5e Classes

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5e Classes[edit]

5e Sidekick Class Preload
Blackguard, Spanambula VariantSpanambula
CardinalYou like blood magic? Here, have this.Zhenra-Khal
Dragon BladeDragonblader
EmpathLink up to feel the emotions of enemies and allies... and then exploit that link.Axis
FatesmithA studious spellcaster who prefers the raw power of fate itself over measly spell slots.Skeletax
Otherworld ApostleYou've seen visions from another reality, and power from it has begun to manifest.Max7238
RangerHunters, Trackers and Guardians from the ancient school of Ur Khul Nathorvín Etrío ed KareptirahErasmusUzarond
Shadow weaver
Sin of WrathJustaPC
SoulbringerAdaptable spellswords with conviction and arcane senses.Max7238
Spider-MonkWhether you were bitten by a scientifically enhanced spider, came across a strange monstrosity that has grabbed onto you for eternity, or finally you were even granted these strange powers by a magical being you are known as the folk figure Spider-Man.
Whether by choice or by fate, you gained the favor of Anansi, the Weaver of the Great Web. Through your connection with the ethereal web of life, you gain limited access to several spectacular powers.
Water Bender
WitchbladeShadowy arcane warriors who use blood magic.Zhenra-Khal

also see: SRD5:Classes for a list of classes from the 5th ed. SRD.

5e Prestige Classes[edit]

ShamanShaman are spellcasters that tap into the primal power of the spirit world.Rlyehable

5e Subclasses[edit]

