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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 9-6-19
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Ablative Gel
Crazy Gadget (Rush)
Level: 4
Prerequisite: Needs two Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Move
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

The capsule hidden on your body detonates, coating you in a quickly evaporating but protective gel.

When you activate this maneuver you may immediately move up to your normal movement speed with the benefits of freedom of movement and 5 hp/level in temporary hit points that only absorbs the following damage: acid, electricity, fire, force, and sonic damage. Cold damage bypasses the gel. You are immune to caltrops and take minimum damage from environmental effects and fall damage regardless of damage type. If you lose all of your temporary hp before the round is over, the freedom of movement effect also ends.

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Absorbing Vial
Crazy Gadget (Counter)
Level: 8
Prerequisite: Needs three Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Immediate
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: See text

I don't know how you absorbed a ballista bolt and put it in your pocket, but I am afraid.

You activate a strange device that absorbs incoming hazards and places them in their own timeless demiplane to be released later. When you are targeted by a ray, projectile, or single target spell or effect you can instead absorb it. In the case of spells, you have to succeed on an opposed caster level check using your initiator level as your effective caster level.

While absorbed this maneuver cannot be unreadied and remains dormant. As a standard action at any point later you can release the effect at a new target in range, using the attack rolls, damage, or save DCs of the original attack. This then expends the maneuver normally.

This gadget is powered by magic and is a supernatural ability.

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 9-6-19
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Adaptive Skin
Crazy Gadget (Stance)
Level: 7
Prerequisite: Needs three Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: Self

Your suit is tricked out with all sorts of helpful life support systems. You can handle any environment.

You are constantly under the effects of adapt body. This maneuver uses some magic as part of the gadgets, making it supernatural.

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
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Adrenaline Injection
Crazy Gadget (Rush)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: Move
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

Time seemed to slow for you, and your mind was focused. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.

Injecting an alchemical serum you may move up to double your movement speed. For 1 round you ignore any pain based effects, effects which would be disrupted on attacks of opportunity (such as a disarm attempt) no longer disrupt you, and you ignore any Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution penalties you are suffering from for 1 round. Up to 5 damage with each attack you take is converted into non-lethal damage. You may double move and retain the benefits of the boost to movement speed.

However, on the subsequent round you are rendered fatigued for 1 round, bypassing immunities.

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Aerial Mines
Crazy Gadget (Strike) [Fire]
Level: 6
Prerequisite: Needs two Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Strike
Range: 20 ft
Area: 20 ft radius centered on you
Duration: 24 hours or until discharged
Saving Throw: Reflex half

Minefield ready.

You release a swarm of flying explosive drones out in a 20 ft radius burst centered on yourself. They do not trigger for you, but any creature who moves even 5 ft in this area must make a DC 16 + Intelligence modifier Reflex save or take 1d6 points of fire damage per level. Creatures that remain still or escape without moving are fine. The field persists until detonated, and can be detonated prematurely if it takes more than 20 points of fire damage in its area. The explosion never hurts the initiator.

You can only have one aerial mines active at any one time. Using another dismisses the previous effect.

This gadget uses a bit of magic and thus is a supernatural ability.

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 9-6-19
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Antigen Serum
Crazy Gadget (Counter)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: Immediate
Range: Touch
Target: One creature
Duration: Instanteous; see text
Saving Throw: None

The needle hurt, but not as much as the poison will if it is allowed to spread through your body.

You inject a creature with a cocktail of powerful medicines to fight off poison and disease which had just afflicted you. If used immediately upon being diseased or poisoned, the target gains a +5 alchemical bonus to the saving throw to resist it. If used after they have already been diseased or poisoned you gain a reroll on said disease or poison; success does not reverse any damage but does count as a successful save while a failed save has no ill effect. You can only apply this maneuver once for any one affliction.

Regardless of which you use, the target benefits from soft ability damage reduction 1 for Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution for the effect.

If a antitoxin or antiplaguePF is consumed as part of this maneuver the target benefits from the effects of said alchemical compound afterwards at its normal duration.

