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The trapper may craft new traps with 1 hour of downtime and access to her material supply and tools. Traps must be placed in different square, no two trap may occupy the same square with the exception of the tripwire which may be combined with other traps.  
The trapper may craft new traps with 1 hour of downtime and access to her material supply and tools. Traps must be placed in different square, no two trap may occupy the same square with the exception of the tripwire which may be combined with other traps.  
The DC of a trapper's simple trap is DC 10 + 1/2 Ranger level + [[Intelligence]] or [[Wisdom]] modifier, whichever is higher. If a creature used a double move the turn it moved into the trapped square it take a -4 penalty on it save, if it used a charge or run action the penalty increase to -8. Similarly a creature moving at half speed or below, gain a +4 bonus on it save. If a trap is spotted, it may be avoided by passing through the square at half move speed.
The DC of a trapper's simple trap is DC 10 + 1/2 Ranger level + [[Dexterity]], [[Intelligence]] or [[Wisdom]] modifier, whichever is higher. If a creature used a double move the turn it moved into the trapped square it take a -4 penalty on it save, if it used a charge or run action the penalty increase to -8. Similarly a creature moving at half speed or below, gain a +4 bonus on it save. If a trap is spotted, it may be avoided by passing through the square at half move speed. The trapper ranger may use the following simple traps:{{sidebar|Codex Ranger|If you use the [[Codex Ranger (3.5e Class)|Codex Ranger]], this ACF replace the Secondary Combat Style you gain at 5th (only if you replaced Combat Style). You however add your Favored Terrain Bonus to the DC to spot your traps in your favored terrain as well as adding half the bonus to the DC of the trap. Your traps also benefits from your Hunt class feature, dealing extra damage (if they deal damage) to favored enemy. Since both receive Independent Crafter at 3rd you only receive the class feature only once.}}
{{sidebar|Codex Ranger|If you use the [[Codex Ranger (3.5e Class)|Codex Ranger]], this ACF replace the Independent Crafter class feature you gain at 3rd as well as Secondary Combat Style you gain at 5th (only if you replaced Combat Style). You however add your Favored Terrain Bonus to the DC to spot your traps in your favored terrain as well as adding half the bonus to the DC of the trap. Your traps also benefits from your Hunt class feature, dealing extra damage (if they deal damage) to favored enemy. You also gain Independent Crafter at 3rd level instead of 5th.}}
''Bear Trap:'' Upon triggering a bear trap, the triggering immediately must make a [[Reflex]] save or take 1d10 + 1/2 Ranger level + Favored Enemy Bonus if applicable in piercing and slashing damage. The trap close one the creature's leg (or other appendage) and impede movement, [[Immobilized (3.5e Condition)|immobilizing]] until the trap is removed, pain inflict a -2 penalty on all of the creature's d20 rolls and reduce all movement by half until the trap's damage is healed or until a successful DC 15 [[SRD:Heal Skill|Heal]] check is made (full-round action). The creature may attempt to move as normal, but must succeed a DC 14 [[Strength]] check each time it does so.
''Bear Trap:'' Upon triggering a bear trap, the triggering immediately must make a [[Reflex]] save or take 1d10 + 1/2 Ranger level + Favored Enemy Bonus if applicable in piercing and slashing damage. The trap close one the creature's leg (or other appendage) and impede movement, [[Immobilized (3.5e Condition)|immobilizing]] until the trap is removed, pain inflict a -2 penalty on all of the creature's d20 rolls and reduce all movement by half until the trap's damage is healed or until a successful DC 15 [[SRD:Heal Skill|Heal]] check is made (full-round action). The creature may attempt to move as normal, but must succeed a DC 14 [[Strength]] check each time it does so.
The trap can be removed by breaking it (10 + 5 hp per ranger level, hardness 10, DC 26 Break DC) or by making a DC 20 [[Strength]] check to open it as a full-round action.
The trap can be removed by breaking it (10 + 5 hp per ranger level, hardness 10, DC 26 Break DC) or by making a DC 20 [[Strength]] check to open it as a full-round action.
''Net Trap:'' Upon triggering a net trap, the target must make a [[Reflex]] save or become [[SRD:Entangled|Entangled]] and held down. Even on a successful save the target become [[SRD:Entangled|Entangled]] but not held down. An [[SRD:Entangled|entangled]] creature can escape with a [[SRD:DC|DC]] 20 [[SRD:Escape Artist Skill|Escape Artist]] check (a [[SRD:Full-Round Actions|full-round action]]). The net has 5 [[SRD:Hit Points|hit points]] and can be burst with a [[SRD:DC|DC]] 25 [[SRD:Strength Check|Strength check]] (also a [[SRD:Full-Round Actions|full-round action]]).
''Net Trap:'' Upon triggering a net trap, the target must make a [[Reflex]] save or become [[SRD:Entangled|Entangled]] and held down. Even on a successful save the target become [[SRD:Entangled|Entangled]] but not held down. An [[SRD:Entangled|entangled]] creature can escape with a [[SRD:DC|DC]] 20 [[SRD:Escape Artist Skill|Escape Artist]] check (a [[SRD:Full-Round Actions|full-round action]]). The net has 5 [[SRD:Hit Points|hit points]] and can be burst with a [[SRD:DC|DC]] 25 [[SRD:Strength Check|Strength check]] (also a [[SRD:Full-Round Actions|full-round action]]).
