Demon Armour, Lesser (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: MisterSinister (talk)
Date Created: 4th June, 2011
Status: Finished
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Demon Armour, Lesser[edit]

Demon Armour, Lesser
Price: 4,000gp
Body Slot: Body
Caster Level: 8th
Aura: Moderate (DC 19) evil and moderate (DC 19) necromancy
Activation: --
Weight: 50lb

Demons tend to possess individuals with strong emotions, and none more so than those who are creative. If those individuals happen to be metal craftsmen, they usually produce armour like this. It is inscribed with potent symbols of an Abyssal nature, is covered with designs that appear like demon faces, and tends to be black, dark red, or some similar colour. Additionally, its vambraces and gauntlets look like claws, and are quite capable of being used as such. Whenever they strike flesh, the gauntlet-claws glow a dark green briefly.

Lesser demon armour is a suit of masterwork full plate. It has an enhancement bonus to its AC value equal to 1/3 of the character level of its wearer (rounding down, minimum +1). Additionally, it gives its wearer the capability to make two claw attacks, each dealing 1d6 damage for a Medium creature. These have an enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to 1/3 of the character level of its wearer. If the wearer is using a one-handed or light weapon, they may make a claw attack as a secondary attack.

Additionally, a living creature that is struck by at least one claw attack must make a Fort save at the end of the round (DC 10 + 1/2 the wearer's character level + the wearer's Charisma modifier). If this is failed, the struck creature is affected as if by a contagion spell. This can never force the same creature to make multiple saves in one round.

A character which is not evil or not possessed takes a negative level while wearing this armour. This can never cause actual level loss, but it cannot be removed unless the armour is removed. Additionally, if the creature wearing this is lower than 8th character level, it takes an additional negative level per level of difference (with the same rules as above). Lastly, the armour seeps into its wearer's mind and makes it more prone to swings of emotion. This gives a -2 penalty on Charisma checks against non-chaotic creatures, and a -2 penalty on saves against abilities that cause emotion in the target (most fear abilities, and abilities that cause morale bonuses, for example, cause emotion).

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, contagion, creator must be evil or possessed by a demon.
Cost to Create: 2,000gp, 160 XP, 4 days.

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AuthorMisterSinister +
Body SlotBody +
Cost4,000gp +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryDemon armour priced at something that doesn't make us cry. +
TitleDemon Armour, Lesser +