User:Zhenra-Khal/Realms Of Beyond/Magic
The backbone of the fantasy genre, Magic is present within the Realms, though far less predictable than most might assume.
Unlike other realms where magic is surefire, within the Realms, the unpredictability of magic evens the playing field between casters and noncasters. Rather than simply casting a spell, the caster must roll as Casting check, using the Spellcraft skill. Rolling a 1 typically causes a random Wild Magic effect, and you can roll a critical Casting check - Doing to doubles the damage of the spell. If it deals no damage, double the number of targets affected or area. If it effects only a single target and doesn't create an area effect, double the duration. If none of these apply, double the range. The DC of the Casting check is equal to the spell's level plus your current amount of Strain.
Rather than daily slots, spellcasters have a limit of Strain. Strain is accrued when you cast a spell (Equal to the spell's level), and goes away over time. The class's particular Strain threshold is mentioned within the class's description, but the effects are all the same. While you are below one-half your Strain threshold, you lose one point of Strain each round. When you are above one-half your Strain threshold, but below three-quarters of your threshold, you lose one point of Strain each minute, and are Fatigued. When above three-quarters of your Strain threshold, you lose one point of Strain every ten minutes, and are Exhausted. When your Strain threshold reaches its maximum, you lose one point of Strain each hour, in addition to being Staggered and not being able to cast any more spells. If you have multiple casting classes, your Strain threshold from each class is added together to determine your total Strain threshold that is used by all of your spells and powers.
Most of the time, by the time a caster reaches half their Strain threshold, they have well exceeded the maximum number they could roll on a Spellcraft check. However, the manner of overcoming this is taking longer to build the spell. You can spend any number of additional rounds casting a spell, making a Casting check each round and adding half that check's result to the final Casting check made on the last round of casting. Thus, if your strain was at 40 and you were attempting to cast a 3rd-level spell (DC 43), you could roll a Casting check each round, setting aside half the total each round as a bonus to add to the final Casting check. You can take any number of additional rounds casting the spell in order to increase your chances of success.
Most of the time, your Caster Level is equal to your ranks in Spellcraft, minus 3, with a minimum of 1.
Each spell has Components, expressed in the form of a letter. The components are as follows.
- Verbal (V): Verbal components include chants, rhymes, poems and words of power, and cannot be used within an area of magic Silence. Deafened characters suffer a 20% chance of miscasting a spell with a Verbal component.
- Somatic (S): Somatic components include gestures, hand signs, tracing symbols in the air or general movement. Somatic components must be precise and armor tends to interfere with it; When wearing armor, the armor's Armor Check Penalty applies to Casting checks when attempting to cast a spell that has a Somatic component. Spells with Somatic components also cannot be cast while bound.
- Thought (T): Thought components are visualization, shaping the effect through thought rather than gesture. Confused characters can't cast spells with Thought components, and spells with Thought components are more vulnerable to interruption, suffering a -4 penalty on Concentration checks made to cast the spell when interrupted. You can negate this penalty by spending a round focusing your mind before casting the spell.
- Emotion (E): Emotion components are things like anger for an attack spell, fear for a defensive spell and hope for a healing spell, emotions used in place of words to fuel the power. Spells with Emotion components can't be cast while under the effects of anything that warps the emotions, like Rage, Fear, and so forth, even if the effect is creating the correct emotion, because the caster doesn't have precise control over the emotion.
- Focus (F): While all spells can benefit from optional foci, some spellcasters use Foci in all their casting, to channel the energy through and focus it, such as a Cleric presenting his holy symbol as part of a spell. You can't cast the spell without the listed Focus.
- Material (M): Some spells use material components to help fuel and shape their power. These are much like Focus components, except they are often less expensive and are consumed by the spell upon casting, like sage leaves turning to ash to power a spell to banish demons. You can't cast the spell without the needed Material component.
- Experience (XP): Some spells draw off your life essence when cast, such as the all-powerful Wish spell, similarly to when you make a magic item. You can't cast a spell with an Experience component if the XP spent would reduce your level.
Most spells have at least two components, but more powerful spells have more components, as each component is used to draw forth, shape and control the energy the caster is wielding. This is something to keep in mind when making your own structured spells or working with metamagic.
In game terms, spell components correspond directly to how difficult a spell is to cast. A spell with one shape and one effect can be cast with two components without increasing the spell's level, and subsequently without increasing the DC of the Casting check needed to cast the spell, which means it also doesn't increase the amount of Strain gained when the spell is cast. Thus Burning Hands - Cone shape, Fire effect - Suffers no increase in difficulty. However, adding Daze effect to the spell without adding another component would increase the spell's minimum level by 1, meaning it would be a 2nd-level spell, being harder to cast and more tiring to cast, as the energy would be harder to control. However, adding the Daze effect and adding, for instance, the Material component (Using powdered sulfur for the material) would result in it still being a 1st-level spell. Likewise, reducing the number of spell components raises the spell's level - If Burning Hands had neither Verbal nor Somatic components, it would be a 3rd-level spell. Adding and subtracting spell components is a form of Metamagic (Described below).
You can reduce the spell's level by adding more components, even learning more difficult spells in this manner, but such spells can never have these additional components subtracted until you are capable of casting the appropriate spell level. In addition, every level above your current casting level increases the casting time by one step. Thus if you could cast, at best, 2nd-level spell, you could learn a 3rd-level summoning spell that takes 1 full round to cast, by adding in an extra component of your choice. However, the spell's casting time would be one full minute until you learn to cast 3rd-level spells.
Spell Grades[edit]
Spells come in six "Grades", which are categories of power. Your first Grade is your Beginner spells, known often as Cantrips or Orisons. These are 0th-level spells you can use fairly easily, that don't strain you when you cast them. Then there are the Apprentice spells, which are your 1st- and 2nd-level spells. Your Novice spells are spell levels 3 and 4, and your Initiate spells are levels 5 and 6, your Master spells are levels 7 and 8, while your final spell grade, Sovereign spells, are spell levels 9 and 10. There are even some fabled Archspells, that few know of and even fewer can cast.