''Tripwire:'' Upon triggering a tripwire, the triggering creature must make a [[Reflex]] save or fall prone. If used in conjunction with another trap, if the creature fall prone because of the tripwire it take a -4 penalty on it saving throw against the other trap.
''Tripwire:'' Upon triggering a tripwire, the triggering creature must make a [[Reflex]] save or fall prone. If used in conjunction with another trap, if the creature fall prone because of the tripwire it take a -4 penalty on it saving throw against the other trap.
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'''Caltrops:''' A 2nd level trapper know how to use [[SRD:Caltrops|caltrops]] extremely effectively, using her attack bonus on caltrops placed by herself.  
'''Caltrops:''' A 2nd level trapper know how to use [[SRD:Caltrops|caltrops]] extremely effectively, using her attack bonus on caltrops placed by herself.  
'''Clever Placement {{Ex}}:''' A 2nd level trapper is excellent at placing traps. When trapping natural terrain or terrain full of debris which allow her to conceal her traps, instead of placing her trap in a square she may instead declare a square and all adjacent square a 'trapped area'. Essentially the location of the trap is undetermined until it is found or triggered. Whenever a creature enter a square in the trapped area, the trapper may decide if it trigger the trap or not, if not the trap was simply in another square (until the last square at least).  
'''Clever Placement {{Ex}}:''' A 2nd level trapper is excellent at placing traps. When trapping natural terrain or terrain full of debris which allow her to conceal her traps, instead of placing her trap in a square she may instead declare a square and all adjacent square a 'trapped area'. Essentially the location of the trap is undetermined until it is found or triggered. Whenever a creature enter a square in the trapped area, the trapper may decide if it trigger the trap or not, if not the trap was simply in another square until the last square is revealed.
The trapper ranger cannot use this ability to place a trap in a square occupied by another creature.  
If a successful [[SRD:Search Skill|Search]] check is made to detect the trap, the trapper must immediately reveal in which square it is. This ability also apply to [[SRD:Caltrops|caltrops]].
If a successful [[SRD:Search Skill|Search]] check is made to detect the trap, the trapper must immediately reveal in which square it is. This ability also apply to [[SRD:Caltrops|caltrops]].
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'''Efficient Trapmaker {{Ex}}:''' A 3rd level trapper may craft magic traps as if he had the prerequisite [Item Creation] feat. She gain [[Efficient Crafting (3.5e Feat)|Efficient Crafter]] as a bonus feat even if she does not meet the prerequisite.
'''Efficient Trapmaker {{Ex}}:''' A 3rd level trapper may craft magic traps as if he had the prerequisite [Item Creation] feat. She gain [[Efficient Crafting (3.5e Feat)|Efficient Crafter]] as a bonus feat even if she does not meet the prerequisite.
'''Caltrop Shot:'''  A 4th level trapper may deliver caltrops to a square as part of an attack action using a ranged weapon.
'''Quick Placement {{Ex}}:''' A 3rd level trapper range may now lay down her simple trap as a standard action.
'''Caltrop Shot {{Ex}}:'''  A 4th level trapper may deliver caltrops to a square as part of an attack action using a ranged weapon.
'''Independent Crafter {{Ex}}:''' A 5th level trapper ranger receive [[Mundane Crafter (3.5e Feat)|Mundane Crafter]] ([[SRD:Craft Magic Arms and Armor|Craft Magic Arms and Armor]]) as a bonus feat.
'''Independent Crafter {{Ex}}:''' A 5th level trapper ranger receive [[Mundane Crafter (3.5e Feat)|Mundane Crafter]] ([[SRD:Craft Magic Arms and Armor|Craft Magic Arms and Armor]]) as a bonus feat.
'''Aggressive Placement {{Ex}}:''' A 6th level trapper may place a trap as a standard action or as a full-round action at a range of up to 30 ft. She may also change the trapped area of her Clever Placement ability to either be a 30 ft. line or a 15 ft. cone.  
'''Aggressive Placement {{Ex}}:''' A 6th level trapper may place a trap as a move action or as a standard at a range of up to 30 ft. She may also change the trapped area of her Clever Placement ability to either be a 30 feet line or a 15 feet cone.  
'''Barbed Traps {{Ex}}:''' a 7th level trapper's caltrops and bear trap may inflict 1d4 points of [[Bleedout (3.5e Condition)|bleed]] when triggered and each round until removed from the creature.
'''Barbed Traps {{Ex}}:''' a 7th level trapper's caltrops and bear trap may inflict 1d4 points of [[Bleedout (3.5e Condition)|bleed]] when triggered and each round until removed from the creature.
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''Suspended Net Trap:'' Any creature trapped in the trapper's net trap is flat-footed against all attacks until freed, the creature also fall [[SRD:Prone|prone]] and is held up in the air if it fail it save.
''Suspended Net Trap:'' Any creature trapped in the trapper's net trap is flat-footed against all attacks until freed, the creature also fall [[SRD:Prone|prone]] and is held up in the air if it fail it save.
'''Swift Trapping {{Ex}}:''' A 11th level trapper may lay down a simple trap as a swift action and throw it as a standard action.
'''Swift Trapping {{Ex}}:''' A 11th level trapper may lay down a simple trap as a swift action.
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[[Category:WotC Alternate Class Feature]]
[[Category:Homebrew Alternate Class Feature]]

