Medic (3.5e NPC)

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Author: Franken Kesey (talk)
Date Created: 06/26/19
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Medic (Psyblade 12)

CR 12

CG S Humanoid
Init/Senses +1/Listen +8, Spot +8
AC 20(10+1Dex+6armor+2shield+1size), touch 12, flat-footed 18
hp 87 (12d8+33(Improved Toughness) HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +10/+12/+17
Speed 30'
Melee Single Powerful Accurate Attack: +3 Energy Attuned-Psionic-Deep Crystal-Power Stored (empowered energy ray)-Mind Weapon (Kukri): Attack +23/+18, Damage 1d3+8d6+11+40.5(81), Crit 18-20/x2 Type Slashing or
Melee Two Weapon Attack: 1st attack: +3 Energy Attuned-Psionic-Deep Crystal-Power Stored (empowered energy ray)-Mind Weapon (Kukri): Attack +21/+16, Damage 1d3+6d6+11+40.5(74), Crit 18-20/x2 Type Slashing; 2nd Attack: Deep Crystal-Mind Weapon (Kukri): Attack +18/+13, Damage 1d3+4d6+8(23.5), Crit 18-20/x2 Type Slashing
Ranged Thrown Mind Weapon (same as first): Attack +17/+12, Damage 1d3+8d6+11+40.5(81), Crit 18-20/x2 Type Slashing, Range 30’ or
Ranged Composite Shortbow: Attack +13/+8, Damage 1d4+6(10.5), Crit 20/x3 Type Piercing Range 70’
Space/Reach 5’/5’
Base Atk/Grp +9/+4/+13
Special Actions Healing
Combat Gear Belt of Giant Strength +4, Gloves of Dexterity +2, Amulet of Health +2, Headband of Intellect +2, Periapt of Wisdom +4, Cloak of Resistance +3
Abilities Str 26, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 22, Cha 6
Feats Weapon Focus, Quicken Power, Two-Weapon Fighting (Improved), Empower Power, Psionic Meditation, Psionic Weapon, Improved Toughness, Overchannel, Talented
Skills Autohypnosis+13(5r+2sy), Balance+4(1r+2sy), Climb+8, Concentration+15(14r), Diplomacy+0(2sy, cross class), Escape Artist+8(5r+2race), Gather Information+0(2sy, cross class), Heal+10(4r), Hide +9(8r), Intimidate+2(4r), Jump+15(5r+2sy), Knowledge(local)+3(5r), Knowledge(nature)+5(1r+2sy, cross class payed 2), Knowledge(psionics)+7(3r+2sy), Listen+8(2race), Move Silently+7(6r), Profession+10(4r), Psicraft+3(1r), Search+3(1r), Sense Motive+11(5r), Spot+8(2race), Survival+15(7r+2race), Swim+8, Tumble+10(7r+2sy), Use Psionic Device+0(2r), Use Rope+3(2sy if escaping rope); (90 total ranks)


Character Features

Wealth and Gear

Weapons: Kukri x2 (16), Composite Shortbow +6Str (675), arrows x40 (2).

Armor and Shields: +2 Chain Shirt (4100, +6 AC), +1 Buckler (1015, +2 AC, can use weapons in same hand with a -1 penalty to attack).

Ability and Save Modifying Items: Belt of Giant Strength +4 (16,000), Gloves of Dexterity+2 (4000), Amulet of Health +2 (4000), Headband of Intellect +2 (4000), Periapt of Wisdom +4 (16,000), Manual of Gainful Exercise +1 (27,500), Cloak of Resistance +3 (9000)

Other Gear (gold unless noted otherwise): Backpack (2) loaded with: Bedroll (-1sp), Crowbar (-2), Grappling Hook (-1), Hammer (-5 sp), Small Steel Mirror (-10), Sewing Needle (-5 sp), Cold Weather Outfit (-8), Explorer's Outfit (10), Miner’s Pick (-3), Piton x9 (-9 sp), Tent (10), Trail Rations (-4, 8 days), Silk Rope(50 ft.) x2 (-20), Waterskin x2 (-2); (-74gp total).

Gold: Spent 86,382gp, Saved 1618gp, Total Available at 12th level 88,000.

