Sylvan Step (4e Feat)

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Author: Sam Kay (talk)
Date Created: 19th September 2009
Status: Complete
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Sylvan Step [Songweaver]

Tier: HeroicPrerequisites: SongweaverBenefit: Gain Sylvan Step as an at-will power.

Sylvan Step
Utility Feat Power
Your footsteps leave a trail of magical plant growth that impede those who follow you.
At-Will ✦ Arcane, Sylvan
Move Action Personal
Effect: Move a number of squares equal to your speed. Each square you vacate as part of this move becomes a zone of woodlands until the start of your next turn. The zones are difficult terrain.

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Facts about "Sylvan Step (4e Feat)"
Action TypeMove Action +
AuthorSam Kay +
Identifier4e Feat +
KeywordArcane + and Sylvan +
LevelNA +
PrerequisiteSongweaver +
RangePersonal +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryCreate zones of woodlands as you move. +
TierHeroic +
TitleSylvan Step +
TypeSongweaver + and Utility Feat Power +
UsageAt-Will +