Latest revision as of 19:26, 3 April 2021

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 22nd July 2016
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Trapper Ranger

A trapper ranger focus less on fighting or spellcasting and more on trapping her foes, she use a clever combination of traps in order to gain the upper hand in combat. Trapper ranger make for great ambusher, being able to prepare their battlefield ahead of time. Finally the trapper has the option to use Intelligence for many of her class features, although her spellcasting is still Wisdom-based. This allow a ranger who ignore her spellcasting (or trade it away) to focus on skills and other Intelligence related focus.

Class: Ranger

Prerequisites: Craft (Trapmaking) or Survival 4 ranks

Level: 1st, 2nd, 6th, 11th

Replaces: Wild Empathy and Combat Style or Spellcasting

Benefit: A Trapper Ranger gain the following class features:

Skills: A trapper ranger add Disable Device to her skill list.

Conceal Trap: A trapper is a master at concealing her traps, if she lay down a trap (whether one of her ranger trap or a standard crafted trap) the DC to spot it increase by 2 or her Intelligence modifier whichever is higher. The base DC for detecting simple trap is DC 20, thus finding one of her trap always require the trapfinding class feature.

Lay Simple Trap (Ex): As a full-round action a trapper can lay down a simple trap into an adjacent square (or even her own square). Whenever a creature other than the trapper enter the square it immediately trigger the trap. The trapper has a number of traps equal to 3 plus her Constitution modifier at any given time, she may retrieve any traps that were not triggered or destroyed as long as doing so would not grant her more traps that she can hold at any one time. Simple traps last for 1 hour per class level or until triggered, after which they break down or trigger by themselves and may still be retrieved.

The trapper may craft new traps with 1 hour of downtime and access to her material supply and tools. Traps must be placed in different square, no two trap may occupy the same square with the exception of the tripwire which may be combined with other traps.

The DC of a trapper's simple trap is DC 10 + 1/2 Ranger level + Dexterity, Intelligence or Wisdom modifier, whichever is higher. If a creature used a double move the turn it moved into the trapped square it take a -4 penalty on it save, if it used a charge or run action the penalty increase to -8. Similarly a creature moving at half speed or below, gain a +4 bonus on it save. If a trap is spotted, it may be avoided by passing through the square at half move speed. The trapper ranger may use the following simple traps:

Codex Ranger
If you use the Codex Ranger, this ACF replace the Secondary Combat Style you gain at 5th (only if you replaced Combat Style). You however add your Favored Terrain Bonus to the DC to spot your traps in your favored terrain as well as adding half the bonus to the DC of the trap. Your traps also benefits from your Hunt class feature, dealing extra damage (if they deal damage) to favored enemy. Since both receive Independent Crafter at 3rd you only receive the class feature only once.

