Iron Heart (3.5e Martial Discipline)

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Maneuvers of the Iron Heart Discipline

To see the full, expanded description of every maneuver, click here.

1st-Level Maneuvers

  • Cold Iron Cancel: Counter — Cancel the special abilities of your enemy's enhanced weapons for a round.
  • Cut and Run: Rush — Gain the benefits of the Spring Attack feat.
  • Iron Twinblade Strike: Strike — Make a single attack, if it hit make an additional attack that deal extra damage, however you become unbalanced if you miss it.
  • Shattered Jade: Stance — Sustain a -2 penalty to Armor Class, add 1d6 + initiator level to attack damage.
  • Steel Precision: Stance — Gain a +1 insight bonus to attack and damage, which scales. Sometimes, simple is best.
  • Temper Blade: Boost — Briefly improve your weapon so the next hit tears through DR, hardness, and makes critical confirmations easy.

2nd-Level Maneuvers

3rd-Level Maneuvers

  • Heart of a Champion: Rush — As Iron Heart Surge, but useable as a move action and clarified to allow for maximum usefulness.
  • Iron Heart Breaker: Strike — Severely damage your opponent's weapon with a melee attack, making it less effective.
  • Ogreslayer Stance: Stance — You gain an additional 5 feet of reach, bonus damage against creatures larger than you.

4th-Level Maneuvers

  • Absolute Maneuver Mastery: Stance — While in this stance, your other maneuvers are improved. Iron Heart maneuvers are improved the most.
  • Hammer and Anvil: Counter — Hit an opponent as an immediate action, knocking them prone if you interrupted their movement.
  • Heart of Stone: Strike — Deal bonus damage based on how weakened the target already is.
  • Lunar Strike: Strike [X-Discipline] — Make an attack that ignores armor and damage reduction.
  • Ninja Cross Cut: Counter [X-Discipline] — When a creature charges you, charge them at the same time. As you cross paths, one of you will die.
  • Solar Strike: Strike [X-Discipline] — Strike with an attack that restores your health, equivalent to the damage done to your enemy.

5th-Level Maneuvers

  • Clash of Wills: Rush — Mow through people, forcing them to either move or exchange attacks with you.
  • Epiphany of Steel: Stance — Critical hits apply even to creatures normally immune, and critical damage multipliers are increased.

6th-Level Maneuvers

7th-Level Maneuvers

  • Forlorn Hope: Strike — Charge, deal massive damage if it's the first round of combat.
  • Iron Jawed Angel: Counter — Gain DR X/-, where X is equal to the result of your Appraise check.
  • Martial Blitz: Strike, Boost [X-Discipline] — Expend another maneuver, and make one attack per level of the expended maneuver.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: Strike — Attack reduces you to −1 hit points, number of hit points lost is added to your attack damage.
  • Resist and Bite: Stance — Never surrender. Never falter. Death is your only rest.
  • Synostokiai: Boost [X-Discipline] — Expend a maneuver to regain hp based on the other maneuver's strength.

8th-Level Maneuvers

  • Deliverance: Stance — Deal 1d8 points of damage per two initiator levels to all foes you threaten in melee each turn that you maintain this stance.
  • Iron Flesh Sheathe: Stance — Piercing and slashing weapons get struck in your body. If you use them, the pain they gave you translates into power.
  • Iron Sharpens Iron: Boost — All successful attacks made until the beginning of your next turn are automatically confirmed critical hits, and victims of these attacks cannot be raised normally.
  • Thousand Knives: Strike — Attack repeatedly with cumulative -2 penalties until you miss, adding damage for each previous hit.

9th-Level Maneuvers

  • Kurihara's Finisher: Strike [X-Discipline Mind-Affecting Fear] — Move across the battlefield in a flash, then cut up your opposition in ribbons.
  • Stopping Power: Counter — Hard cancel anything. ANYTHING.
  • Sword of Judgment: Strike — Successful attack is an automatic critical hit, adds 10 points of damage per intiator level which can be exchanged for attack bonuses.

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