Master Constructor (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Elohim (talk)
Date Created: 24 April 2016
Status: Complete
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Master Constructor [Metapsionic] Prerequisites: Know the Astral Construct power.Benefit: When creating an astral construct your servant is strongly enhanced. The construct gains one additional power power choice from the highest menu available to it, and one additional choice from each lower menu. The construct also gains additional hit points equal to half the manifester's total when the power is used. The power's duration is increased to 3 turns per manifester level. Use of this feat requires expediture of the manifester's psionic focus.

When the manifester reaches caster level 5th, their master construct gains low intelligence (5) and may be given simple standing orders such as "guard me", or "kill all who enter". The manifester assigns any feats for the master construct, all requisites must be met.

When the manifester reaches caster level 10th, their master construct is under the effect of mindlink.

At caster level 15th, the master construct gains average intelligence (10) and may be given complex orders.

Finally, at caster level 20, the master construct increases in intelligence to exceptional (15), or manifester intelligence -1 if lower. The master construct may now be given control the manifester's normal astral constructs; it may control a number equal to its astral construct level. The master construct receives a virtual leadership feat for free, but only in so far as the normal constructs placed under its command.

A master construct power uses up additional power points equal to the level of created astral construct-1 (minimum 1).

Intelligent constructs may carry out orders unsupervised. Normal: Your astral construct is unintelligent and less powerful.Special: The manifester may only have one master construct in effect at a time, this does not prohibit additional normal uses of the Astral Construct power.

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Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorElohim +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteKnow the Astral Construct power. +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryYour astral construct gains additional power and versatility. +
TitleMaster Constructor +
TypeMetapsionic +