User talk:Luigifan18/Super Smash Blast (3.5e Invocation)
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Spanambula opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4. |
Here, let me fix this feat:
If you strike a creature with 20% or less of it's health with an attack dealing more than 20 points of damage, you can also send the creature flying away from you by 10 feet for every 5 points of damage. If the creature strikes a solid object before the end of its flight, it takes falling damage equal to the distance traveled and lands prone. Christ. |
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Ganteka Future opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4. |
T'other day, I watched a friends play a joyous, frenzied game of Smash. This... is like you decided to take the quick, manic emotional experience and reduce it to a tedium... on purpose. This has the worst feel of adapting material. Sandbox this. This is the exact opposite of something Smashy. This has failed. |
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Ghostwheel opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4. |
Minor math is fine during play. Slightly complex math is fine during downtime/level up. Incredibly complex math during play is really, really bad. |
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Eiji-kun opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4. |
Until it gets fixed...
(Number of words per article + (-1(Sanity Quotent)) / Degree of Mechanics Misunderstanding x Number of Blood Clots out of Rage + (Accuracy x (Complexity/Substance)) x Needless(Conditions + Examples) + Calculus - (Desire to Live - Length)=NO, solve for NOOOOOOOO! |
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Leziad opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4. |
It not usable in-game, it will literally stop the game dead in it track. This is more complex than most classes.
This is almost Phoenix Command tier. |
Will save failed, Dark Insight obtained[edit]
ARE THE STARS RIGHT?!!??! IA IA FTHAGHIN! -- Eiji-kun (talk) 02:34, 23 October 2015 (UTC)
- You're looking at an attempt to translate the mechanics of Super Smash Bros. to Dungeons & Dragons. Admittedly, it could probably be a little tidier. --Luigifan18 (talk) 02:37, 23 October 2015 (UTC)
- Y-yes.
- I do believe I once told you about the balancing of authenticity and simplicity, Luigi. We're not processors. We're just a bunch of nerds sitting around a table. If we wanna play Smash, we'll hook up a Wii-U or what's it and Smash. The word 'Smash' kind of loses all meaning when any physical contact is imagined and relegated to dice rolls, unless your d20 happens to be made of solid steel and you use it on a glass coffee table.
- I once tried to implement a system where shields block varying percents of specific damage types dealt to you, and was rightfully called out on how annoying it was. And even that's still just a few seconds with a decent pocket calculator. By comparison, this nonsense requires five people that are high on sugar and mostly drunk to huddle together over a table for five minutes to resolve the mechanics of one turn. From someone that wrote an article called Epic Spells from a Practical Viewpoint I would have expected a... well... more practical viewpoint. I did math in college and I wouldn't touch this with a ten foot pole. --Sulacu (talk) 10:39, 23 October 2015 (UTC)
- I'm not really sure how this could be made simpler. It's really not as complex as it looks. The most complicated thing in it is the division, which is there because applying the full values of most of the variables would result in completely insane distances. --Luigifan18 (talk) 14:17, 28 October 2015 (UTC)
- Not as complex as it looks? It has 18 variables. EIGHTEEN! I don't even remember the last time I had to solve an equation with even half that many variables. And you want a bunch of people semi-drunk and filled with cheetos to do that every round? You could play a game of actual Smash before you're done.
- This is smash brothers right? The more you're hurt, the farther you fly?
- Make it like a power word. Under XXX hp? Fly XXX feet. Limit it to three tiers so you don't have too much info.
- Not bad ideas. I'll give them a try. --Luigifan18 (talk) 22:38, 28 October 2015 (UTC)