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|author_name=<!-- Insert your name here. -->
|date_created=<!-- Insert date here. Month Day Year. -->
|date_created=May  19, 2018
|status=Under Construction
[[Summary::<!-- Write a short one or two sentence summary of your race here. This will show up on the navigation page.-->]]
[[Summary::When the half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]] revolted against their slavers not all that survived were gifted with mental prowess. As such some half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giant]] offspring don't inherit their ancestors psychic gifts.]]
<!-- Insert here how your race tends to act in a normal day. -->
===Physical Description===
<!-- Insert here your race's average height, weight, skin color, eye color, and other such physical features which might include forms of common clothing, typical gear, and posturing. -->
<!-- Insert here how your race gets along with other races and detail why. -->
<!-- Insert here the alignment, if any, your race chooses the most often. -->
<!-- Insert here the areas your race feels most comfortable living in. You may wish to include information on their cities or culture as well. -->
<!-- Insert here the Religion(s) your race practices. -->
<!-- Insert here the Language(s) your race speaks. Languages are capitalized, such as Common, Giant, and Abyssal. -->
<!-- Insert the way your race acquires names. You may wish to include sample names as well. -->
===Racial Traits===
{{3.5e Racial Traits
|name=<!-- The name of your race. -->
<!-- If your race does not have any racial attribute modifiers, delete the attrib lines below. Otherwise, place one attrib modifier per line. -->
|attribbonus1=<!-- "+2", "-2", or appropriate racial attribute modifier. -->
|attrib1=<!-- The attribute that the bonus applies to. Options include single attributes like "Strength", selectable options like "Strength or Constitution". If the bonus can be applied to any attribute, leave this entry blank or delete it entirely. -->
<!--Additional attrib lines are available, from 2 through 6. Copy and paste the below section and update the numbers as needed to add additional special abilities to your race. -->
|attribfluff=<!-- Fluff about why the race has the modifiers they do. Can also hold weird modifiers not supported above, but they will not appear on the nav page without specialized formatting. Not required. -->
|type=<!-- Racial type. Defaults to "Humanoid" if the line is removed. -->
|subtype=<!-- Racial subtype(s), if they have any. Not required. -->
|typefluff=<!-- Fluff about why they are this type. Not required. -->
|size=<!-- Size of the race, generally "Medium" or "Small". -->
|basespeed=<!-- "30", or whatever their base move rate is. -->
|othermove=<!-- Additonal movement types or descriptions. -->
|vision=<!-- "darkvision" or "low-light". Delete this line if the race has no special vision. -->
|darkdist=<!-- "60", or whatever distance their darkvision extends to. Delete this line if vision is not set to "darkvision". -->
|specialtext1=<!-- Description of special ability. -->
|special1=<!-- Name of special ability if appropriate, like "Stonecunning". Not required. -->
|specialtype1=<!-- Ability type, like "Ex", "Su", "Sp", or "Ps". Not required. -->
<!--Additional special lines are available, from 2 through 16. Copy and paste the below section and update the numbers as needed to add additional special abilities to your race -->
|autolanguage=<!-- Languages that the race begins with. Defaults to "Common" if the line is removed. -->
|bonuslanguage=<!-- Bonus languages that the race can select with their Int bonus. Defaults to "None" if the line is removed. -->
|favoredclass=<!-- Class names, as they appear on the wiki. Multiple classes may be separated by 'or'. Example: "Wizard" and "Barbarian or Berserker". Leave blank for "Any" -->
|la=<!-- "0", or the level adjustment of the race. Defaults to "0" if the line is removed. -->
|ecl=<!-- "1", or the ECL (sum of Racial Hit Dice (min 1) and Level Adjustment) of the race. Defaults to "1" if the line is removed. -->
===Vital Statistics===
{{3.5e Racial Starting Age
|name=<!-- insert race name -->
|start=<!-- Starting age for PCs. -->
|simple=<!-- Age modifier for simple classes (i.e. Barbarian, Rogue, and Sorcerer) -->
|moderate=<!-- Age modifier for moderate classes (i.e. Bard, Fighter, Paladin, and Ranger) -->
|complex=<!-- Age modifier for complex classes (i.e. Cleric, Druid, Monk, and Wizard) -->}}
{{3.5e Racial Aging Effects
|name=<!-- insert race name -->
|middle=<!-- starting age for middle age -->
|old=<!-- starting age for old age -->
|venerable=<!-- starting age for venerable age -->
|maximum=<!-- max age modifier -->}}
{{3.5e Racial Height and Weight
|name=<!-- insert race name -->
|mHeightBase=<!-- male base feet height -->' <!-- inches -->"
|mHeightMod=<!-- male height modifier -->
|mWeightBase=<!-- male base weight -->
|mWeightMod=<!-- male weight modifier -->
|fHeightBase=<!-- female base feet height -->' <!-- inches -->"
|fHeightMod=<!-- female height modifier -->
|fWeightBase=<!-- female base weight -->
|fWeightMod=<!-- female weight modifier -->}}
==  Half-Giants  ==
=== Personality ===
