Lunacy (3.5e Deity)

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Author: Unsanemaker (talk)
Date Created: 8/23/2012
Status: Completed
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Lesser Deity
Symbol: A blue skull with the left eye red and the right one yellow. The teeth are made of Daggers
Home Plane: Realm of Chaos
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Courage, Magic, Vigilantes
Clergy Alignments: Lawful Good, Chaotic good, Neutral Good
Domains: Chaos, Courage
Favored Weapon: Battle hammer (that looks like a giant squeaky hammer. The reason for this is so opponents will lower their guard.)

He is the protector of Vigilantes


He was born in the Realm of Chaos and given the name Lunacy. He used to be a jester that would travel throughout the realms to entertain masses of people. It wasn't until he mistakenly walked into a realm of all good gods and goddesses that he met them. He decided to entertain them as it seemed that they were stressed. Many of the greater gods agreed that he was a funny and entertaining for a mortal coming from the realm of Chaos. So, they told him if he can spread enough joy they will name him a god of joy, laughter, and of bards. They said they would send him to the world only gods and goddesses know of, our world.

When he was given the test he was uneasy at first but was convinced that being a was an honor. When in our world he spread joy he went to many places and in the beginning he was cased out because of the way he looks. After many years of travel he received message from the gods to go to the nearest temple and wait there and they will get him. While traveling to find a temple he came across bandits killing children. Becoming outraged by this he used his magic to kill the bandits and save the remaining children. He began to walk away when some of the children started to cry. He didn't want to leave them there to fend for themselves so he took 25 of them with him travels finding their families or new homes. This took many months as many children wanted their families. This took months on end.

Once most of the children were safe and home there were two children left. Two little girls that lived in a poor crime ridden city. Becoming totally enraged by this he went and killed many mob members, gang members, drug pushers, and all other evil people within the city.He decided then and there that he cannot hold a neutral outlook on things such as this. For about a month and a half (before the gods ripped him from where he was) after that he went from city to city posing as a jester with the intent of ridding it of evil. He began to gain some followers calling him the god of vigilantes. He didn't like this and told them that he was no god but they wouldn't listen.

After a month impatient with him the gods ripped him from where he was and demanded a reason why he did do as he was told. He explained to them what had happened and some of them had gotten angry that anyone would defy the gods' and goddesses' will while others gave him praise for putting others before himself in such a manner.

After much debate among the gods and goddesses they were approached by evil gods and goddesses showing them that they too had someone that may become a god. A half elf named Gorgin. He was trying to become a god of criminals. Without warning and haste Lunacy attacked and killed Gorgin by ripping him in two. As he did so he proclaimed looking at the evil gods and goddesses before him "I AM LUNACY! GOD OF THE VIGILANTE! EVIL WILL NOT LIVE WHERE I WALK!" and attacked them. Although he was defeated he lived and woke up sometime later.

He was told that the evil gods were driven out and that they; the good gods; decided to make him a god of vigilantes and courage. When he asked why courage the answer he received was that it took a great amount to to look straight in the face of evil and do what he did. After he recovered he was asked to pick a weapon and a new name because the gods and godesses felt that his name would not be taken seriously. He chose a large battle hammer and used his magic to change it's look to that of a squeaky hammer and then said that he will not change his name. When asked why he said that he knows that he must get involved sometimes with mortals and when an enemy would ask his name they will laugh and when he pulls out his weapon they will laugh even more thus giving him an edge in battle.

Despite this he still has a fun loving personality. He doesn't mind getting involved with mortal affairs when need be. He enjoys pulling pranks on both allies and enemies alike. However, the pranks played on enemies are usually harmful.


He has a strong sense of justice and humor. He tends to joke around with followers and enemies alike. He rather enjoys playing pranks on paladins. He has been known to hide various weapons and items in his hat.

He looks rather strange; many say is because he is from the realm of chaos.

Eye color: right eye is green. Left eye is yellow.

Hair: Off White but can change at will

Height: 5'9

Weight: Unknown

Skin: light sliver color

Usual clothing worn: Tye dye colored leather armor

His ears are elf ears however the are upside down. And he has the nose of a gnome.

Generally, he appears as a jester in colorful clothes.


He asks for no allegiance or praise. He does however have a set of rules he wishes for people to follow. These are known as The Lunatic Laws.

  • 1) Never harm an innocent.
  • 2) Never use to skills and powers for your own personal gain.
  • 3) Always free the enslaved.
  • 4) Give to the poor what they need.
  • 5) In battle, the innocent will die sometimes. Be careful. When it does happen, make evil pay.

Clergy and Temples[edit]

He has no temples made in is honor as he asked that it not be done. His clergy is made of vigilantes although some paladins have been known to have him as a second god.

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Facts about "Lunacy (3.5e Deity)"
AlignmentChaotic Good +
Allowed AlignmentsLawful Good +, Chaotic good + and Neutral Good +
AuthorUnsanemaker +
DomainChaos + and Courage +
Favored WeaponBattle hammer (that looks like a giant squeaky hammer. The reason for this is so opponents will lower their guard.) +
Home PlaneRealm of Chaos +
Identifier3.5e Deity +
PortfolioCourage, Magic, Vigilantes +
Rated ByGrape343 +, DanielDraco + and Ghostwheel +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryHe is the protector of Vigilantes +
SymbolA blue skull with the left eye red and the right one yellow. The teeth are made of Daggers +
TitleLunacy +
TypeLesser +