5e Divine Domain PreloadCleric 
Arcane-Divine Spellfire Spellfire Wielder, Spellfire WielderArcane/Divine Spellfire pathAzzdan
BombardierArtificer, ArtificerYour alchemy goes towards the production of magical explosives.Eiji-kun
Celestial DomainClericYou draw divine power from the hope-giving light in the night sky - And the darkness in between.Zhenra-Khal
Chymic MutationSpider-MonkThis variant of the Spider-Monk gains augmented senses and extra arms.Nolanf
Circle of IchorZhenra-Khal
Circle of the CosmosDruidA Druid of space - one who recognizes nature on a grander scale.Max7238
Circle of the MountainDruidEver wanna mix Druid with a heavy armor Artificer, with a pinch of Bladesinger? Here's your ticket.Zhenra-Khal
Circle of the Summer QueenDruidThis Circle is essentially for what may be a Cleric-adjacent who worships Titania.Max7238
College of HuntersBardMonster indentification, now in Bard flavor.Zhenra-Khal
College of TacticsBardA bard who commands and controls the battlefield, setting their skills towards tactics on the battlefield to support their allies.Eiji-kun
College of VisceraZhenra-Khal
College of the ThrillerBardYour bardic skills influence the undead, and you gain access to necromantic spells.Eiji-kun
Coven of the ServantWitchbladeYou are a Witchblade who has stolen power from an otherworldly patron.Zhenra-Khal
Coven of the Silver MirrorWitchbladeA coven that focuses on using their blood magic to heal the injured and reveal the truth.Zhenra-Khal
Coven of the Thousand BladesWitchbladeA coven more bloodthirsty than most, they revel in destruction for destruction's sake.Zhenra-Khal
Dark KnightFighterDark knights expend their own health to deal massive powerful blows, recover through acts of violence, and sow death in their wake., Knights who embody vengeance and bloodshed, they strike powerful blows at their own expense.Eiji-kun
Dragon DiscipleSorcererThe dragon disciple is not merely dragon themed, but actively is turning into a dragon.Eiji-kun
ElementalistSorcererA Sorcerer who can bend the four elements and eventually master them.Elelfojoa
GeomancyWizardGeomancy is an ancient arcane tradition, though it fell in disuse, and now only an handful of wizards call themselves geomancers. This magic school focuses on drawing arcane energy from the very earth, channeling the power of leylines.the bluez in the dungeon
Gravity WarriorFighterThese fighters have the ability to manipulate gravitational forces.YLM
HemomancyWizardHemomancy is a forgotten school of magic that uses the life-force of living creatures to power their magic. They can transfuse health, boost a spell using their own blood, or drain their victims to deathElelfojoa
Horizon Walker - Z's RevisedRangerHorizon Walker is one of the worst subclasses for an originally-bad class; Fey Wanderer is just better. So let's give it some juice, shall we?Zhenra-Khal
Hourglass DervishRogueTime Rogue. Wallrun, remind yourself, and even stop time.Zhenra-Khal
Implacable BrawlerFighterAn unarmed Fighter than enters a trance to avoid harm, and learns to redirect the attacks of their enemies while pounding into them relentlessly with their fists.Zhenra-Khal
JetpackerArtificerArtificers who dream of being able to soar in the sky dedicate themselves to the study and practice of the jetpacker specialty.the bluez in the dungeon
Laughing ManRogueComedic Rogues who enjoy messing with their enemies, all while putting on an entertaining show.RandomD6s
Luck DomainClericA cleric who worships a god of fortune, seeking to control the force of luck.Stryker
ManhunterFighterIf it bleeds, it dies. A dual-wielding master of close combat.Max7238
Meta SpellfireSpellfire WielderMeta Spellfire pathAzzdan
MountebankRogueA cunning rogue, one who sold their soul to powerful fiends for power.Stryker
Muscle MageSorcererWith the power of bulk, you cast FIST!Eiji-kun
Mystic GeometristSorcererThese sorcerers draw power from mystical geometries.Rlyehable
Night DomainClericThis domain promotes the ideals of darkness, concealing, and secrets.Rlyehable
Oath of ArcanumPaladinWizard-Paladin, defending knowledge and the right to learn, while learning to beat up evil spellcaster.Zhenra-Khal
Oath of MartyrdomPaladinThe Oath of Martyrdom is perhaps the most selfless of all oaths: to protect and serve, to the death if necessaryT.G. Oskar
Oath of SacrificeZhenra-Khal
Oath of VirtuePaladinSworn to pursue each of The Mana's tenetsMax7238
Oath of the Masked HeroPaladinYou are a masked hero, riding out to met justice to your monstrous foes!Eiji-kun
OccultistRogueFor those of us who can't decide between Inquisitive Rogue, Arcane Trickster, and Tome Warlock - A supernatural dabbler who uses cunning and skill to stand against that which goes bump in the night.Zhenra-Khal
Order of the RiftwalkerBlood HunterYou warp space and time to consume your foes, but are just as at risk of being consumed.Zhenra-Khal
Parasitic BondSpider-MonkThis Spider-Monk variant may use poison and grow spikes from his skin, among other strange abilities.Nolanf
Path of MutationZhenra-Khal