=== Personality ===
Half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]], for the most part, retain [[SRD:Human (Race) | human]] sensibilities. They are curious, interested in cooperation and communication, and have a general tendency towards kindness. (Of course there are exceptions.) They are quick to pick up the morals, customs, and habits of the areas in which they settle.  
Half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]], for the most part, retain [[SRD:Humans (Race) | human]] sensibilities. They are curious, interested in cooperation and communication, and have a general tendency towards kindness. (Of course there are exceptions.) They are quick to pick up the morals, customs, and habits of the areas in which they settle.  
=== Physical Description ===
=== Physical Description ===
Half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]] possess the blood of [[SRD:Human (Race) | humans]] and [[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]]. Though closer to [[SRD:Human (Race) | human]] than giants in size, their stature can't be ignored. Half-[[SRD:Giant_Type| giants]] typically stand 7 feet to nearly 8 feet tall and weigh from 250 to 400 pounds, with men noticeably taller and heavier than women. Most half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]] hair and eyes tend to favor the colors of their [[SRD:Giant_Type| giant]] parents, though in duller hues.  
Half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]] possess the blood of [[SRD:Humans (Race) |humans]] and [[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]]. Though closer to [[SRD:Humans (Race) |human]] than giants in size, their stature can't be ignored. Half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]] typically stand 7 feet to nearly 8 feet tall and weigh from 250 to 400 pounds, with men noticeably taller and heavier than women. Most half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]] hair and eyes tend to favor the colors of their [[SRD:Giant_Type|giant]] parents, though in duller hues.  
=== Relations ===
=== Relations ===
Most other [[SRD:Humanoid Type | humanoids]] are put off by half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]] due to their abnormally large size. In fact, many are first taken for young (if strangely well-groomed) [[SRD:Hill_Giant | hill giants]]. Upon getting past their initial trepidation, however, most other [[SRD:Humanoid Type | humanoids]] find half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]] of [[SRD:Alignment#Good_Vs._Evil | good alignment]] to be outgoing, kind creatures.
Most other [[SRD:Humanoid Type | humanoid]] are put off by half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]] due to their abnormally large size. In fact, many are first taken for young (if strangely well-groomed) [[SRD:Hill_Giant | hill giants]]. Upon getting past their initial trepidation, however, most other [[SRD:Humanoid Type | humanoids]] find half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]] of [[SRD:Alignment#Good_Vs._Evil | good alignment]] to be outgoing, kind creatures.
=== Alignment ===
=== Alignment ===
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=== Language ===
=== Language ===
Under scoring their [[SRD:Human (Race) | human]] ancestry, half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]] speak Common. Many also learn [[SRD:Giant_Type| giant]].
Under scoring their [[SRD:Humans (Race) | human]] ancestry, half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]] speak Common. Many also learn [[SRD:Giant_Type|giant]].
=== Names ===
=== Names ===
Line 150: Line 46:
'''Female Given Names:''' Oasis, Sandrose, Breath, Goldflower, Sweetwater, Raincaller, Nibenay.
'''Female Given Names:''' Oasis, Sandrose, Breath, Goldflower, Sweetwater, Raincaller, Nibenay.
=== Racial Traits ===
===Racial Traits===  
* +2 [[SRD:Strength | Strength]], &minus;2 [[SRD: Intelligence| Intelligence ]]:  Half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]] are tough and strong, but not too bright.
{{3.5e Racial Traits
* ''[[SRD:Giant_Type| Giant]]:''  Half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]] are not subject to spells or effects that affect [[humanoids]] only, such as ''[[SRD:Charm_Person | charm person]]'' or ''[[SRD:Dominate_Person | dominate person]]''.
|name= Half-Giant
*''[[SRD:Medium | Medium]]:''  As [[SRD:Medium | Medium]] creatures, half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]] have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
*  Half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giant]] [[SRD:Base_Land_Speed | base land speed]] is 30 feet
*''[[SRD:Low-Light Vision | Low-Light Vision]]:'' A half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giant]] can see twice as far as a [[SRD:Human (Race) | human]] in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
|attribbonus2= -2
* ''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:'' A half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]] is automatically proficient with all [[SRD:Simple_Weapon | simple]] and [[SRD:Martial_Weapon | martial weapons]], [[SRD:Light_Armor | light]] and [[SRD:Medium_Armor | medium armor]], and [[SRD:Armor | shields]].