The Grades (Beginner, Apprentice, Novice, Initiate, Master and Sovereign) will be referred to hereafter. Each spell grade above Beginner has their own associated save DC bonus, from +1 to +5.
Prepared vs. Spontaneous[edit]
There are two sorts of spellcasters within the Realms - Prepared casters, and Spontaneous casters.
Prepared casters, like Wizard or Cleric, are those who gain their power from an outside source, either from a deity or from shaping the world's magic via chants in obscure languages and crude gestures. These characters store the energy of their spells in a Focus item, which generally takes the form of a staff, wand, ring, crown, holy symbol, or the like. When they cast the spell, they speak the last, triggering words and gesture with the item, finishing the casting and setting the spell upon its target. They can cast spells fairly quickly, but must wait after using a specific spell level so they don't overload their focus and lose the rest of their spells.
The cast time for a Prepared caster's spell is 1 standard action per Grade. Two standard actions is a full-round action. However, a Prepared caster must wait 1 round per Grade, minus 1 (1 round for Least spells, 2 for Lesser spells, all the way up to 4 rounds for Imperial spells) before they may cast another spell of that grade, lest they overload their Focus and be without magic entirely. They may cast a Basic spell every round, but if they cast a Least spell, they must wait an entire round before they can cast another Least spell (Though this round is usually spent casting a Basic spell).
The Spontaneous caster, on the other hand, shapes their magic on the fly, as their power comes from within and they can draw upon it at any time they wish. Such a caster doesn't have these issues, no warmup or cooldown times to keep track of. However, it takes a bit longer for them to cast a spell in the first place - The casting time for a Spontaneous caster's spell is 1 standard action per spell level.
As a summary, it takes 9 rounds (Effectively) for a Prepared caster to cast a 9th-level spell. However, they get to cast smaller spells along the way, and can still take move actions to change positions in between spells. It takes a Spontaneous caster only 4 rounds (Plus their Standard action on the 5th round) to cast a 9th-level spell, but they must spend the entire time casting and can, at most, only take a 5ft step.
Designing And Altering Spells[edit]
You can easily design your own spells. Designing a spell is like making a mundane item, using Spellcraft instead of Craft; The DC is equal to 10 + twice the spell's level. Each spell requires at least one Shape and at least one Effect, but can have several shapes, several effects, and several modifiers. You simply select a spell level, shape(s), effect(s), modifier((s), optional), duration, and refer to the following, as well as the Averages tables in the Metamagic section. A spell can have any combination of shapes, effects and modifiers whose cost does not exceed its spell level + the number of components.
When designing or altering a spell, be careful that the spell's Strain cost doesn't
Spell Shapes[edit]
These are the spell shapes that currently exist. When a spell shape requires another spell shape, the required spell shape must be known, not necessarily used on the spell. A spell shape can be added more than once. Doing so causes the spell to create more shapes (Such as two rays, or four spheres), but each shape's effect has it's caster effective level reduced by 1 (For single-target shapes) or 2 (For multiple-target shapes). A spell that can target more than one creature - Such as a spell that creates multiple rays - Uses the multiple-target damage progression, not the single-target progression. You can also combine shapes, such as combined Self with Cylinder to create a cylinder-shaped effect around yourself, or combining Ray and Cone to create a ray that detonates into a cone-shaped burst upon striking a target.
Hand (Cost: 1): A simple touch-range spell, requiring a melee touch attack, this is one of the first shapes you can learn. It's versatile, but can never increase in range beyond Touch. A Hand spell never requires Somatic components, and can be channeled through a melee weapon, using a normal melee attack in place of a melee touch attack at the advantage of adding your weapon damage to the effect; Though the spell still goes off in the event of a glancing blow. You can add your unarmed damage to a touch attack made with a Hand spell, and are considered armed when doing so. Minimum Spellcraft Ranks: 1.
Ray (Cost: 1): The ranged counterpart to a Hand spell, the Ray requires a ranged touch attack. Range starts at Close and advances one step per spell grade. Minimum Spellcraft Ranks: 2.
Cone (Cost: 2): The cone shape creates a cone-shaped burst (If dealing damage) or emanation (If applying a debuff). The base range is 15ft and increases/decreases in 15ft increments rather than using the above chart. Minimum Spellcraft Ranks: 4.
Self (Cost: 1): The spell only affects you, or is centered on you. It doesn't use the standard range. Minimum Spellcraft Ranks: 1.
Sphere (Cost: 3): The sphere creates a cone-shaped burst (If dealing damage) or emanation/spread (If applying a debuff). It uses normal spell range, but its radius is effected as well, having a 5ft radius, plus 5ft per spell grade. If a spell creates multiple spheres (Having the Sphere shape more than once), the size of each sphere is reduced by 5ft per additional sphere beyond the first, to a minimum of 5ft. Minimum Spellcraft Ranks: 9.
Cylinder (Cost: 1): The cylinder creates a cylinder-shaped burst (If dealing damage) or emanation/spread (If applying a debuff). It uses normal spell range, but its radius is effected as well, having a 10ft radius, plus 5ft per spell grade. If a spell creates multiple spheres (Having the Cylinder shape more than once), the size of each cylinder is reduced by 5ft per additional sphere beyond the first, to a minimum of 10ft. Minimum Spellcraft Ranks: 6.
Line (Cost: 2): The line creates a line-shaped burst (If dealing damage) or emanation (If applying a debuff). Like a Cone, it starts at any corner of your square and goes from there, out to 30ft, plus 30 per spell grade. Minimum Spellcraft Ranks: 6.
Spread (Cost: 1): The Spread shape creates a shapeable cloud-like effect that fills an area of volume. It cannot be smaller than 10 feet in any dimension, but you can otherwise shape it as you please. The Spread shape creates a number of 5ft cubes of area equal to 4 per spell level, plus 1 per caster level. Minimum Spellcraft Ranks: 4.