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Authorized User
Crazy Gadget (Stance)
Level: 3
Prerequisite: Requires two Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: Self

It was dumb luck, but it looks like you found the on switch after all.

When you enter this stance choose one object. You become proficient in that object (if an armor, shield, or weapon) or count as a 1st level caster of an appropriate class (for some magic items). If the item requires a Program or Use Magic Device check or some other qualifying skill check you gain your initiator level as a competence bonus to checks for that one item. This lasts until you switch stances or choose a new object to become proficient in.

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 9-6-19
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Automed Injector
Crazy Gadget (Counter)
Level: 3
Prerequisite: Needs one Crazy Gadget maneuver
Initiation Action: Immediate
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None

Pssht. Morphine administered.

You've got gadgets that inject chemicals into your body as you need it. As long as you have a potion or alchemical item on your person (even inside a bag) you may instantly consume any potion that cures hp or ability damage as an immediate action. This consumes the item as normal.

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
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Booster Escape
Crazy Gadget (Rush) [Fire]
Level: 7
Prerequisite: Needs three Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Move
Range: Personal or Touch; see text
Target: One creature
Duration: Concentration or 1 round; see text
Saving Throw: None

More boosters. Safety is optional.

You activate some random boosters strapped to you, rapidly increasing your speed. You gain a fly speed equal to 10x your land speed with clumsy maneuverability, and the speed bonus persists as long as you continue moving at least 50 ft each round as a move action. Once you cease maintaining this speed you release your grip on the rockets and fall any elevation you may currently have.

Alternatively you can start a bull rush check out to 10 ft by releasing the rockets at your opponent and allowing it to push them. If you end the previous ability's movement within 10 ft of an opponent you can also start a bull rush. You are not limited in the size of the creature you can bull rush, and you use your Intelligence in place of Strength if better with a +8 bonus on your bull rush check.

At the end of the bull rush the rockets explode, dealing 1d10 + 1 an additional point of fire damage per initiator level.

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
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Call Airstrike
Crazy Gadget (Strike) [Fire, Sonic]
Level: 9
Prerequisite: Needs four Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 round; see text
Range: Long (400 ft + 40 ft/level)
Area: 20 ft radius sphere
Duration: Instantanous
Saving Throw: Reflex half

Location confirmed. Calling in air support.

Through the power of pre-set up weapon batteries, air support, or other distant weapons you take aim and order them to fire upon an area in range. Targeting takes 1 round and drops an explosive upon a 20 ft radius sphere dealing 1d6 simultaneous fire and sonic damage per level (requires resistance/immunity to both, take lower) in an area. It is especially effective against fortification and structures, dealing full damage after hardness and making a Break DC attempt equal to 1d20 + your initiator level to outright sunder objects.

You can choose to delay firing up to 5 rounds. For each round you delay you gain another 20 ft radius burst in the area. Damage overlaps, it does not stack, but you can force a creature to make multiple saving throws by overlapping areas.

Regardless of how long you withheld, it takes 1d4 rounds for this maneuver to be ready to use again even if refreshed before then.

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 9-6-19
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Chem Grenade
Crazy Gadget (Strike) [Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire]
Level: 2
Initiation Action: Standard
Range: 20 ft range increment
Target or Area: One creature with 5 ft radius splash
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See text

You shake up a can and give it a toss. Pop rocks and soda, it never fails.

You throw an alchemical grenade out to a 20 ft range increment as a ranged touch attack, dealing 1d6 points of damage per two initiator levels (round up) of either acid, cold, electrical, or fire damage. Creatures in a 5 ft radius splash take minimum damage as splash damage. Depending on the element chosen, an additional effect occurs with the DC being 12 + Intelligence modifier:

If an acid flask, alchemist's fire, alchemist's frostECS, or alchemist's sparkECS is consumed as part of initiating, the DC and effective initiator level increases by +2.

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Climbing Irons
Crazy Gadget (Rush)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: Move
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: None

With a crack the pitons embedded themselves in the rock, keeping you stable.