Path of the Death KnightBlackguard, Spanambula Variantan undead-focused archetype for the BlackguardSpanambula
Path of the DreadlordBlackguard, Spanambula Variantmelee-focused archetype for the BlackguardSpanambula
Path of the Immortal WarriorBarbarianSurvival is victory for this, a regenerating and tireless warrior.Max7238
Path of the RavenousBarbarianYour rage is insatiable, allowing you to feast on your enemies. The Path of the Ravenous teaches to devour defeated foes in order to absorb their power and strengthen the victor's body.the bluez in the dungeon
Path of the RunescarredBarbarianEver wanna mix rage and magic without breaking your game? Here's your ticket to glory.Zhenra-Khal
Path of the ShadowmasterBlackguard, Spanambula VariantA stealth and invocation-focused archetype for the BlackguardSpanambula
Path of the SkaldBarbarianA barbarian with a touch of bard, they tell stories and poems of battle, honor, and glory that they themselves witnessed, performed, or retolled.Eiji-kun
Path of the Split SoulBarbarianA Barbarian who divides his being between a raging monster and a intelligent individual.RandomD6s
PugilistFighterThe art of the unarmed warrior, as taken by the fighter.Eiji-kun
RuffianRogueA brutish rogue, one who fights more through strength and intimidation then through cunning and agility.Stryker
Sanguine KnightZhenra-Khal
School of MedicineZhenra-Khal
Shadow HunterRogueA devoted rogue, hunting the monsters from the very dark in which they hide, and smiting them to dust with holy fire.Zhenra-Khal
Shadowhunter ConclaveZhenra-Khal
Shooting StarRangerA Ranger conclave with an emphasis on mastering dark magic; a re-imagining of the Arcane Archer.Vaegrim
Sorcerous Origin - Pyroclastic BloodlineSorcererThe blood of the earth runs through you.Gr7mm Bobb
Spirit RangerRangerPowerful animal Spirit Companions, skills, streamlined magic use, and other things as a finished Archetype begun by UA.Sabbott
SummonerWizardThe summoner tradition focuses on summoning and manipulating creatures.Rlyehable
The Gift GiverWarlockGain mystical, holiday magic from Kris Kringle himself.RandomD6s
The ManaWarlock, WarlockDirectly receiving power from the stewardess of all magic.Max7238
TormentorArtificerSome artificers are used to inflict terrible torments, as they have learned the art of torturing and wounding without killing, becoming known torturers and interrogators.the bluez in the dungeon
Travel DomainClericDomain of travelers, explorers, and adventurers.Rlyehable
Venerable DragonWarlockThese sorcerers have made a pact with a powerful dragonRlyehable
VestigesWarlockSouls of legendary beings who have been "evicted" from the universe.Vaegrim
Virtue DomainClericA follower of The Mana, seeking enlightenmentMax7238
WarbladeFighterVersatile master of many stances.Vaegrim
Warlock Patron - The Immemorial GlacierWarlock Gr7mm Bobb
Warlock Patron - The ImmutableWarlockFor those of us that want time and space magic on something other than a Wizard.Zhenra-Khal
Warlock Patron - The Inescapable VoidWarlockDarkness awaits all as the Void pulls to reclaim that which was wrought from Nothing.Gr7mm Bobb
WarriorFighterSimple subclass for fighter. A reworking of user:Ghostwheel's Warrior (5e Class) into a fighter subclass.Rlyehable
Way of EnlightenmentMonkUser of ancient summoning techniques, adherent of The ManaMax7238
Way of the Abundant StepMonkFaster than the eye can see, using ki to unlock the secrets of speed. A Pathfinder adaptation.Max7238
Way of the Arcane FistMonkCast spells with your fists, using Ki instead of spell slots. Simple enough.Zhenra-Khal
Way of the CraneMonkMonks of the Way of the Crane focus on the more mental and mystical side of martial arts.Iskerbabble
Way of the ForceMonkMonks who focus on the ebb and flow of the universal life force, and combine it with the power of glowing swords and fancy spins.Eiji-kun
Way of the Gentle HandMonkA monastic tradition that focuses on nonviolence above all else, acting as a martyr and diplomat.Zhenra-Khal
Way of the HostMonkBond yourself to a psychoactive parasite to augment your power. Inspired by Marvel Comic's VenomMr. Clever
Way of the Old BloodMonkThrough accessing your Stangnant blood you’ll gain access to the abilities granted by the stagnant waters.Daomon
Way of the Open VeinZhenra-Khal
Way of the Time PhaserMonkMonks who dabble in Chronomancy to enhance their fighting potential.RandomD6s
Way of the TurtleMonkMonks of The Way of the Turtle focus on the body, and how Ki can push it to unthinkable heights.Iskerbabble
Way of the Unseen HandMonkUtilize telekinesis to punch people from across the room.Zhenra-Khal
Way of the Vengeful WaveMonkStudying your foes' techniques to avoid their attacks and punish them using the might of water.Memnon
Weapon MasterFighter T.G. Oskar
Weaver MysticSpider-Monk , Whether by choice or by fate, you gained the favor of Anansi, the Weaver of the Great Web. Through your connection with the ethereal web of life, you gain limited access to several spectacular powers.Nolanf
Winter DomainThis is a Domain of cold, survival, and endurance.Zhenra-Khal

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