Alien Limb (3.5e Spell)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 4-12-10
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Alien Limb
Level: Cleric 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

The enemy feels a terrible pain in their body and they watch in horror as an eldritch tentacle (often resembling a length of animated intestine) bursts from their skin like a worm, and immediately begins to attack them. Each round on your turn the tentacle attacks its host, using the host's BAB and strength to determine its attack, and dealing 1d4 + strength modifier in bludgeoning or slashing damage. The victim has no control over the aberrant growth.

The tentacle can be attacked and destroyed. It has an AC of 10 + your caster level, and 2 hp per HD of the opponent. However, dealing damage to the tentacle deals damage to its host as well, and so cutting it off is as much of a pain sometimes as letting it continue hitting you.

Material Component: A squid tentacle.

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AuthorEiji-kun +
ComponentV +, S + and M +
Identifier3.5e Spell +
LevelCleric 3 +
RangeOther +
RatingUnrated +
SchoolTransmutation +
SummaryThe enemy grows a violent tentacle which immediately attempts to slaughter its unwilling host. +
TitleAlien Limb +