Daemonhost (3.5e Equipment)
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It is a really good sword, too bad it keeps telling you to kill your family.
On its own a daemonhost has only a single ability. Once per day over the course of 10 minutes in which you instinctively enscribe patterns into the ground with the business end of the weapon into a surface, you summon a fiend from the lower planes as if using planar binding, with a HD cap equal to the wielder's HD. This binding has only a single function to bind the fiend into your weapon and grant it the following properties:
- It gains the alignment subtypes of the bound fiend, and thus counts as an Evil, Lawful, and/or Chaotic weapon as appropriate. In the hands of someone with an opposing alignment, the fiend may choose to struggle giving a -4 penalty on attack rolls with the weapon.
- It becomes an Intelligent weapon with the senses and mental abilities of the fiend bound within. Its bonus standard action may only be used for a purpose beneficial to the fiend, which may be as simple as causing bloodshed to as complex as serving a specific task. Most fiends seem satisfied with violent action against those they would deem enemies.
- It is capable of speaking telepathically with any who wields it.
- If the weapon acts in your steed, your alignment shifts to their alignment for the time being.
- As a full round action you can call the spirit out of the blade. It appears anywhere within 60 ft of the user and immediate acts, lasting for 1 round before vanishing back to its home plane. This expunges the spirit from the blade, and a new spirit must be bound within.
The weapon radiates faint evil, and then an alignment as strong as the fiend contained in the blade. It is a favorite weapon to anti-paladins and other evil beings.
This is a prestige enhancement. Equipment may have only a single prestige enhancement.
Strong Conjuration; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, planar binding; Price: 12,000 gp.
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