Infusion (Cost: 1): Normally only used by Artificers and occasionally by others, Infusion spells target an object, and either confer the effect the the object (Such as Magic Weapon) or to the character wielding/wearing the object (Such as Bull's Strength). Duration is also always increased by one step; And the range is always Touch. Infusion spells cannot normally be used to deal damage (But can add damaging effects to weapons; The Infusion shape combined with the Fire effect could add +1 [W] fire damage to the weapon for a duration, for example). However, when combined with the Hand shape, you can imbue effects into an object that can be triggered later, including dealing damage to the triggerer or to the object itself. For example, using Hand, Infusion and Sphere, combined with the Fire shape and Trigger modifier, could create a spell that lies within the object, but when triggered, deals fire damage in a spherical burst around the object. Requires the Hand shape. Minimum Spellcraft Ranks: 9. (Artificers are the exception.)
Grasp (Cost: 3): This shape affects a single target at a range, using a save instead of an attack roll. Default range for the effect is Medium range. Line of sight is needed, but not line of effect. Requires the Ray shape. Minimum Spellcraft Ranks: 6.
Weapon (Cost: 3): This shape creates a weapon - Either a melee weapon (Using the Hand range) or a ranged weapon (Using the Ray statistics) - In the caster's hand. The Weapon effect starts out with a duration of 1 round per CL, and can never have an Instantaneous duration. Weapon spells deal 1 or two damage dice per attack, as chosen by the caster, but cannot exceed the Single-Target Damage Dice by spell level.
Armor (Cost: 4): This shape creates an aura around you that afflicts damage or negative effects upon those who attack you in melee. Like the Weapon shape, it is a slow burn - The damage is spread out over a duration that cannot be Instantaneous. Only creatures who strike you in melee with non-reach weapons are subject to the spell's effects. This shape is most often combined with the Self shape and the Armor effect, giving yourself a protective suit of force armor that also spits back some type of damage or negative affliction at your target. Armor spells deal 1 or two damage dice per attack, as chosen by the caster, but cannot exceed the Single-Target Damage Dice by spell level.
Wall (Cost: 3): This shape creates a barrier in the form of an immobile wall or sphere. The wall is 1 inch thick per spell Grade and can cover a number of 5ft squares equal to your caster level, though you can halve the thickness to double the area. The wall must be flat and unbroken when created, but you can shape the edges to fit the area. The wall can be made of a material, such as stone or iron, when combined with the Creation effect, or can otherwise be formed of energy like Fire, Sonic, and etc. Creatures can pass through a nonsolid wall and are subjected to any additional spell effects (Such as blindness, damage, and the like) when they do so. You can form the wall into a spherical shape; Instead of the normal size, the sphere has a radius of 5ft + 1ft per Caster Level,with the same thickness. If made of energy, the sphere will extend into solid objects, such as an orb of light. A spherical Wall-shaped spell can be made to move with a target by adding either the Self or Grasp shape. Self will form the sphere around you and it will move as you do, with you at the center. Grasp will form the sphere around the target you choose, and you can choose whether or not the sphere moves with them when they do (Possibly trapping them in a sphere of Force, for example). Unwilling targets are allowed a Reflex save to escape the sphere before it fully forms, ending up adjacent to the sphere in a space of their choice that they can occupy.
Spell Effects[edit]
Damage And Healing[edit]
Fire (Cost: 1): Fire damage is usually expressed in d6s, and usually uses a Reflex save for half. Flammable things damaged by Fire spells ignite. Creatures who fail their save against Fire damage suffer from pain, taking a penalty equal to one-half the spell's level (Rounded up) on attack rolls and skill check for a number of rounds equal to one-half the spell's level (rounded up), though creatures immune to pain - Such as most undead - Suffer no ill effect from this. Fire is an Evocation or Conjuration effect.
Acid (Cost: 1): Acid damage is normally expressed in d4s, and usually uses a Reflex save for half. Those who fail their save take the damage again on the next round, as well as being Sickened for 1 round from the pain and fumes. Creatures immune to pain and/or poison are immune to the sickening effect. Acid effects are not subject to Spell Resistance. Acid is a Conjuration effect.
Electricity (Cost: 1): Electricity damage is usually expressed in d6s, and usually uses a Reflex save for half. Creatures wearing, carrying, or composed of large amount of metal suffer a -2 penalty on AC and Saving Throws against Electricity effects as long as they touch the earth. Those failing their save against an Electrical effect are Fatigued until they spend 1 minute resting or until the end of the encounter, whichever comes first. Electricity is an Evocation or Conjuration effect.
Cold (Cost: 1): Cold damage is normally expressed in d4s, and usually uses a Fortitude save for half. Those failing their saves and not immune to cold are Staggered for a number of rounds equal to one-half the spell's level (Rounded up). Cold is an Evocation or Conjuration effect.
Sonic (Cost: 1): Sonic damage is normally expressed in d4s, and usually uses a Fortitude save for half. Those failing their saving throws are deafened for a number of rounds equal to one-half the spell's level (Rounded up). Sonic is an Evocation effect.
Force (Cost: 1): Force damage is normally expressed in d4s, and usually uses a Reflex save for half. Force effects affect Astral and Incorporeal creatures in the area without miss chance. Force is an Evocation or Conjuration effect.
Slashing (Cost: 1): Slashing damage is usually expressed in d6s, and usually allows a Reflex save for half. Creatures failing their saves incur bleedout equal to the spell's level. Slashing effects are Conjuration or Evocation effects, and not subject to Spell Resistance.
Piercing (Cost: 1): Piercing damage is usually expressed in d6s, and usually allows a Reflex save for half. Creatures failing their saves incur bleedout equal to the spell's level. Piercing effects are Conjuration effects, and not subject to Spell Resistance.
Bludgeoning (Cost: 1): Bludgeoning damage is usually expressed in d4s, and usually allows a Reflex save for half. Creatures failing their saves are Dazed for a number of rounds equal to one-half the spell's level (Rounded up). Bludgeoning effects are Conjuration or Evocation effects, and not subject to Spell Resistance.
