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{{5epointer|Tasha's Cauldron of Everything}}
'''Group Patrons''' are described in {{pub|Tasha's Cauldron of Everything}}.
{{blockref|A group patron is an individual, group, or organization that gives a reason for a party of adventurers to be together. It acts as a guest-giver, lore dispenser and/or financier of adventures.|<ref name="rly">'''Unofficial description''' by [[user:Rlyehable]].</ref>}}
==List of Group Patrons==
{{#ask: [[Category:5e Group Patrons]] [[Summary::+]]|format=count}} official and unofficial classes.
<div style="display:block; overflow:auto; max-height:85vh; font-size:0.8rem;">
{{#ask: [[Category:5e Group Patrons]] [[Summary::+]]
|?=Group Patron
|class=d20 zebra leftall sortable small
|default=None created yet! Why don't you add your own?
==Sources and Notes==
:* {{Cite Pub|Tasha's Cauldron of Everything|pages=83}}
<references />
{{5e Footer}}

Revision as of 20:05, 7 March 2021

 5th edition (2014) Pointer  + 

A pointer is a short summary that points to published material.
This material is posted under the fair use clause of copyright law.
The Unofficial Description and any notes are licensed cc-by-sa.
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Group Patrons are described in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.

A group patron is an individual, group, or organization that gives a reason for a party of adventurers to be together. It acts as a guest-giver, lore dispenser and/or financier of adventures.

List of Group Patrons

8 official and unofficial classes.

Group PatronTypesPerksContactsAgentsQuestsSummarySource
AcademyBoarding School, Arcane Enclave, Secret Monastery, Elite Institute, Vault of Secrets, MuseumCompensation, Documentation, Research, Resources, TrainingHarried Functionary, Celebrated Instructor, Wizened Fixture, Infatuated Tourist, Spectral Fragment, Distant ObserverStudent, Groundskeeper, Professor, Researcher, Financier, Expert SpeakerAberrant Zoology, Arcanodynamics, Forbidden History, Cryptogeography, Restorative Antiquarianism, Evolutionary DivinitySchools, Institution of Knowledge, Training AcademiesTasha's Cauldron of Everything
Ancient BeingElder Dragon, Lich, Bound Fiend, Guardian Celestial, the Endless, Primal ManifestationEquipment, Research, Sanctuary, Strange GiftsEmployer, Back-Room Dealers, Magical Message Drop, Visions, Ephemeral Echo, The MouthpieceDevotee, Infiltrator, Mouthpiece, Pupil, Guardian, OffspringRescue, Sabotage, Artifice, Treachery, Culling, Astral HeistUndying, liches, fey lords, dragons, cosmic beingsTasha's Cauldron of Everything
AristocratLocal Lord, Merchant Mastermind, Nomadic Princeling, Double Dealer, Ambitious Entepeneur, Future RulerExpenses, Immunity, Luxury, SalaryCommon Contact, Professional, Family Peacemaker, Intimate Connection, Outside Insider, Outsider InsideAdvisor, Bodyguard, Informant, House Staff, Messenger, Family ScionNoble Union, Business Breakthrough, Sabotage Rival, Lost Lineage, Origin of Nobility, The New NobilityLesser nobility, high officials, powerful merchant housesTasha's Cauldron of Everything
Criminal SyndicateThieves' Guild, Assassin Society, Magical Arms Dealer, Pirate Fleet, Body Snatchers, Thought ThievesAssignments, Contraband, Fences, Safe Houses, Syndicate-Owned BusinessesPersonal Mentor, Clever Urchin, Former Law Enforcement, Bon Vivant, Traitor, Criminal RoyaltyBurglar, Muscle, Con Artist, Cleaner, Mastermind, MoleAcquisition and Retrieval, Heists, Gang Warfare, Enforcement, Assassination, Topple the PowerfulCrime families, gangs, thieve/assassin guildsTasha's Cauldron of Everything
GuildCrafters' Guild, Merchant Consortium, Miracle Makers' Association, Moneychangers, Philosophical Faction, Identity TradersAccommidations, Equipment, Resources, TrainingThe Perfectionist, Attentive Overseer, Hidden Benefactor, Discerning Mentor, Golem Guide, Fallen MuseResearcher, Negotiator, Saboteur, Guard, Explorer, ExpertDeliver Goods, Acquire Materials, Eliminate a Rival, The Masterpiece, The Collector, The Bill Comes DueCollection of craftsmen, artisans, merchants, masons, etc.Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Military ForceStanding Army, Mercenary Company, Expeditionary Force, Horde, Planar Conscripts, Sky WarriorsArmory, Chain of Command, Official Access, Orders, SalaryTested Veteran, Taskmaster, Protective Officer, Bitter Soldier, Hopeful Commander, Devout LeaderCombatant, Tactician, Medic, Scout, Provocateur, SpyStrike Force, Defensive Operations, Special Forces, Reconnaissance, Seek and Destroy, SiegeArmies, Navies, Mercenary Companies, Knightly OrderTasha's Cauldron of Everything
Religious OrderUndead Hunters, Devout Scholars, Relic Collectors, Charitable Missionaries, Militant Inquisitors, Doomsaying EvangelistsDivine Service, Equipment, ProficienciesShadow Tongue, Inspired Creator, Mysterious Test, Fierce Inquisitor, Beloved Healer, Divinity's VoiceCouncilor, Defender, Ascetic, Inquisitor, Emissary, Chosen OneSafe Escape, Relic Recovery, Cult Hunt, Desperate Pilgrimage, Expunge Heresy, Prevent ProphecyChurches, Cults, Monastic OrdersTasha's Cauldron of Everything
SovereignVillage Elder, Young Noble, Shipwrecked Govenor, Ruler Returned, Hidden Power, True RegentElite Access, Expenses, Immunity, SalaryIntimate Conficant, Spymaster, Administrator, Executive Assistant, Envoy, Spectral AssemblyAdvisor, Ambassador, Secret Agent, Champion, Jester, ConfidantInternational Espionage, Undermine Rival, Expel Corruption, Subvert Blame, Test Heir, Desperate DiplomacyGovernment leader(s), from Emperor to tribal elder.Tasha's Cauldron of Everything

Sources and Notes

  1. Unofficial description by user:Rlyehable.

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Facts about "Group Patron (5e)"
AuthorTasha's Cauldron of Everything +
Canontrue +
PublicationTasha's Cauldron of Everything +