Load with all gear: Kukri x2 2, Shortbow 1, Arrows x40 2, Armor 12.5(small), Shield 2.5(small), bedroll 1.25(small), crowbar 5, grappling hook 4, hammer 2, small steel mirror (1/2 lb), cold weather outfit 1.75, explorer's outfit 2, miner’s pick 10, piton x9 4.5, rations x8 2, rope 10, tent 5, waterskin 2 (70.5lbs total); light load is <229.5lbs.


Powers: Level: # Known

Total Power Points: 114

  • 1st: 4
    • Control Object: Telekinetically animate a small object.
    • Detect Status: Highlight allies and enemies that are below 30% HP in a small area. With investment, will also show conditions.
    • Energy Ray: Deal 1d6 energy (cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) damage (+1d6 per extra power point).
    • Offensive Precognition: Gain +1 insight bonus on your attack rolls (+1 attack for every 3 extra power points).
  • 2nd: 4
    • Dissolving Weapon: Your weapon deals 4d6 acid damage.
    • Personal Reconstruction: You cause your body to rapidly regenerate it cellular structure. Heals 9 points of damage (+3 per extra power point). However, not without cost, dazes for 1 round. With investment, can heal ability damage and negative conditions.
    • Specified Energy Adaptation: Gain resistance 20 against one energy type.
  • 3rd: 4
    • Biological Reconstruction: Psionic touch healing, heals 3d6 damage (+1d6 per extra power point). However, not without a cost, dealing 1 point of Constitution damage (+1 per two augments). With investment, can heal sickness and nausea.
    • Telekinetic Thrust: Hurl objects with the force of your mind.
    • Healing Sound: You broadcast a healing sound which causes fast healing 1 in a 10’ radius. With investment, can increase healing range or power, or exclude hostile creatures.
  • 4th: 4


Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan, !Qai.

Strongest Healing Power (Biological Reconstruction): 10d8+5d8(68), for 14pp and -4 Con damage (if empowered and overchanneled).

Zone Healing Power: Healing Sound fast healing 5, in 10’ radius (or fast healing 3 if excluding enemies), for 14pp (if overchanneled).

Power DC: 16+spell level (or 10+spell level+Wis modifier).

Max DPR vs. 28AC =112.38: ((33.5*.65+36+23.5*.5+16*.4+13*.25+46*.15+33*.15+39*.15+22.5*.15+124.5)/2)

  • 1st round: manifest offensive precognition (+3attack, quickened and overchanneled, 13pp), then attack.
    • Attack: 8Str((16base+2race+3lvl+4belt+1manual -10)/2)+8BAB+1race+1size+3weapon(only 1st and 3rd)+3power+1feat, -2two weapon, total attack =+23/+20/+18/+15
      • 1st Damage: (1d6+2d6+3d6+(8d6+8)+(1d3+3))Energy Attuned-Psionic-Deep Crystal-Power Stored (energy ray)-Mind Weapon (Kukri)+8Str=33.5(weapon)+36(energy ray)
      • 2nd Damage: (1d6+3d6+(1d3))Energy Attuned-Deep Crystal-Mind Weapon (Kukri)+8Str =23.5
      • 3rd Damage: (1d6+1d3+3)Energy Attuned-Mind Weapon (Kukri)+8Str =16
      • 4th Damage: (1d6+1d3)Energy Attuned-Mind Weapon (Kukri)+8Str =13
    • Critical: 1st: (1d3+11)x2+6d6=46; 2nd: (1d3+8)x2+4d6=33; 3rd: (1d3+11)x2+4d6=39; 1st: (1d3+8)x2+1d6=22.5
  • 2nd round: manifest two energy rays: 1st 11d6+11 (quickened, 12pp), 2nd 18d6+12 (empowered and overchanneled, 14pp) =29d6+23(124.5)
  • Total Power Point Cost: 13+5+8+5+5+12+14 =62 (uses over half daily limit).

House Rules used for this PC

House rules, 30 point buy (Str16, Dex10, Con10, Int14, Wis16, Cha8), race +2 to any attribute (Con), feats every odd level, ability bonuses are retro-active.

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Facts about "Medic (3.5e NPC)"
AuthorFranken Kesey +
Challenge Rating12 +
Identifier3.5e NPC +
NameMedic (Psyblade 12) +
RaceDag +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeS +
SummaryPsyblade Healer +
TitleMedic +
TypeHumanoid +