From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
This is a category designed for navigation pages only. It exists only to differentiate published mechanics that hombrew articles have been written for from homebrew mechanics.
Pages in category "Non-User"
The following 44 pages are in this category, out of 44 total.
- 3.5e Assassin Spells
- 3.5e Bard Spells
- 3.5e Blackguard Spells
- 3.5e Cleric Domains
- 3.5e Cleric Spells
- 3.5e Domains
- 3.5e Druid Spells
- 3.5e Epic Spells, Seeds, and Powers
- 3.5e Exposcient Invocations
- 3.5e Familiars
- 3.5e Invocations
- 3.5e Mantles
- 3.5e Martial Disciplines
- 3.5e OGL Bard Spells
- 3.5e OGL Cleric Spells
- 3.5e OGL Druid Spells
- 3.5e OGL Feats
- 3.5e OGL Paladin Spells
- 3.5e OGL Ranger Spells
- 3.5e OGL Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
- 3.5e OGL Spells
- 3.5e Paladin Spells
- 3.5e Psion/Wilder Powers
- 3.5e Psionic Mantles
- 3.5e Psionic Powers
- 3.5e Psychic Warrior Powers
- 3.5e Ranger Spells
- 3.5e Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
- 3.5e Soulmelds
- 3.5e Spells
- 3.5e Utterances
- 3.5e Vestiges
- 3.5e Warlock Invocations