Darkrime (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 26th October 2020
Status: Complete
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Price: 16,000 GP
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 10th
Aura: Moderate Evocation and Conjuration
Activation: See Text
Weight: 2 lbs.

This beautiful dark silvery blade is cold to the touch. It is said to be the weapon of a dark princess of winter.

This +1 Frost Keen Cometsteel Longsword has a short dark silvery blade, a basket hilt much like a rapier and a carved darkwood covered hilt. In order to be properly used, darkrime must be attuned to a wielder, a process which requires 24 hours of meditation. The blade may only have a single attuned owner, when another owner attunes to the blade the previous owner becomes unattuned. In the hands of a non-attuned wielder, Darkrime is simply a +1 Cometsteel Shortsword.

When wielded in combat by an attuned wielder, Darkrime's blade becomes covered in Blue IceFrostburn, increasing its length to that of a normal longsword. Darkrime count as being a light weapon whenever doing so would be advantageous and counts as being made of both Cometsteel and Blue IceFrostburn. If Darkrime is sundered, the ice break and unless another successful sunder attempt is made against the sword itself, will regrow within 1 round.

If the attuned owner of Darkrime has a cold spell or maneuver of 2nd level or higher ready to cast or initiate (as a Reserve feat), it may be called to the hand of her hand as a free action from anywhere within the plane. When drawn or called by an attuned wielder, she may have Darkrime freeze over her hands. The sheet of ice covering both the hand and hilt of the weapon acting as effectively a single locked gauntlet, requiring a full-round action to remove.

Darkrime is a unique item that cannot be replicated, but is not an artifact and thus may be destroyed or enhanced further as normal.

Prerequisites: N/A.
Cost to Create: Unique item, cannot be created.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4527 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
Body SlotHeld +
Cost16,000 GP +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA +1 frost cometsteel longsword, which reveals its true potential to an attuned wielder. +
TitleDarkrime +