Bear Trap: Upon triggering a bear trap, the triggering immediately must make a Reflex save or take 1d10 + 1/2 Ranger level + Favored Enemy Bonus if applicable in piercing and slashing damage. The trap close one the creature's leg (or other appendage) and impede movement, immobilizing until the trap is removed, pain inflict a -2 penalty on all of the creature's d20 rolls and reduce all movement by half until the trap's damage is healed or until a successful DC 15 Heal check is made (full-round action). The creature may attempt to move as normal, but must succeed a DC 14 Strength check each time it does so.

The trap can be removed by breaking it (10 + 5 hp per ranger level, hardness 10, DC 26 Break DC) or by making a DC 20 Strength check to open it as a full-round action.

Net Trap: Upon triggering a net trap, the target must make a Reflex save or become Entangled and held down. Even on a successful save the target become Entangled but not held down. An entangled creature can escape with a DC 20 Escape Artist check (a full-round action). The net has 5 hit points and can be burst with a DC 25 Strength check (also a full-round action).

Tripwire: Upon triggering a tripwire, the triggering creature must make a Reflex save or fall prone. If used in conjunction with another trap, if the creature fall prone because of the tripwire it take a -4 penalty on it saving throw against the other trap.

Trapfinding: As the Rogue's ability.

Survivalist: A trapper ranger may use her Intelligence modifier for Survival checks, additionally she may use Survival when making Craft, Listen, Search or Spot checks.

Caltrops: A 2nd level trapper know how to use caltrops extremely effectively, using her attack bonus on caltrops placed by herself.

Clever Placement (Ex): A 2nd level trapper is excellent at placing traps. When trapping natural terrain or terrain full of debris which allow her to conceal her traps, instead of placing her trap in a square she may instead declare a square and all adjacent square a 'trapped area'. Essentially the location of the trap is undetermined until it is found or triggered. Whenever a creature enter a square in the trapped area, the trapper may decide if it trigger the trap or not, if not the trap was simply in another square until the last square is revealed.

The trapper ranger cannot use this ability to place a trap in a square occupied by another creature.

If a successful Search check is made to detect the trap, the trapper must immediately reveal in which square it is. This ability also apply to caltrops.

Efficient Trapmaker (Ex): A 3rd level trapper may craft magic traps as if he had the prerequisite [Item Creation] feat. She gain Efficient Crafter as a bonus feat even if she does not meet the prerequisite.

Quick Placement (Ex): A 3rd level trapper range may now lay down her simple trap as a standard action.

Caltrop Shot (Ex): A 4th level trapper may deliver caltrops to a square as part of an attack action using a ranged weapon.

Independent Crafter (Ex): A 5th level trapper ranger receive Mundane Crafter (Craft Magic Arms and Armor) as a bonus feat.

Aggressive Placement (Ex): A 6th level trapper may place a trap as a move action or as a standard at a range of up to 30 ft. She may also change the trapped area of her Clever Placement ability to either be a 30 feet line or a 15 feet cone.

Barbed Traps (Ex): a 7th level trapper's caltrops and bear trap may inflict 1d4 points of bleed when triggered and each round until removed from the creature.

Anchoring Trap (Su): At 8th level, any creature trapped inside of the trapper's trap is also under the effect of dimensional anchor spell (no save) until freed. The caster level of this effect is equal to the trapper's class level.

Improved Simple Traps (Ex): A 9th level the trapper found way to improve her simple traps, making them deadlier.

Adamantine Bear Trap The trapper's bear trap now ignore damage reduction and hardness and deal double damage, it own hardness increase to 20.

Razor Wire: trapper's tripwire may now deal 1d6 + 1/2 Ranger level + Favored Enemy Bonus if applicable in slashing damage to the creature triggering it even if it succeed it Reflex save. It also inflict 6 point of bleed to a creature who fail it save and 3 points to a creature who succeed.

Suspended Net Trap: Any creature trapped in the trapper's net trap is flat-footed against all attacks until freed, the creature also fall prone and is held up in the air if it fail it save.

Swift Trapping (Ex): A 11th level trapper may lay down a simple trap as a swift action.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4523 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassRanger +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA trapper ranger focus less on fighting or
A trapper ranger focus less on fighting or spellcasting and more on trapping her foes, she use a clever combination of traps in order to gain the upper hand in combat. Trapper ranger make for great ambusher, being able to prepare their battlefield ahead of time. Finally the trapper has the option to use Intelligence for many of her class features, although her spellcasting is still Wisdom-based. This allow a ranger who ignore her spellcasting (or trade it away) to focus on skills and other Intelligence related focus.
and other Intelligence related focus. +
TitleTrapper Ranger +