Mystic Protector (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 15th November 2014
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A mystic protector is a arcane spellcaster who use his or her skills to fight evil magic and those who use it. 5 Arcane Spellcasting Full

Mystic Protector

All my life I used baneful magic against the innocents for my own gain, today I use my knowledge of the same baneful magic to fight it.
—Kaith Zenni, Human Mystic Protector

The power of evil magic is one that is not easy to overcome, very few even put themselves to the task such as forsakers or mage slayers. Mystic protectors are arcanist who decided to use their own arcane powers to protect other against those that would misuse magic, they study evil magic just as in depth as demonbinder or witches but for the purpose of countering and ultimately defeating it. Most mystic protectors see magic as a protective force that is being corrupted by the force of evil while other see the path of mystic protector as just fighting fire with fire and they are damning themselves in the process. While mystic protectors are rare their presence is appreciated, their ability to seal evil for an extended amount of time and create ward certainly help with their acceptance. While a minority, many mystic protectors where themselves former users of evil magic who redeemed themselves and mow seek to protect the innocents.

Becoming a Mystic Protector

Entry Requirements  
Alignment: Any Non-Evil. 
Skills: Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (the planes) and Spellcraft 8 ranks,. 
Feats: Iron will, Forbidden Knowledge, Spell Focus (Abjuration). 
Spellcasting: Must be able to cast 2nd level spells. 
Special: Must have taken an oath to protect the innocent from the danger of evil magic and studied evil magic for at least one year.

Table: The Mystic Protector

Hit Die: d6

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spellcasting
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Divine Alignment, Evil's Bane (+1), Expert Counterspeller +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class.
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Safeguard +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class.
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Evil's Bane (+2), Sealing Diagram +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class.
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Fight Fire with Fire, Ward Against Evil +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class.
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Repel Evil, Special Defenses +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class.
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Evil's Bane (+3) , Guardian's Blessing +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class.
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Improved Special Defenses, Spell of Sealing, Master Counterspeller +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class.

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level)
Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Mystic Protector.

Spellcasting: At each level, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a Mystic Protector, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.

Divine Alignment (Su): A 1st level mystic protector can use detect alignment at will. Additionally she can spot evil lingering aura that would have long faded away for anyone else, multiply the duration of evil lingering aura by 10 (so a mystic protector could see a moderate evil lingering aura 1d6x10 minutes instead of 1d6 minutes).

Evil's Bane: At 1st a mystic protector gain a +1 bonus to all her saving throws against [evil] spells and spell-like abilities, as bonus to attack, AC and to the DC of her spells or spell-like abilities against evil creatures or creature with the undead type. This bonus increase to +2 at 3rd level and +3 at 6th level. The mystic protector however take a -4 penalty to caster level on all her [evil] spells.

Expert Counterspeller: A 1st level mystic protector can counterspell as an immediate action, gain Improved Counterspell as a bonus feat and may convert any 3rd level spell slot or higher into greater dispel magic. She gain her class level as a bonus to counter or dispel [evil] spells and spell-like abilities.

Safeguard (Su): At 2nd level a mystic protector may use dispel evil and suppress enchantment as supernatural abilities at will.

Sealing Diagram (Su): A 3rd level mystic protector can make a powerful seal capable of containing evil combing a magic circle against evil (diagram version), dimensional lock and antimagic field. The circle require 20 minutes of work and preparation and cost 2000 gp in precious components. A spellcraft (DC 20) check is required to successfully complete a seal, if the check is failed the expensive components are not lost. The circle radius might be as big as 20 feet radius (but it can be made smaller) and extend 100 feet up in the air.

Upon being laid down the circle is invisible and inactive, it can be activated as a standard action by the mystic protector as long as they are within medium range of the circle. Upon being activated it replicate the diagram trap of magic circle against evil entrapping all creature inside (not just evil ones), the entire inside area is also covered in a dimensional lock and an antimagic field that does not disturb the circle's own magical function. Upon being entrapped within the circle any entrapped creature is allowed a will save (DC 10 + half character level + mystic protector's charisma modifier) but is not allowed spell resistance, on a successful save it is able to move through the circle's barrier freely for 1 round, after which escaping the circle become impossible, evil creatures take a -4 penalties against on their will save.

The seal is permanent, but is fragile from the outside, disturbing it will immediately dispel it and free the creatures inside. Luckily imprisoned creatures are unable to disturb the circle itself either directly or indirectly. The seal is more solid than a typical diagram, one must deal at least 5 points to the outline to break it.

At the mystic protector's option is is possible to double layer sealing diagrams, doing so require twice the amount of work and the expenditure of an extra 2,000 gp of expensive material. Not only are they much harder to escape but the will save DC to escape a double sealing diagram when initially caught increase by 4.

Fight Fire with Fire: A 4th level mystic protector do not suffer any penalties for casting [evil] spells on evil creature. In fact her [evil] spell benefit most from their evil's bane ability, gaining an additional +1 to the DC.