* ''Powerful Build ([[SRD:Ex | Ex]]):''  The physical stature of half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|Giants]] lets them function in many ways as if they were one [[SRD:Size_Category| size category]] larger. Whenever a half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|Giant]] is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during a [[SRD:Grapple |grapple]], [[SRD:Bull_Rush | bull rush]] attempt, and [[SRD:Trip | trip]] attempts), the half-[[SRD:Giant_Type| Giant]] is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A half-[[SRD:Giant_Type| Giant]] is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as [[SRD:Improved_Grab | improved grab]] or [[SRD:Swallow_Whole | swallow whole]]) can affect him. A half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|Giant]] can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of [[SRD:Powers | powers]], abilities, and [[SRD:Creature_Spells_and_Powers#Spells | spells]] that change the subject’s [[SRD:Size_Category| size category]].
|attribfluff= Half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]] are tough and strong, but not too bright.
* [[SRD:Speak_Language_Skill | Automatic Language]]:  Common.  [[SRD:Speak_Language_Skill | Bonus Languages]]:  Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, Ignan.
* [[Favored Class]]: [[SRD:Fighter |Fighter]].
* [[Level Adjustment]]: +0
=== Vital Statistics ===
|specialtext1=Half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giants]] are not subject to spells or effects that affect [[humanoid]] only, such as ''[[SRD:Charm_Person | charm person]]'' or ''[[SRD:Dominate_Person | dominate person]]''.
{| class="d20" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
|size= Medium
|+ Table: Half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|Giant]] Random Starting Ages
|basespeed= 30
|- style="white-space: nowrap;"
|vision= Low-Light
! Adulthood || Simple || Moderate || Complex
|- style="white-space: nowrap;"
|specialtext2= The physical stature of half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giant]] lets them function in many ways as if they were one [[SRD:Size_Category| size category]] larger. Whenever a half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giant]] is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during a [[SRD:Grapple |grapple]], [[SRD:Bull_Rush | bull rush]] attempt, and [[SRD:Trip | trip]] attempts), the half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giant]] is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giant]] is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as [[SRD:Improved_Grab | improved grab]] or [[SRD:Swallow_Whole | swallow whole]]) can affect him. A half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giant]] can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of [[SRD:Powers | powers]], abilities, and [[SRD:Creature_Spells_and_Powers#Spells | spells]] that change the subject’s [[SRD:Size_Category| size category]].
| 30 years || +3d6 || +2d6 || +4d6
|special2=Powerful Build
|specialtext3=A half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|giant]] is automatically proficient with all [[SRD:Simple_Weapon | simple]] and [[SRD:Martial_Weapon | martial weapons]], [[SRD:Light_Armor | light]] and [[SRD:Medium_Armor | medium armor]], and [[SRD:Armor | shields]]
|special3=Weapon and Armor Proficiency
|bonuslanguage=Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, Ignan.
===Vital Statistics===
{{3.5e Racial Starting Age
|start=30 years
|complex=4d6 }}
{{3.5e Racial Aging Effects
|middle=60 years
|old=80 years
|venerable=120 years
|maximum=4d% years}}
{{3.5e Racial Height and Weight
|mWeightBase=220 lb.
{| class="d20" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
|+ Table: Half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|Giant]] Aging Effects
|- style="white-space: nowrap;"
! Middle Age<sup>1</sup> || Old<sup>2</sup> || Venerable<sup>3</sup> || Maximum Age
|- style="white-space: nowrap;"
| 60 years || 80 years || 120 years || +4d% years
|- style="white-space: nowrap;"
| colspan="5" class="foot" |
# At middle age, &minus;1 to [[SRD:Strength | Str]], [[SRD:Dexterity | Dex]], and [[SRD:Constitution | Con]]; +1 to [[SRD:Intelligence | Int]], [[SRD:Wisdom | Wis]], and [[SRD:Charisma | Cha]].
# At old age, &minus;2 to [[SRD:Strength | Str]], [[SRD:Dexterity | Dex]], and [[SRD:Constitution | Con]]; +1 to [[SRD:Intelligence | Int]], [[SRD:Wisdom | Wis]], and [[SRD:Charisma | Cha]].
# At venerable age, &minus;3 to [[SRD:Strength | Str]], [[SRD:Dexterity | Dex]], and [[SRD:Constitution | Con]]; +1 to [[SRD:Intelligence | Int]], [[SRD:Wisdom | Wis]], and [[SRD:Charisma | Cha]].
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="d20"
|+ Table: Half-[[SRD:Giant_Type|Giant]] Random [[SRD:Race_Descriptions#Height_and_Weight | Height and Weight]]
|- style="white-space: nowrap;"
! style="text-align: left;" | Gender || Base Height || Height Modifier || Base Weight || Weight Modifier
|- style="white-space: nowrap;"
| style="text-align: left;" | Male || 6' 4" || +2d12 || 220 lb. || &times; (2d6) lb.
|- class="even" style="white-space: nowrap;"
| style="text-align: left;" | Female || 6' 1" || +2d12 || 180 lb. || &times; (2d6) lb.