Radiant (Cost: 1): Radiant damage is normally expressed in d6s, and usually uses a Will save for half. Creatures failing their saves are Blinded for a number of rounds equal to one-half the spell's level (Rounded up). Radiant spells are Evocation effects.
Poison (Cost: 2): Poison damage is normally expressed in d4s, and usually uses a Fortitude save for half. On a critical hit, the Poison effect, rather than dealing double damage, deals 1 point of Strength, Dexterity or Constitution damage (Caster's choice at the time of casting) per spell level to the affected targets, with a second Fort save to reduce the ability damage by half. Creatures failing their saves against the initial Poison damage are poisoned, taking 1d4 Poison damage each round for a number of rounds equal to the spell's level, with a Fortitude save each round to negate the damage that round and end the effect. Poison effects are Conjuration effects, and not subject to Spell Resistance.
Psychic (Cost: 2): Psychic damage is normally expressed in d4s, and usually uses a Will save for half. On a failed save, creatures are Confused for a number of rounds equal to one-half the spell's level (Rounded up). Psychic spells are Enchantment effects.
Necrotic (Cost: 1): Necrotic damage is normally expressed in d6s, and usually uses a Fortitude save for half. Those failing their save against an Necrotic effect are Fatigued until they spend 1 minute resting or until the end of the encounter, whichever comes first. Creatures slain by Necrotic damage are raised as Skeletons as per the Animate Dead spell. Necrotic spells are Necromancy effects.
Entropy (Cost: 4): Entropy damage is normally expressed in d4s, and usually uses a Fortitude save for half. Creatures failing their saves are aged one year for every 5 points of Entropy damage they took. Entropy spells are Transmutation effects.
Anarchic (Cost: 2): Chaos damage is normally expressed in d8s, and usually uses a Will save for half. On a failed save, the target is Confused for a number of rounds equal to the spell Grade. Only Lawful-aligned creatures and creatures with the Lawful subtype are affected by Chaos damage. Anarchic effects are Evocation effects.
Axiomatic (Cost: 2): Law damage is normally expressed in d8s, and usually uses a Will save for half. On a failed save, the target is Dazed for a number of rounds equal to the spell Grade. Only Chaotic-aligned creatures and creatures with the Chaotic subtype are affected by Law damage. Axiomatic effects are Evocation effects.
Holy (Cost: 2): Good damage is normally expressed in d8s, and usually uses a Will save for half. On a failed save, the target is Blinded for a number of rounds equal to the spell Grade. Only Evil-aligned creatures and creatures with the Evil subtype are affected by Good damage. Holy effects are Evocation effects.
Unholy (Cost: 2): Evil damage is normally expressed in d8s, and usually uses a Will save for half. On a failed save, the target is Sickened for a number of rounds equal to the spell Grade. Only Good-aligned creatures and creatures with the Good subtype are affected by Evil damage. Unholy effects are Evocation effects.
Aetherion (Cost: 5): Aetherion damage is normally expressed in d4s, and usually uses a Fortitude save for half. Targets struck by Aetherion take 1 dice of Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma damage (Die size according to the spell), with a Will save to negate. Aetherion spells are Conjuration effects, and not subject to Spell Resistance.
Rust (Cost: 1): Rust damage is usually expressed in d4s, and usually allows a Fortitude save for half. Only metal objects and creatures composed of metal are subject to Rust damage. On a failed save, the target's armor crumbles, reducing their Armor bonus to AC (If any) by a number of rounds equal to one-half the spell's level (Rounded up). Rust spells are Transmutation effects.
Healing (Cost: 2): Heals the target for 1 HD per caster level, restricted by maximum damage dice. The save type is usually Will, though the effect is harmless. Requires a successful Heal check equal to 10 + the creature's HD; But Divine casters can take 20. Largest HD are affected first. The Strain cost of this effect is increased by the spell's Grade (Up to 5) when cast by an Arcane caster. Healing is a Transmutation effect.
Repair (Cost: 1): Repairs the target Construct for 1 HD of health per caster level, restricted by maximum damage dice. Constructs are healed by Repair effects, and no creature is harmed by it. Requires a successful Craft check equal to 10 + the Construct's HD; Technological casters can take 20. Largest HD are affected first. Repair is a Transmutation effect.
Essence (Cost: 5): Essence damage is usually expressed in d10s, and usually allows a Will save for half damage. Essence spells are both Necromancy and Evocation effects.
Restoration (Cost: 3): Cures 1d4 points of ability damage per spell level and wipes any conditions whose save DCs were equal to or less than the result of the Heal check made to cast the spell. Requires a successful Heal check equal to 10 + the creature's HD; But Divine casters can take 20.
Armor (Cost: 1): Armor bonus to AC equal to 3 + the spell's Grade, or Enhancement bonus to existing Armor bonus equal to spell's Grade.
Conceal (Cost: 3/8): Allows the target to be undetectable by means of 1 sense (Sight, Hearing, Touch, Smell, Taste) per instance (Costing 3 Strain per sense, more or less). Attacking (As defined by Invisibility) breaks the concealment effect, unless you spend 5 additional Strain.
Deflect (Cost: 2): Deflection bonus to AC equal to the spell's Grade.
Toughen (Cost: 3): Natural Armor bonus to AC equal to 1 + the spell's Grade
Shield (Cost: 3): Shield bonus to AC equal to 2 + the spell's Grade, or Enhancement bonus to existing Shield bonus equal to spell's Grade.
Accuracy (Cost: 2): Enhancement, Morale, Insight, Sacred or Profane bonus on one kind of attack rolls (Melee or ranged) equal to the spell's level, or a bonus on all attack rolls equal to half the spell's level.
Power (Cost: 2): Bonus on one kind of weapon damage rolls (Ranged or melee) equal to twice the spell's grade, or a bonus on all weapon damage rolls equal to the spell's grade.
