered in hellish gold from the pits of the afterlife, which add to it's weight an absurd amount. A gildencursed creature weighs eight times as much as the base creature normally does. Because of this absurd increase in weight, the gildencursed is always considered to be wearing heavy armor for all intents and purposes. This accursed gold is also constantly hardening, and needs new gold added to it periodically, or it hardens into a perfect gold statue, with the creature trapped in the middle, in eternal, undying, agony. In order to stave this off, the gildencursed must consume at least 100 gp per HD of value via their 'Grip of Greed' special ability each day. If a gildencursed creature doesn't meet this quota in a day, the gold slowly starts to harden. If the gildencursed goes for a week, each day failing to consume this much value, it becomes a statue of solid gold, unable to move for the rest of eternity.
Grip of Greed (Ex): A gidlencursed creature is capable of consuming things in an interesting way. A gidlencursed creature gains a slam attack as a natural attack which deals 1d8 damage for a medium creature. This slam attack has a special quality, in that it can snake through actuality, and actually consume the abstract quality of 'value'. In this way, this slam attack can strike idol made of gold, and, while the idol itself doesn't change it's physical composition at all, the value of that idol in the eyes of those who look upon it is dropped considerably. A gold coin is perfectly real, but, a merchant or a money-changer won't accept it, as it merely feels abstractly worthless. A gildencursed can attack an item directly this way, or they can attack a creature, and drain the value of items which that creature would claim to 'own'. If the gildencursed attacks a creature this way, that creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the gildencursed creature's HD + the gildencursed creature's Con mod), or have a random assortment of items they 'own' lose an amount of value as shown on the following table. If the gildencursed creature attacks a normal object this way, the item automatically loses an amount of value as shown on the following table, with no save. If an item is drained of it's value this way, it remains drained for 1 year per HD of the gildencursed. (So, for example, a gildencursed could technically survive indefinitely on a sufficiently large pile of gold.)
HD of the Gildencursed Amount of 'Value' drained
1 1d6 x 25 gp
2 3d6 x 25 gp
3 6d6 x 25 gp
4 10d6 x 25 gp
5 6d8 x 50 gp
6 9d8 x 50 gp
7 12d8 x 50 gp
8 16d8 x 50 gp
9 8d10 x 100 gp
10 11d10 x 100 gp
11 14d10 x 100 gp
12 17d10 x 100 gp
13 10d12 x 200 gp
14 13d12 x 200 gp
15 16d12 x 200 gp
16 20d12 x 200 gp
17 6d12 x 800 gp
18 8d12 x 800 gp
19 10d12 x 800 gp
20 12d12 x 800 gp
Per +1 +2d12 x 800 gp1
  1. The amount of 'value' drained per hit increases by '2d12 x 800 gp' for each HD beyond 20 that the gildencursed possesses.

Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: +2 Str, −2 Dex, +4 Con.

CR: +1.

LA: —.

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