This maneuver has two functions. The first assists in climbing, granting the initiator a +10 circumstance bonus on Climb checks or their initiator level, whichever is greater. They may also move up to their speed so long as that movement is climbing. If you fail a Climb check by 5 or more in the round you activate this maneuver, you do not fall and instead simply fail to make progress. If you have a climb speed, this instead doubles your Climb speed for 1 round.

Alternatively you can use this to lock yourself in place. You do not move but gain a +6 stability bonus on any effect which would forcefully move you from your position. You lose this benefit if you move more than 5 ft a round for any reason, but it otherwise persists until you do.

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 9-6-19
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Combat Medical Aid
Crazy Gadget (Strike)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: Standard
Range: Touch
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None

A band aid will patch that right up.

You throw down some medical gauze and alchemical gel to heal up a target. Recover 1d8 + your initiator level in damage, though you can never bring a creature above 50% of their hp with this maneuver. Alternatively expend it as part of a Heal check attempt for the benefits of the maneuver plus the result of the Heal check.

If a Healer's Kit charge is consumed as part of initiating, you may recover past 50% hp. Alternatively you may double the amount healed, but you are still capped at 50% hp.

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 9-6-19
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Combat Medical Expertise
Crazy Gadget (Strike)
Level: 5
Prerequisite: Needs two Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Standard
Range: Touch
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None

You need healing.

This functions like Combat Medical Aid, except you recover 3d8 + your initiator level in damage and you are not capped at 50% health. In addition if used on a creature whose body is intact and has died within 1 round, it brings them back to life at -1 and stable, at least 1 level (if killed by energy drain), or 1 ability score (even if drained to death).

If a Healer's Kit charge is consumed as part of initiating, the target gains the benefit of the life support spell with your initiator level as the caster level and the pulsing light as a result of your medical gadgets.

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 9-6-19
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Combat Medical Miracle
Crazy Gadget (Strike)
Level: 8
Prerequisite: Needs three Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Standard
Range: Touch
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous and 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None

Medic is credit to team!

This functions like Combat Medical Expertise, except you heal 8d8 + your initiator level in damage, and you can revive the dead who have been dead up to 3 rounds. The target recovers 1d6 ability damage, 1d6 negative levels, or 1 point of ability drain instead of recovering hp instead. Finally the target benefits from fast healing 2 for 1 round/level after.

If a Healer's Kit charge is consumed as part of initiating, the target gains the benefit of the life support spell with your initiator level as the caster level and the pulsing light as a result of your medical gadgets. Alternatively you can use a healer's kit to piece together a body that has been mauled or dismembered (but not one that has been transformed such as turning to ash), allowing you to attempt to bring it back from the dead in the same action.

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Date Created: 9-6-19
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Communication Network
Crazy Gadget (Stance)
Level: 7
Prerequisite: Needs two Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: Self

In the corner of your mind's eye is a minimap revealing the location of everything around you.

Your gadgets grant you communication with allies, increased awareness, and awareness of anything your allies are aware of. When you enter this stance you can choose up to 5 allies within a 60 ft radius to link up to. You have telepathy out to unlimited range, and effectively blindsense out to 60 ft, but only for terrain and objects. As long as one of your linked allies can see a creature, you can also see the creature and know its exact position. If one of your allies threatens a creature you are considered flanking that creature.

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Diazepam Pill
Crazy Gadget (Rush)
Level: 5
Prerequisite: Needs one Crazy Gadget maneuver
Initiation Action: Move
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 minute; see text
Saving Throw: None

Supposedly these chemicals you brewed up are non-addictive. Really you can stop at any time, they're simply really useful in combat, that's all.

You ingest an alchemical material that calms you in the rush of battle. You are immune to fear and morale effects (positive and negative) for the duration, and your steady aim means you reduce the penalty on attacks for any reason by 2 (such as iterative attacks, range penalties, or two-weapon fighting). You can also take aim, making a single attack as a full attack action but gaining a +8 bonus to the attack roll. Unfortunately it makes you too calm, and after 1 minute you are staggered for 1d4 rounds.