Excellence (Cost: 2): Bonus on one kind of skill check (Other than Combat or Spellcraft) equal to twice the spell's level, or a bonus on all skill checks (Other than Attack or Spellcraft) equal to the spell's grade.
Magica (Cost: 2): Bonus on Spellcraft checks equal to the spell's Grade, or a bonus to caster level (Excluding maximum spell level available) equal to 1/2 the spell's Grade (Rounded up).
Strength (Cost: 2): Enhancement bonus on Strength equal to the one-half the spell's level, rounded to the nearest increment of 2, or an enhancement bonus to either Might or Stamina equal to twice this number.
Dexterity (Cost: 2): Enhancement bonus on Dexterity equal to one-half the spell's level, rounded to the nearest increment of 2, or an enhancement bonus to either Agility or Accuracy equal to twice this number.
Constitution (Cost: 2): Enhancement bonus on Constitution equal to the one-half the spell's level, rounded to the nearest increment of 2, or an enhancement bonus to either Vitality or Endurance equal to twice this number.
Intellect (Cost: 2): Enhancement bonus on Intelligence equal to the one-half the spell's level, rounded to the nearest increment of 2, or an enhancement bonus to either Logic or Memory equal to twice this number.
Wisdom (Cost: 2): Enhancement bonus on Wisdom equal to the one-half the spell's level, rounded to the nearest increment of 2, or an enhancement bonus to either Intuition or Willpower equal to twice this number.
Charisma (Cost: 2): Enhancement bonus on Charisma equal to the one-half the spell's level, rounded to the nearest increment of 2, or an enhancement bonus to either Command or Guile equal to twice this number.
Luck (Cost: 4): Grants the target the ability to reroll a number of d20 rolls during the duration equal to the spell's grade, but no more than 1 per round and no more than one for each specific kind of roll. Take the better result.
Revitalization (Cost: 4/8): Grants the target Fast Healing equal to the spell's Grade. For an additional 4 Strain, the spell instead grants Regeneration of an equal amount, overcome by one chosen Energy type (Fire, Acid, Cold, Electricity or Sonic), one material (Silver, Cold Iron, Adamantine) and one alignment (Chaos, Evil, Good, Law).
Swiftness (Cost: 2): Grants the target extra movement speed equal to 10ft, plus 10ft per spell level.
Haste (Cost: 2/6/10/14/18): Grants the target extra actions each round. The Strain cost of this effect is based on the actions granted: 1 Swift action (2 Strain), 2 Swift actions (6 Strain), 1 Standard action (10 Strain), 2 Standard actions (14 Strain) or 1 full round's worth of actions (18 Strain).
Willpower (Cost: 3): Enhancement or Resistance bonus on Will saves equal to 1 + the spell's Grade.
Fortitude (Cost: 3): Enhancement or Resistance bonus on Fortitude saves equal to 1 + the spell's Grade.
Reflex (Cost: 3): Enhancement or Resistance bonus on Reflex saves equal to 1 + the spell's Grade.
Grace (Cost: 3): Enhancement or Resistance bonus on all saves equal to 1/2 the spell's Grade (Rounded up).
Resist Energy (Cost: 2/4): Reduces the damage the target takes from 1 common energy type (Fire, Acid, Electricity, Sonic, Cold, Poison) by an amount equal to 10 per spell Grade. By increasing the Strain cost by 2, you can instead grant resistance to an Uncommon type of energy (Force, Radiant, Psychic, Necrotic, Aetherion, Entropy, Essence, Chaos/Evil/Good/Law) equal to 5 per spell Grade. Must know the spell effect for the appropriate damage type.
Absorb Energy (Cost: 4/8): Choose a common energy type (Fire, Acid, Electricity, Sonic, Cold, Poison). You gain a pool of Absorption points against that type of energy. When you take damage from that type of energy, the damage is subtracted from your Absorption pool first, with any leftover damage being dealt to your normal HP pool. You gain 15 Absorption points per spell grade. By increasing the cost by 4, you can instead choose an Uncommon energy type (Force, Radiant, Psychic, Necrotic, Aetherion, Entropy, Essence, Chaos/Evil/Good/Law).
Mitigate Energy (Cost: 3/6): Choose a common energy type (Fire, Acid, Electricity, Sonic, Cold, Poison). You take 10% less damage from that energy type per spell Grade (Up to 50% less damage). By increasing the Strain cost by 3, you can instead choose an Uncommon energy type (Force, Radiant, Psychic, Necrotic, Aetherion, Entropy, Essence, Chaos/Evil/Good/Law).
Energy Resilience (Cost: 5/10): Choose a common energy type (Fire, Acid, Electricity, Sonic, Cold, Poison). You cannot take more than a certain amount of damage from a single source that deals that type of damage. The amount is determined by the grade of the spell: 30 (Basic), 25 (Least), 20 (Lesser), 15 (Greater), 10 (Imperial). By increasing the Strain cost by 5, you can instead choose an Uncommon energy type (Force, Radiant, Psychic, Necrotic, Aetherion, Entropy, Essence, Chaos/Evil/Good/Law).
Resist Blow (Cost: 2/4): Reduces the damage taken by a physical damage type (Bludgeoning, Piercing or Slashing) by 5 per spell grade. By spending 4 points, you can instead reduce the damage you take from all physical damage by 2 per spell grade.
Absorb Blow (Cost: 4/8): Choose a physical damage type (Bludgeoning, Piercing or Slashing). You gain a pool of Absorption points against that type of damage. When you take damage of that damage type, the damage is subtracted from your Absorption pool first, with any leftover damage being dealt to your normal HP pool. You gain 15 Absorption points per spell grade. By increasing the cost by 4, you can instead apply the Absorption to all types of physical damage.
Mitigate Blow (Cost: 3/6): Choose a physical damage type (Bludgeoning, Piercing or Slashing). You take 10% less damage from that damage type per spell Grade (Up to 50%). By increasing the Strain cost by 3, you can instead reduce all physical damage taken.
