Rinsidia (3.5e Deity)

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Author: qwertyu63 (talk)
Date Created: 6/9/2015
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Rinsidia, the Forestwalker[edit]

Symbol: A tree
Home Plane: The Plane of Positive Energy; the Mist; the Forest
Alignment: True Neutral
Portfolio: Positive energy, nature, elves
Clergy Alignments: Neutral Good, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral
Domains: Plant, Animal, Sun, Healing, Positive
Favored Weapon: Sling

Formerly an elf, Rinsidia (druid 20/ranger 10) is a god of positive energy and nature. She only grants spells to elves, shunning the other races.

Special Note: All clerics of Rinsidia spontaneously cast cure spells and turn/destroy undead, regardless of their alignment.

Plane of Life
This piece of homebrew is part of the Plane of Life sourcebook, a collection of content about positive energy.

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Facts about "Rinsidia (3.5e Deity)"
AlignmentTrue Neutral +
Allowed AlignmentsNeutral Good +, Neutral Evil +, Chaotic Neutral +, Lawful Neutral + and True Neutral +
Authorqwertyu63 +
DomainPlant +, Animal +, Sun +, Healing + and Positive +
Favored WeaponSling +
Home PlaneThe Plane of Positive Energy; the Mist; the Forest +
Identifier3.5e Deity +
PortfolioPositive energy, nature, elves +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryFormerly an elf, Rinsidia (druid 20/ranger 10) is a god of positive energy and nature. +
SymbolA tree +
TitleRinsidia +
TypeDemigod +