Sear Metal (3.5e Spell)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 23rd February 2017
Status: Complete
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Sear Metal
Transmutation [Fire]
Level: Druid 2, Sun 2, Wu Jen (Metal) 2
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One attended or unattended object made of metal, the object must be able to fit in a 5 ft cube/level.
Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial
Spell Resistance: No

Upon casting this spell, you cause the targeted metal item to start heating up rapidly. After casting the spell, the target item immediately becomes warm. At this point the wielder may choose to immediately drop the item if able as a free action outside of their turn. This is not possible if the item cannot be dropped, such as armor or a weapon held in a locked gauntlet.

The item then immediately becomes hot. Each round the caster concentrates the item becomes searing. Once concentration ceases the item becomes hot for 1 round before cooling off to its normal temperature. While searing, the item’s hardness is reduced by half until it cools off.

Warm None
Hot 1d4 points
Searing 2d4 points

A creature who takes damage from this spell must make a Fortitude save or become staggered for 1 round.

Sear metal is on any spell list which also has heat metal.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4523 Articles)
Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorLeziad +
ComponentV + and S +
DescriptorFire +
Identifier3.5e Spell +
LevelDruid 2 +, Sun 2 + and Wu Jen (Metal) 2 +
RangeClose +
RatingUndiscussed +
SchoolTransmutation +
SummaryA version of heat metal which target a single item, but is more rapid and painful. +
TitleSear Metal +