Physical Resilience (Cost: 5/10): Choose a physical damage type (Bludgeoning, Piercing or Slashing). You cannot take more than a certain amount of damage from a single source that deals that type of damage. The amount is determined by the grade of the spell: 30 (Basic), 25 (Least), 20 (Lesser), 15 (Greater), 10 (Imperial). By increasing the Strain cost by 5, you instead apply this upper threshold to all physical damage you take.
Resist Magic (Cost: 4/7/10/13/16): Grants the target spell resistance for the duration. The base amount is 12, but increases by 3 for every 3 additional points of Strain you spend, up to a max of 24 when you spend 16 Strain.
Dampen Magic (Cost: 4/7/10/13/16): Grants the target spell dampening for the duration, reducing the caster level of spells directed at them by an amount. The amount is 3 CL, plus 2 CL for every 3 points of strain spend beyond the initial 4, up to a maximum of spell dampening 11 when you spend 16 Strain.
Sap (Cost: 2): Penalty on Strength equal to the one-half the spell's level (rounded to the nearest increment of 2), or deals Strength damage at a rate of 1 point per damage die. Can instead affect Might or Stamina; Penalty and damage are doubled if so.
Maladroit (Cost: 2): Penalty on Dexterity equal to the one-half the spell's level (rounded to the nearest increment of 2), or deals Dexterity damage at a rate of 1 point per damage die. Can instead affect Agility or Accuracy; Penalty and damage are doubled if so.
Weaken (Cost: 2): Penalty on Constitution equal to the one-half the spell's level (rounded to the nearest increment of 2), or deals Constitution damage at a rate of 1 point per damage die. Can instead affect Vitality or Endurance; Penalty and damage are doubled if so.
Dumbfound (Cost: 2): Penalty on Intelligence equal to the one-half the spell's level (rounded to the nearest increment of 2), or deals Intelligence damage at a rate of 1 point per damage die. Can instead affect Logic or Memory; Penalty and damage are doubled if so.
Muddle (Cost: 2): Penalty on Wisdom equal to the one-half the spell's level (rounded to the nearest increment of 2), or deals Wisdom damage at a rate of 1 point per damage die. Can instead affect Intuition or Willpower; Penalty and damage are doubled if so.
Repulse (Cost: 2): Penalty on Charisma equal to the one-half the spell's level (rounded to the nearest increment of 2), or deals Charisma damage at a rate of 1 point per damage die. Can instead affect Command or Guile; Penalty and damage are doubled if so.
Unluck (Cost: 4): Forces the target to reroll a number of d20 rolls during the duration equal to one-half the spell's level (Rounded up), but no more than once per round and no more than once for each specific kind of roll. Take the worse result.
Dispel (Cost: 3): As Dispel Magic, except it uses the area of the spell and uses your full caster level.
Sensory Deprivation (Cost: 3): On a failed Fortitude save, the target loses one of their senses for the duration, being Blinded, Deafened, or deprived of their senses of touch, smell or taste.
Confuse (Cost: 2): On a failed Will save, the target is Confused.
Daze (Cost: 1): On a failed Will or Fortitude save, the target is Dazed for the duration, usually 1 round.
Entangle (Cost: 3): Creatures within the area are Entangled for the duration, allowed a Reflex save to avoid being entangled each round.
Exhaust (Cost: 4): On a failed Fortitude save, the target becomes Exhausted.
Fascinate (Cost: 3):On a failed Will save, the target becomes Fascinated for the duration, but the caster must concentrate to continue the effect.
Fatigue (Cost: 2): On a failed Fortitude save, the target becomes Fatigued.
Frighten (Cost: 3): On a failed Will save, the target becomes Frightened for the duration, allowing another save each round to escape the effect.
Nauseate (Cost: 5): On a failed Fortitude save, the target becomes Nauseated for the duration, allowing another save each round to escape the effect.
Panic (Cost: 4): On a failed Will save, the target becomes Panicked for the duration, allowing another save each round to escape the effect.
Paralyze (Cost: 5): On a failed Will save, the target is Paralyzed for the duration, allowing another save each round to escape the effect.
Shake (Cost: 2): On a failed Will save, the target becomes Shaken for the duration, allowing another save each round to escape the effect.
Sicken (Cost: 3): On a failed Fortitude save, the target becomes Sickened for the duration, allowing another save each round to escape the effect.
Slow (Cost: 3): On a failed Will save, the target has their movement speed for all modes reduced by 10ft per spell grade, to a minimum of 5ft.
Stagger (Cost: 4): On a failed Fortitude save, the target becomes Staggered for the duration, allowing another save each round to escape the effect.
Stun (Cost: 6): On a failed Fortitude save, the target becomes Stunned for the duration, allowing another save each round to escape the effect.
Surprise (Cost: 4): On a failed Will save, the target becomes Flat-Footed for the duration.
Banish (Cost: 5): Force a Spirit to make a Will save or be removed from an area, either flung back to their home plane or simple forced outside of the area.
Charm (Cost: 1/4): Charms a type of creature for the duration, as per Charm Person. This is a Mind-Affecting effect. For 3 additional strain, this spell can lose the Mind-Affecting descriptor.
Dominate (Cost: 4/7): Controls a type of creature for the duration, as per Dominate Person. This is a Mind-Affecting effect. For 3 additional strain, this spell can lose the Mind-Affecting descriptor.
Contact (Cost: 2/4): Send a message to the target(s),as per Message. For 2 additional Strain, the spell can instead function as per Sending.
Creation (Cost: 4): The Creation effect creates a volume of nonmagical material within range (As per the True Creation spell, but you must use up material components equal to the cost, use a Focus equal at least 10 times the cost of the object created, or spend the item's cost in XP. Using Creation combined with a shape will create an item of the shape - Such as the Armor shape creating a suit (Or suits) of armor, or the Wall shape creating a Wall of Ice. The Creation shape has a default range of Close and can never advance beyond that without the Range modifier. Creation can create up to the spell level x5ft of volume per caster level or up to the spell level x10 per caster level in GP value, whichever limitation is met first. Complex creations require the appropriate Craft checks. Requires the Summon effect. Minimum Spellcraft Ranks: 12.