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Envenom Weapon
Crazy Gadget (Boost)
Level: 3
Prerequisite: Needs on Crazy Gadget maneuver
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Touch
Target: One weapon
Duration: 1 round or until discharged
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial

Your body is weak. The poison attacks you from within.

Your gadgets spray poison on your weapon, causing your next successful attack made within 1 round to deal an additional +1d6 poison damage and provoke a save vs poison with only an initial effect and no secondary effect. The type of poison is chosen when this maneuver is readied, and can only be changed by re-reading the maneuver again.

A successful Fortitude save DC 13 + Intelligence modifier negates the ability damage but not the poison damage.

If you have the Use Poison ability you can apply one of your contact or injury poisons to the weapon, consuming it in the process. The maneuver then deals +1d6 poison damage and the consumed poison DC or the maneuver's DC, whichever is higher. In addition the effect is instantaneous until discharged on a successful hit.

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Escape Trap
Crazy Gadget (Rush) [Fire]
Level: 3
Initiation Action: Move
Range: See text
Effect: One Escape Mine
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Reflex half

Click. Surprise landmine!

When you initiate this maneuver you can move up to your move speed, and the first 5 ft of your movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. In addition you drop a tiny explosive with a nearly invisible trailing wire from your wrist which you can detonate when a creature draws near. Choose a square anywhere along your movement. The trap is set there, and is hard to see requiring a Spot check against DC 20 + your initiator level to notice. As a non-action you can activate the trap and any creature within that 5 ft square must make a Reflex save against 1d6 fire damage/level (max 10d6 at initiator level 10).

The explosive goes off at the beginning of your next turn if it hasn't already been triggered.

If an alchemist's fire is consumed as part of initiating, increase the damage by +1d6 and creatures which fail the Reflex save are also knocked prone.

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
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Expanded Vision Goggles
Crazy Gadget (Stance)
Level: 5
Prerequisite: Needs three Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: Self

The goggles... they... do something!

You had cool gadget goggles that expand your vision abilities. You gain darkvision 60 ft and low-light vision automatically, and may choose to toggle thermalsight and/or telescopic vision as a free action on your turn. Telescopic vision changes where your effective starting point for range penalties begin, so you can zoom in 150 ft away where you may be three range increments away, and instead treat that as being in your first range increment, counting any closer or further ranges as the appropriate range increment away. You can even employ Point Blank Shot and precision damage at range with this ability. The zoom can extend up to 3 miles away in most weather.

If you possess some manner of recording device, you can feed your goggles vision to your recording device as long as it is within 30 ft.

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Explosive Ammunition
Crazy Gadget (Boost)
Level: 2
Prerequisite: Needs one Crazy Gadget maneuver
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Ranged attack
Effect: Ammunition
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

Little did they know you added small explosives to every arrow ahead of time. Just as planned.

For 1 round, your ranged ammunition becomes explosive and targets all creatures in a 15 ft cube. This counts as an area effect for the purpose of interacting with swarms and other abilities. A creature can only get struck by an attack once per attack, no matter how many squares they fill.

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Flak Spinner
Crazy Gadget (Strike)
Level: 7
Prerequisite: Needs two Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Standard
Range: Medium (100 ft + 10 ft/level)
Area: 20 ft radius burst
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Reflex half

This brutal weapon is actually just a seriously malfunctioning science experiment. It was supposed to clean the house...

You throw out a small disk that begins spinning and spitting out shrapnel in all directions. Immediately upon deploying, and whenever a creature passes through or ends their turn in the area, creatures take 1d6 points of magic slashing damage per level. Lightly armored or no armor creatures take an additional +1 damage per level, as the flak is very effective on exposed flesh. No matter how many times a creature passes through the area they only take damage once each round.