Latest revision as of 15:55, 16 May 2019

Author: Lisliaer (talk)
Date Created: May 19, 2018
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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When the half-giants revolted against their slavers not all that survived were gifted with mental prowess. As such some half-giant offspring don't inherit their ancestors psychic gifts.


Half-giants, for the most part, retain human sensibilities. They are curious, interested in cooperation and communication, and have a general tendency towards kindness. (Of course there are exceptions.) They are quick to pick up the morals, customs, and habits of the areas in which they settle.

Physical Description[edit]

Half-giants possess the blood of humans and giants. Though closer to human than giants in size, their stature can't be ignored. Half-giants typically stand 7 feet to nearly 8 feet tall and weigh from 250 to 400 pounds, with men noticeably taller and heavier than women. Most half-giants hair and eyes tend to favor the colors of their giant parents, though in duller hues.


Most other humanoid are put off by half-giants due to their abnormally large size. In fact, many are first taken for young (if strangely well-groomed) hill giants. Upon getting past their initial trepidation, however, most other humanoids find half-giants of good alignment to be outgoing, kind creatures.


Most half-giants are good-aligned, but all alignments can be found in their ranks.


Half-giants recently settled in deepest part of the hot deserts to the south. Of the land they came from, half-giants speak little, other than to say that where they live is similar to where they once toiled.


Half-giants, as a rule, have a particular disdain for religion, sometimes going out of their way to speak badly of a deity. It's not that they don't believe in deities, but that they don't believe a deity always has the best interests of it's worshipers at heart. Individual half-giants have enough courtesy and sensibility to keep their observations to themselves when in the company of a good companion with pious inclinations. A few half-giants even take up the cloth themselves.


Under scoring their human ancestry, half-giants speak Common. Many also learn giant.


Half-giants have a childhood name and a given name, the latter usually bestowed by friends or by the community in which the half-giant originally grew up. Most half-giant names reflect some aspect of the desert land that the half-giants inhabit, though a few strange place names are also thrown in (apparently remembered from their former homes of long ago).

Male Given Names: Sandking, Dunewalker, Sunharrower, Drywell, Stormrider, Desertstrider, Saltwalker, Raam.

Female Given Names: Oasis, Sandrose, Breath, Goldflower, Sweetwater, Raincaller, Nibenay.

Racial Traits[edit]

Vital Statistics[edit]

Table: Half-Giant Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
30 years years +3d6 +2d6 +4d6
Table: Half-Giant Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
60 years years 80 years years 120 years years +4d% years years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Half-Giant Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 6'4" +2d12 220 lb. lb. × (2d6) lb.
Female 6'1" +2d12 180 lb. × (2d6) lb.

Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewRaces

AuthorLisliaer +
Effective Character Level1 +
Favored ClassFighter +
Identifier3.5e Race +
Level Adjustment0 +
Racial Ability Adjustments+2 Strength + and -2 Intelligence +
RatingUnrated +
SizeMedium +
SummaryWhen the half-giants revolted against their slavers not all that survived were gifted with mental prowess. As such some half-giant offspring don't inherit their ancestors psychic gifts. +
TitleHalf-Giant, Non-Psyonic +
TypeGiant: +