Delude (Cost: 2): Creates a visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile or thermal illusion of an object, creature or force within range that lasts for the duration. For each sense you affect, the Strain cost of this effect increases by 2. You must concentrate to affect the illusion, or you can "program" it to act a certain way for an additional +4 Strain.
Foresee (Cost: 3/8/14): Predict events, as per Augury. For 5 additional Strain, it can instead function as Divination, or as Foresight at the cost of 11 additional Strain.
Raise (Cost: 8/12/16): Returns a creature to life, as if by Raise Dead. For 4 additional Strain, it instead functions as per Resurrection, or as per True Resurrection for 8 additional Strain.
Reflect (Cost: 10/18): Reflects on type of attack - Spells, Powers, Ranged attacks, or Melee attacks - Back at the source for the duration. Choose the type of reflection - Full or Partial. Full Reflection reflects the entire attack back at the target, but requires you to succeed a Spellcraft roll opposed by the original Spellcraft or Combat roll used by the attack. Partial Reflection automatically reflects half the effect back at the source with no effort from you, but you still take the remaining half of the effect. Reflected attacks use the original save DC, caster level and attack roll as the original attack. Reflect only affects attacks and spells directed at you, not area attacks. However, it can affect area attacks you are within the area of, at the cost of 8 additional Strain.
Scry (Cost: 4/7/10/13): Creates a scrying sensor at a chosen point within the spell's area that functions as per Clairaudience/Clairvoyance. By spending 3 additional Strain, it can instead function as if by Scrying. If you spend 6 additional Strain, it will instead function as Arcane Eye, or as Greater Scrying if you spend 9 additional points.
Slay (Cost: 8/16): This spell shape forces the living target(s) to make a Fortitude or Will save (Caster's choice) or die instantly. By spending 8 additional Strain, this effect can instead causes the spell to destroy them outright, "killing" even undead and constructs.
Summon(Cost: 2): The Summon effect calls a creature from the Astral plane, giving it physical form at the chosen point within the spell's range. The creature is entitled a Will save to resist, but if fails, it arrives from thin air and serves you for the duration. Summon can summon a creature with a number of HD up to four times the spell Grade or a CR equal to your ranks in Spellcraft, whichever limitation is met first. Minimum Spellcraft Ranks: 6.
Transport (Cost: 8/14): Teleport a target anywhere within the spell's range or area, as if by the Teleport spell. Unwilling targets area allowed a Will save to negate. By spending an additional 6 Strain, the teleportation is instead as if by Greater Teleport.
Ward (Cost: 3): Creates an area that Spirits cannot enter - Upon trying to enter, they must make a Will save or be unable to enter the area for the duration.
Also known as Metamagic, Modifiers allow you to tweak your spells, making them stronger but more draining, or easier to cast at the
Extend/Reduce (Cost: 1/-1): Increases or decreases the duration by one step.
Widen/Narrow (Area effect only) (Cost: 1/-1): Increases or decreases the area of effect by two spell levels.
Enlarge/Shrink (Cost: 1/-1): Increases or decreases the range by one step.
Quicken/Delay (Cost: 2/-2): Reduces or increases the casting time of the spell by one Standard action.
Recover/Wane (Cost: 2/-2): Reduces or increases the Spell Grade's cooldown by 1 round; Can only apply once.
Empower/Soften (Cost: 2/-2): Causes the spell's variable effects to be increase or decrease by one-half; Can only apply once.
Maximize/Minimize (Cost: 3/-3): Increases or decreases the spell's variable effects to the maximum or minimum possible; Can only apply once.
Intensify/Abate (Cost: 3/-3): Increases or decreases the damage die size by one step.
Chain (Line or Ray only) (Cost: 4): The effect continues to travel to additional targets, up to 1 target per caster level, as long as each subsequent target is within Close range of the last. Loses 1 CL with each bounce, lowering damage accordingly. Can't hit the same target twice.
Solar (Cost: -2): Cast during the day, in the sunlight, the spell draws energy from the sun.
Lunar (Cost: See text): Cast at night, when the moon is visible, the spell draws energy from the moon. Cost: 0 (If new moon), -1 (Waxing or waning quarter), -3 (Full moon)
Terrain (Cost: -2): Choose one type of terrain - Forest, Desert, Arctic, Aquatic, Mountains, Hills, Underground, Plains, Swamp. The spell draws power from the environment.
Trigger (Cost: 4): This modifier leaves the spell in a dormant state until a specified event occurs, such as the target taking damage, the target dying, a spell being cast, or etc. The spell can still be dispelled while in this dormant state, but its duration does not begin until triggered.
Spell Statistic Tables[edit]
Spell Ranges: Touch (Natural/Weapon reach) > Close (25ft + 5ft/2CL) > Medium (50ft + 5ft/CL) > Long (100ft + 10ft/CL) > Huge (200ft + 20ft/CL) > Vast (400ft + 40ft/CL).
Damage Die Size: 1 > 1d2 > 1d3 > 1d4 > 1d6 > 1d8 > 1d10 > 1d12 > 2d8 > 1d20 > 2d12.
Duration: Instantaneous > 1 round > 1 round/2 CL > 1 minute > 1 round/CL > 1 minute/CL > 1 hour > 1 hour/CL > 24 hours > 1 day/CL > Permanent.