It shoots out new shrapnel each round, but the object shooting the flak can be destroyed (AC 18 for size, hardness 10, 40 hp) to end the effect. You can only have one flak spinner deployed at a time, as deploying a new one ends the previous effect.

This gadget uses an amount of magic and is thus a supernatural ability.

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Flash Bang
Crazy Gadget (Strike) [Light, Sonic]
Level: 3
Prerequisite: Needs one Crazy Gadget maneuver
Initiation Action: Standard
Range: 20 ft range increment
Area: 10 ft radius burst
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates, Reflex negates, Will negates

With a bright flash you lose focus, and your ears start ringing.

You throw a nonlethal explosive that detonates into a bright flash, thunderous peal, and shockwaves. Creatures in the area take 1d8 nonlethal sonic damage and must make a Fortitude, Reflex, and Will save DC 13 + Intelligence modifier. A failed Fortitude save deafens targets for 1 minute. A failed Reflex save blinds targets for 1 round. A failed Will save robs them the ability to use any swift or immediate actions or any attacks of opportunity for 1 round.

If a sunrod and thunderstone are consumed as part of initiating, creatures are dazzled for 1 minute regardless of the saving throw (for the sunrod), and deafened for 1 round even on a successful save (for the thunderstone).

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Flash Pack
Crazy Gadget (Stance) [Light]
Level: 1
Initiation Action: Swift; see text
Range: See text
Area: See text
Saving Throw: None

This hands-free lighting device is handy. It has various lighting settings and even strobe.

You illuminate light in this stance up to the strength of a torch (20 ft radius bright light and 40 ft shadowy illumination) or a bullseye lantern (60 ft cone bright light and 120 ft shadowy illumination) or all the way as dim as a candle toggled as a free action on your turn while in this stance. You can also change the color of the light.

While in this stance you can take a move action to strobe the light with bright painful flashing. Any creatures targeting you with attack rolls who can see take a 20% miss chance from the strobe effect, and light sensitivity and light blindness applies. Treat it as a gaze attack.

This counts as a 1st level [Light] effect for the purpose of interacting with [Darkness] spells.

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Frag Grenade
Crazy Gadget (Strike) [Fire]
Level: 5
Prerequisite: Needs two Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Standard
Range: 50 ft range increment
Area: 20 ft radius burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half

Remember to count to 3 after you pull the pin. Or... was it 5?

You throw a grenade that explodes into a 20 ft radius burst, dealing 1d6 points of half fire and half magic slashing damage per level, max 15d6. Creatures in light or no armor take an additional +1 point per initiator level in magic slashing damage from the flak shards it produces. The damage mauls these light or no armored bodies if slain, rendering them unsuitable for raise dead.

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Fulton Recovery
Crazy Gadget (Boost) [Air]
Level: 4
Prerequisite: Needs two Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Touch
Target: One willing or helpless creature or object weighing 50 lbs/level
Duration: 1 round/level or until discharged
Saving Throw: None

Watch this, pigs can fly!

With a swift action you attach and activate a sticky pod that erupts into a balloon, carrying you or your hapless target up to 10 ft/level into the air before remaining buoyant where they are. You cannot move the recipient horizontally, but the recipient could clamber along the face of a cliff, for example, or push against a ceiling to move laterally (generally at half its base land speed). At any point as a free action on their turn the recipient may deflate the balloon, drifting downward and moving horizontally up to 5 ft in any direction. They land as if using feather fall and the effect is discharged.

While the movement is swift enough to avoid attacks of opportunity on ascent, this may not apply on descent. Unless you have a means to fly or move in the air, you are flatfooted as long as you remain suspended. The balloon can be targeted equal to the creature's AC and with 5 hp/level but is otherwise considered an attended object. Breaking the balloon causes the creature or object to fall normally. Creatures can make a DC 15 Reflex save to avoid falling objects.

You are highly susceptible to wind effects, counting as a creature one size smaller than normal. Creatures drift 5 ft in the appropriate direction for every 5 mph the wind is blowing.

