Create Object (3.5e Power)

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Author: Foxwarrior (talk)
Date Created: 3/22/12
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Create Object
Metacreativity (Creation)
Level: Psionic Psuperhero 1
Display: Material
Manifesting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Created object or objects weighing no more than 10 pounds/level, within a contiguous region defined by up to one 5 ft. cube/level.
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: None; see text
Power Resistance: No
Power Points: 1

You create an object or objects. If they fall on creatures, those creatures are allowed to make Reflex saves for half damage, and no creature is dealt more than 1d6 points of damage per manifester level. If created around or equipped onto creatures, those creatures may make Reflex saves to avoid them; if the Reflex save is failed, they may immediately make a Fortitude save to shatter the parts of the object constraining them. Created objects are mundane, and may not be worth more than 100 gp per manifester level in total. Created objects have a maximum HP/inch equal to 5 plus twice your manifester level, and a maximum hardness of your manifester level.

If the items you wish to create are complex, you must succeed on a Craft check to create them, with 5 plus your manifester level as a bonus to the check.

Keep in mind that created objects can be detected as magically created, so few people would pay much for them.

Augment: For every two power points spent augmenting Create Object in any way, its save DC increases by 1.

Increased Duration: If you spend three additional power points, the duration increases to 1 hour/level. If you spend seven additional power points instead, the duration increases to 1 day/level.

Increased Area: If you spend one additional power point, the area which the objects can occupy increases to one 10 ft. cube/level. If you spend three additional power points instead, the area which the objects can occupy increases to one 25 ft. cube/level.

Increased Range: If you spend two additional power points, the range increases to Medium. If you spend five additional power points instead, the area which the objects can occupy increases to Long.

Midas Effect: For every additional power point you spend, the maximum value of the created objects doubles. This is not subject to D&D's multiplication rule.

Supermassive: For every additional power point you spend, the maximum weight of the created objects doubles. This is not subject to D&D's multiplication rule.

Tougher: For every additional power point you spend, the maximum HP/inch increases by your manifester level, and the maximum hardness increases by 3.

Make Magic: If you spend six additional power points, you can create nonconsumable magic and psionic items, so long as they have a manifester or caster level no greater than your manifester level. You can create partially consumable magic and psionic items (those with a limited number of charges per day, for example) as though their caster level, manifester level, and cost were doubled. You can create fully consumable magic and psionic items (wands, scrolls, and potions, for example) as though their caster level, manifester level, and cost were tripled.

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Foxwarrior's Homebrew (780 Articles)
AuthorFoxwarrior +
DisciplineMetacreativity +
Identifier3.5e Power +
LevelPsionic Psuperhero 1 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SubdisciplineCreation +
SummaryMake things. +
TitleCreate Object +