Level | Single-target spell | Multi-target/area spell |
0th | 1 dice | - |
1st | 5 dice | 1 dice |
2nd | 10 dice | 5 dice |
3rd | 10 dice | 10 dice |
4th | 15 dice | 10 dice |
5th | 15 dice | 15 dice |
6th | 20 dice | 15 dice |
7th | 20 dice | 20 dice |
8th | 25 dice | 20 dice |
9th | 25 dice | 25 dice |
Level | Single-target spell | Multi-target/area spell |
0th | 1 dice | - |
1st | 1 dice/3 CL | 1 dice/4 CL |
2nd | 1 dice/3 CL | 1 dice/3 CL |
3rd | 1 dice/2 CL | 1 dice/3 CL |
4th | 1 dice/2 CL | 1 dice/2 CL |
5th | 1 dice/CL | 1 dice/2 CL |
6th | 1 dice/CL | 1 dice/CL |
7th | 1 dice/CL | 1 dice/CL |
8th | 1 dice/CL | 1 dice/CL |
9th | 1 dice/CL | 1 dice/CL |
Level | Maximum Duration |
0th | 1 round |
1st | 1 round/2 CL |
2nd | 1 round/2 CL |
3rd | 1 round/CL |
4th | 1 round/CL |
5th | 1 minute/2 CL |
6th | 1 minute/2 CL |
7th | 1 minute/CL |
8th | 1 minute/CL |
9th | 1 hour/2 CL |
Example Spells[edit]
Burning Hands; Arcane, Evocation [Fire]; V, S; Standard action; Instantaneous; Level 1; Cone shape, Fire effect. Deals 1d4 Fire damage per four caster levels (Max 5d4) in a 15ft cone, with a Reflex save for half.
Cure Light Wounds; Divine, Transmutation [Healing]; V, F; Standard action; Instantaneous; Level 1; Touch shape, Healing effect. Heals 1d4 damage per 4 caster levels (Max 5d4) to touched creature. Caster must make a Heal check (DC 10 + target's HD) to succeed the spell, but Divine casters can take 20 even if rushed or threatened.
Scorching Ray; Arcane, Evocation [Fire]; V, S; Standard action; Instantaneous; Level 2; Ray shape (X4), Fire effect. Creates 4 rays; Each deals 1d6 Fire damage per two caster levels (Max 5d6), requiring a ranged touch attack to hit.
Lesser Restoration; Divine, Transmutation [Healing]; V, F; 3 Rounds; Instantaneous; Level 2; Touch shape, Restoration effect. Cures 2d4 points of ability damage. Requires a successful Heal check equal to 10 + the creature's HD; But Divine casters can take 20. Wipes any conditions whose save DCs were equal to or less than the result of the Heal check made to cast the spell.
The Astral Realm[edit]
Also known as the spirit world, this is the dimension that overlays the Material, on which souls and magic energy exists. Those with magic power, whether learned or innate, can push the conscious" part of their soul outside their bodies; This is called Astral Projection, allowing them to travel through the spiritual world and perceive things not normally visible to the naked eye, such as magical barriers. Ordinarily, those with magical talent can sense things occurring on the Astral plane around them with a DC 25 Perception check; The DC of this check is affected by Masking (See below).
Astral Projection takes a full-round action and a successful DC 20 Concentration check. Some things can affect the DC of this check, such as a distracting atmosphere, an area of weak or strong magic, and so forth. While projecting, their bodies are helpless, though the projection doesn't end if their bodies are destroyed. However, their bodies still die if their projection is slain on the Astral Plane.
Once Projecting, the mage's type changes to Spirit. They can see other Spirits and magical energy as if they were physical objects, and they are of course affected by Wards and the like that keep spirits out (Or in).
Types of Magic[edit]
Arcane Magic[edit]
One of the more common forms of magic, Arcane magic draws energy directly from Ley Lines and shapes it using gestures, fetishes and so on. Wizards, Sorcerers and so on are practitioners of Arcane magic - Either having a direct connection to the Weave innately or forming one via an enchanted object.
Divine Magic[edit]
Divine magic relies on group power, nomatter your views on it - Those who are also religious-minded say they are granted power by their deity, who is granted power and immortality by their belief, while those more scientific believe that because magic is energy expressed with intention, Divine practitioners actually operate using a giant pool of power created by so many people all putting their energy into the same cause, and that the gods are simply the embodiments of these pools of energy, shaped by what the followers think the deity would look and act like.
Magic is composed of the same energy as souls, so it's no surprise some magi manipulate souls directly - Shaping things from the souls of the dead, the unborn or the living, able to rend or repair the fabric of the spirit. The energy of the soul is often referred to as Incarnum. Rather than casting spells, users of Incarnum shape objects from soul energy to gain the power of the spirits - Such as gauntlets forged from the souls of paladins that harm undead by touch, or spectacles built from the spirits of past wizards that allow one to see magic more clearly.
Blade Magic[edit]
Used by warriors, these are not true magic, but a blending of meditation and martial prowess, though just like any other energy expressed with intent, it carries mystic power and often creates magical affects, hence the name. Like magic, it can be draining to use, and some martial disciplines do indeed create supernatural effects.
Pact Magic[edit]
Normally considered a hybrid between Arcane and Divine magic, Pact magic users make deals with everything from spirits to the gods themselves in return for power. Rather than outright worship (Normally, anyway), the practitioners of this type of magic perform tasks for these beings in return for promised power - Often either spreading the word of the being (Such as converting new followers for a deity or corrupting the innocent with temptation for a powerful demon lord), or giving the being power over them (Like letting a demon harm them and feed off their pain, or letting a spirit experience life again via possession). This binding pact connects the beings, either continually or temporarily depending on the method, but it allows the practitioner to use the power of their patron to magnify their own arcane talents.
While Incarnum magic works directly in the soul, weaving things into the fabric of the spirit, Artifice does the same with objects. Artifice is the enchanting of objects, also called Imprinting, and it's an art used by almost all magi to create Wards, Foci, Talismans and the like.
The Power Of The Voice[edit]
Sound is a form of energy, and the voice is a form of sound we use every day, to communicate or simply express ourselves. It's no surprise that many spells take the form of incantations, using the feelings evoked by the words and the meanings projected by them to shape the spell. Bards are considered the masters of this magic, their songs and tales not all that different from artifacts, having been sung and given yet more power by hundreds of people over the years. Song magi always use Vocal (V) components for their spells.