Tome of the Legendary Land (3.5e Spell)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 10-30-20
Status: Complete
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Tome of the Legendary Land
Conjuration / Transmutation
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 9
Components: V, S,
"M/F" is not in the list (V, V (Brd only), V (Bard only), S, F, DF, M, M/DF, F/DF, XP, ...) of allowed values for the "Component" property.
; see text
Casting time: 8 hours or 1 standard action; see text
Range: See text
Targets or Area: See text
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

And so the exiles fled to the land of Arianna, a cold but peaceful land unknown to those in the real world.

Believed to have been borne of the same magic as read in my voice, this spell has two applications known as the Ritual Form and the Gate Form. To use the Gate Form, the Ritual Form must have been performed at least once.

Ritual Form: The caster prepares a ritual over the course of one hour with a blank book in hand and material components in the form of ritual inks. The ritual is not subtle as during casting eldritch text begins to seep from the blank pages of the book used as a focus component and began to spread across the land up to 1 mile/level in diameter, centered upon yourself. At the end of the ritual the surrounding landscape is transformed and transported into the book, becoming written text detailing the land, its people, and anything else caught up in the zone. The land is reduced to barren featureless terrain in the real world, though it can always be terraformed and taken over by nature once more.

The landscape is now contained within the book, and the focus book becomes a Minor Artifact which is unable to be destroyed by conventional means.

Those which hold this focus book and speak a command word can be transported into the land contained within. The contained land persists as if in a demiplane of its own, with its edges merely ending in a fuzzy soft fog with no end. It has all the normal properties of its previous location, including local weather patterns normal for the area over the course of time. Within the contained land one can find a copy of the focus book which is unable to leave this written world. Speaking a command phrase deposits the creature back into the real world from the artifact book.

At this point the caster is able to make use of the Gate Form of the spell. They can also perform the Ritual Form of the spell again to swap the land inside the book with the surrounding lands, once again taking the time and costs needed to do so. The artifact book can only be destroyed by entering this written world, finding the copy within the world, and destroying that copy (hardness 20, 40 hp). This will cause the land to destabilize and after 1 minute it will eject out into the real world over whatever happens to be in the way. The artifact book is destroyed in the process.

Gate Form: A caster who has created a Tome of the Legendary Land can transport to and from it via any book, not merely the artifact book. Doing so is a standard action, and can either transport the creatures as per greater teleport except it is between your current location and the written world, or they can open up a travel gate as per the gate spell that will let any number of creatures pass through from either side for the duration. They may use the Gate Form on books in the written world to return to the real world.

Focus: A book. For the Ritual Form, the book must be blank.

Material Component: Special magical inks worth 5,000 gp. It becomes the writing within the ritual book.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5639 Articles)
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorEiji-kun +
ComponentV +, S + and see text +
Identifier3.5e Spell +
LevelSorcerer/Wizard 9 +
RangeOther +
RatingUndiscussed +
SchoolConjuration + and Transmutation +
SummarySend an entire landscape into its own dimension, and then transport between here and there via the medium of books. +
TitleTome of the Legendary Land +