Martial Adept Barbarian (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Sergejsvk (talk)
Date Created: 12.Decmber.2013
Status: Completed (3.8.2015 edited)
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Initiate of the Savage Path

The core Barbarian with a smidget of aditional rage fun and some Tome of Battle goodness added.

Class: Barbarian

Level: 1st

Replaces: If you select this class feature, you lose Trap Sense class feature at 3rd and Damage Reduction class feature at 7th level.

Benefit: At 1st level you gain the Maneuver, Stance, initiator level progression, and Recovery of a Crusader. You gain access to the Iron Heart, Stone Dragon, and Tiger Claw disciplines. Add Balance and Martial Lore to the barbarian's skill list.

Furthermore you gain Bonus Rage Feat at 6th and 16th level, Channeled Fury at 10th level and Deathless Rage at 20th level.

  • Bonus Rage Feat (Ex): you can select a bonus feat at 6th and 16th level. You can select any feat with a rage prerequisite. You must stil meet all other prerequisites for the feat.
  • Channeled Fury (Ex): When a 10th level barbarian enters rage, he gets all readied maneuvers granted. He may aditionaly as a swift action spend one of his daily uses of rage, to gain all readied maneuvers granted. (Solutions brought to you by Your Rage!™)
  • Deathless Rage (Ex): A 20th level barbarian can't die from hitpoint damage, ignores the effects of being at 0 or fewer hit points, and is immune to all death spells and magical death effects while raging.
  • One level in this variant class qualifies a barbarian for any feat with a crusader class prerequisite, the barbarian must still meet all other prerequisites for the feat.

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Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorSergejsvk +
ClassBarbarian +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryThe core Barbarian with a smidget of aditional rage fun and some Tome of Battle goodness added. +
TitleMartial Adept Barbarian +