Celestial Domain (5e Divine Domain)

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Author: Zhenra-Khal (talk)
Date Created: 12-8-2022
Status: In progress
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Domain Spells[edit]

Celestial Domain Spells

1st Dissonant Whispers, Faerie Fire
3rd Flaming Sphere, Mirror Image
5th Daylight, Hunger of Hadar
7th Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility
9th Dawn, Dream

Celestial Affinity[edit]

At 1st level, you gain proficiency in either the Arcana or Nature skill. Additionally, you gain a bonus on any ability check made in relation to celestial bodies (Stars, planets, moons, constellations, comets, etc.) and celestial events (Such as eclipses, syzygies, meteor showers, and so forth). The bonus is equal to your Wisdom modifier (Min 1).

Additionally, as an action or bonus action, you may divine one of the following pieces of information in relation to your current plane:

  • The current, exact time of day or night, and whether or not the plane has a day/night cycle at all;
  • The current phase of any celestial body, such as a moon, that falls within the plane's orbit;
  • The number of months until the next celestial event. If it's less than a month away, you instead divine the number of weeks; If it's less than a week away, you instead divine the number of days. However, this does not reveal the nature of said celestial event.

Channel Divinity: Celestial Blessing[edit]

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity as an action to invoke the power of the current celestial state; This ability lasts for up to 1 minute, but requires your concentration to maintain (As if concentrating on a spell). You create one of the following magical effects, based on the situation described in the effect's description:

  • Solar Wrath: This effect can only be invoked outside, under a clear sky, with the sun visible.
For the duration, you radiate bright light out to a radius of 10ft, which moves with you and dispels any magical darkness within its area; This light is considered sunlight. Additionally, you call a beam of light from the sun, focusing its searing radiance into a 5ft-wide, 40ft-tall column of bright light, which appears at any point within 30ft of you, and counts as direct sunlight.
Any creature that begins its turn within the beam, or enters it for the first time on a round, must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature suffers Radiant damage; The amount of damage is a number of d6s equal to one-half (Rounded down) of your Proficiency Bonus. Additionally, a creature that fails its save is engulfed in radiant flames that threaten to consume it until the ability ends; The creature suffers 1d6 points of Radiant damage at the end of each of its turns. The creature can use their action to attempt to end the effect by making a Constitution saving throw; If they succeed, they end the effect on themselves.
Additionally, while this feature persists, you may use your action to move the beam horizontally, up to 30ft, to a space you can see; The beam's vertical location shifts to allow for travel up stairs, over walls, and the like.
  • Lunar Tranquility: This effect can only be invoked outside, under a clear sky, with a moon visible and at 50% illumination or higher.
For the duration, you radiate dim light out to a radius of 10ft, which moves with you and dispels any other magical light and magical darkness within its area; This light is considered moonlight, and regardless of your abilities, you and creatures of your choice suffer no vision-based penalties for being within the area of dim light you create with this ability. Additionally, each creature of your choice that is within the area of dim light when it is created regains 1d4 hit points. As an action on each of your turns while the ability persists, you may restore 1d4 hit points to each creature of your choice within the dim light created by this effect.
A creature healed by this feature become Invisible until the beginning of their next turn, or until the effect ends, they make an attack roll, deal damage, or force a creature to make a saving throw.
  • Umbral Siphon: This effect can only be invoked outside, under a clear sky, with the stars as the only natural source of light.
For the duration, you radiate magical darkness out to a radius of 10ft which moves with you and dispels any magical light within its area; Regardless of your abilities, you and creatures of your choice suffer no vision-based penalties for being within the area of dim light you create.
Any creature of your choice that begins its turn within the area of darkness, or enters the area for the first time on a turn, must make a Wisdom saving throw; On a failed saving throw, their movement speeds are reduced by half until the start of their next turn, and they suffer Necrotic damage; The amount of damage is a number of d6s equal to one-half (Rounded down) of your Proficiency Bonus; On a successful save, they suffer half as much damage and suffer no reduction in movement speed. You regain hit points equal to half (Rounded down) of the Necrotic damage dealt to creatures with this ability.



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AuthorZhenra-Khal +
Canontrue +
ClassCleric +
Identifier5e Divine Domain +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou draw divine power from the hope-giving light in the night sky - And the darkness in between. +
TitleCelestial Domain +