Axelord (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 10th July 2017
Status: Finished
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Axelord Barbarian

The axe is perhaps the most iconic weapon of the barbarian, although far from the only one. Some barbarian sacrifice their mobility and instinct in exhange for greater mastery over these weapons which are often mocked and cast aside by more 'civilized' people.

Class: Barbarian

Level: 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th

Replaces: Fast Movement, Trap Sense

Benefit: An Axelord Barbarian receive the following class features:

Master of Axes (Ex): A 1st level Axelord Barbarian gain Weapon Focus which apply to all simple and martial Axe weapons, any feat which apply one of such weapon also apply to all others. She count her barbarian level as fighter level for the purpose of qualifying for feats, however only for simple and martial Axe weapons.

Axe Shield (Ex): A 2nd level Axelord Barbarian can use her a greataxe or two one-handed axe to shield herself. When using a two-handed or two one-handed axe she gain a +1 shield bonus to AC.

War Cry (Ex): A 3rd level Axelord Barbarian can let a war cry as a move action, for 5 rounds afterward she gain access to the Grimoire Power Attack and Cleave (or Great Cleave if she already possess Cleave) feat but suffer a -4 penalty to AC. If the Axelord Barbarian already possessed Grimoire Power Attack she count her BAB as being 4 points higher than normal for the purpose of determining her power attack damage for the duration of her war cry. This is a [sonic] ability. This ability count as the feats for the purpose of prerequisites.

Parting Charge (Ex): Once per round when a 6th level Axelord Barbarian charge a foe with an axe weapon, if she slay it she may keep moving along and either finish the movement of her charge or attack another target. The Axelord Barbarian may use Cleave as part of her Parting Charge, however doing so immediately end it.

Greater Axe Shield (Ex): A 9th level Axelord can now deflect blow with ease using her axe, as a swift action she can grant herself a shield bonus to AC equal to half her attack bonus against the next attack made against her within 1 round. The Axelord need to be wielding an axe in order to use this ability and the bonus do not apply to an attack she is not aware of.

Unlimited Parting Charge (Ex): A 12th level Axelord may now use Parting Charge an unlimited number of time per round, allowing her to charge through an army.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4445 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassBarbarian +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryThe axe is perhaps the most iconic weapon
The axe is perhaps the most iconic weapon of the barbarian, although far from the only one. Some barbarian sacrifice their mobility and instinct in exhange for greater mastery over these weapons which are often mocked and cast aside by more 'civilized' people.
and cast aside by more 'civilized' people. +
TitleAxelord +