Ward Against Evil (Su): A 4th level mystic protector can place a powerful ward against evil, replicating the effect of antipathy (including casting time) with the following exception: It repel any creature that would radiate a moderate evil aura, creature of the undead type or with the evil subtype take a -2 penalty to their save. Unlike the spell, this ward last for 1 year per class level, requiring it to be semi frequently maintained, the mystic protector may spend 1000 gp in expensive component to make it last a decade per class level instead.

Repel Evil (Su): A 5th level mystic protector can use her magic to repeal evil in two specific ways.

Cone of Repulsion: As a standard action the mystic protector can fire a 60 ft. cone shaped spread that cause all evil outsider, evil fey and undead caught within it area to make a will save or flee from the mystic protector as if they were panicked for 1 round.

Circle of Protection: As a full-round action the mystic protector project a field around her, working as a magic circle against evil except it area is a 30-ft.-radius emanation from touched creature and each round a evil outsider, evil fey or undead stay within it range it take 1d6 damage per class level and must make a will save or become dazed for 1 round. This effect only last as long as the mystic protector concentrate on it, which always require her standard action (cannot be changed by feats or abilities such as swift concentration) and maintained only for up to 1 minute per class level.

Special Defenses (Su): A 5th level mystic protector studied evil magic enough to know how to use their own tool against them, although she must beware how to use them. She gain the ability to prepare two of the following special defenses, she may change which one she prepare with 1 hour of uninterrupted preparation. At 7th level she may prepare three special defenses instead of one.

Curses and Maledictions: The mystic protector gain the granted power of the curse domain.

Demonology: You no longer take penalties to [evil] summoning and calling spell. You gain a +4 bonus to charisma check to convince evil outsider to serve you. When summoning or calling an evil creature you may fashion a token by expending 100 gp per CR of the summoned or called creature, if the token is broken the summoned fiend and all fiend of the same type within 30 feet are subject to a banishment effect (since this is a supernatural effect it ignore spell resistance).

Hellfire and Brimstone: The mystic protector and all allies within 20 feet gain spell dampening 3 against evocation, conjuration and spells that replicate a evocation or conjuration effects, additionally all allies within 20 feet (including the mystic protector herself) count hellfire damage as regular fire damage (allowing resistance and immunity to apply).

Illusions and Misdirection: As a standard action the mystic protector gain the benefit of the dismiss the unreal feat by expending a spell slot or spell prepared, lasting a number of minute equal to the spell level. If she use invocation she can 'expend' an invocation granting the effect of the feat as if it was a spell. While this does not truly expend the invocation she may not use the same invocations to gain the benefit of the feat for 24 hours, so her use are a lot more limited if of lesser consequences.

Mind Control: You have implanted a subconscious 'bug' in your mind in case of possession, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throw against mind-affecting effects. Additionally if you are mind controlled for a long period of time (through suggestion, gea, domination, mind rape or even under the effect of magic jar) your subconscious suggestion kick in, you fall under the effect of hostile schism for the duration of the mind control. Unlike a normal hostile schism you are in full control of the alternate personality (free of the effect of the possession) allowing you to hinder your mind controlled body and whoever is controlling you.

Guardian's Blessing (Su): A 6th level mystic protector is able to reroll all her failed save against [compulsion] effect and [evil] spell with a +4 bonus 1 round after she failed them. Additionally she is now capable of casting break enchantment as a supernatural ability at will.

Spell of Sealing (Su): A 7th level mystic protector is capable of using the fabled spell of sealing, usable as a 1 round action it force any helpless creatures, force the soul of creature slain within the last minute or any creature contained in one of her sealing diagram into eternal imprisonment (as per imprisonment). While helpless and dead creatures are not allowed a save, creature captive of a diagram are allowed a will save as normal for the spell.

The spell of sealing require a token, usually a weapon or other object of value to work. If the token is destroyed or a freedom spell is cast upon it the sealed creature is freed. After the spell is cast the token become an intelligent item with the alignment and of the imprisoned creature and the goal of setting it free. By spending 5000 gp the mystic protector can instead have the item have the same alignment as her and the goal of never allowing the imprisoned creature to be set free. The same token cannot be used for more than one creature at a time.

Master Counterspeller: A 7th level the mystic protector's counterspelling abilities are legendary. They may counterspell as a free action usable outside their turn, however doing so consume an attack of opportunity for the round. They are still able to counterspell as an immediate action.

Additionally if she manage to counterspell by 8 or more they redirect the spell as per spell turning.

Ex-Mystic Protector

If a mystic protector become evil she can no longer progress in the class until she turn back to non-evil alignment, she keep her mystic protector's abilities which actually kind of hurt her now.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4520 Articles)
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorLeziad +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionPoor +
Class AbilityArcane Spellcasting +
Class Ability ProgressionFull +
Fortitude Save ProgressionPoor +
Identifier3.5e Prestige Class +
Length7 +
Minimum Level5 +
RatingUndiscussed +
Reflex Save ProgressionPoor +
SkillCraft +, Decipher Script +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Profession +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Speak Language +, Spellcraft + and Spot +
Skill Points2 +
SummaryA mystic protector is a arcane spellcaster who use his or her skills to fight evil magic and those who use it. +
TitleMystic Protector +
Will Save ProgressionGood +