You can consume 100 gp in fabric supplies as a component. If you do, the duration becomes 1 hour/level, and you can set a time or a contingency (as per contingency) for when it should deflate.

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Gadget Jetpack
Crazy Gadget (Stance) [Fire]
Level: 5
Prerequisite: Needs two Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: Self

At long last. They said a Tibbit martial initiator couldn't could it but I have finally become JETPACK CAT!

You have a cool jetpack gadget, granting you a fly speed of 60 ft (good maneuverability). Besides being able to fly you can choose to end this stance as a swift action and send your jetpack out like a missile with a ranged touch attack out to 60 ft. It deals 10d6 points of fire damage with a 5 ft radius splash of 10 damage. This destroys the jetpack and you fall if you were airborne. If your jetpack is destroyed it cannot be used again for the rest of the encounter.

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Gas Grenade
Crazy Gadget (Strike)
Level: 3
Prerequisite: Needs one Crazy Gadget maneuver
Initiation Action: Standard
Range: Medium (100 ft + 10 ft/level)
Area: 20 ft radius, 20 ft high
Duration: 10 minutes/level; see text
Saving Throw: None

A thick yellow mist filled the room, followed by the sounds of choking for air.

This functions as fog cloud, except you cannot breathe in the area of effect and creatures must hold their breath. Creatures can take a breath before they are overtaken, but consume air at twice the normal rate when in a stressful situation, and cannot speak while holding their breath.

You can choose the color of the smoke, and choose to make it a signal flare. The smoke is lighter than air and drifts skyward to cloud level. While its suffocation or concealment effects do not extend above 20 ft, the colored smoke is visible from miles away (typically 3 miles in clear conditions).

Only one such gas grenade can persist at one time, using this maneuver again causes the previous grenade to expend early.

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Grant Access
Crazy Gadget (Rush)
Level: 8
Prerequisite: Needs four Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Move
Range: Touch
Target: One creation
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: None

The password is clearly *******. I'm in!

As a move action you hack into the use of a single object such as a any object as if you succeeded on the appropriate Use Magic Device checks, had the correct key, or had the correct password. It imparts no knowledge of passwords as you effectively stumble into it in a combination of luck and mechanical gadgets, and locks reasserts themselves once the door is closed or otherwise set back to normal position. Access to the device remains as long as it is in use, and is lost once it leaves your hand or you access another item or lock.

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HEV System
Crazy Gadget (Stance)
Level: 3
Prerequisite: Needs two Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: Self

Alert, vital signs fading.

Your gadgets have a variety of life support functions which have you need to consume half as much food, air, and water to survive. Any healing you receive is maximized and you automatically stabilize if dying. The extent you may exist in the negatives before dying is extended by -10 and, unlike most stances, this stance is not lost if you become otherwise unable to maintain a stance.

At your direction (a non-action) you can have your gadgets sound an alarm equal to an alarm spell and/or glow as bright as a torch if you ever drop under 0 hp.

You may expend this stance as an immediate action in order to prevent death from hp loss or [Death] effects, leaving you at 1 point away from death and stable. It cannot save you from other fatal effects such as transmuting into ash. However if you do so you cannot adopt this stance again until you have rested for 8 hours as the required gadgets are burned out or otherwise non-functional.

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Hidden Draw
Crazy Gadget (Boost)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: One object
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None

Surprise shotgun! Where were you even hiding this anyway?

As a swift action you can draw out any item on your possession, even if it is hidden or packed away, thanks to your slick retrieval gadgets. The first time you use this in an encounter to draw out any hidden or packed away item a subsequent attack made within 1 round is against a flatfooted target.

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Hypersoldier Serum
Crazy Gadget (Boost)
Level: 8
Prerequisite: Needs three Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round or 1 minute; see text
Saving Throw: None

You have mixed Pepsi, Coke, Pop Rocks, and all the energy drinks! Now you are invincible!

This acts like Supersoldier Serum but grants a +12 alchemical bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, 6 temporary hp level, and your movement speeds triple. You also do not fail attacks and saves on a natural 1.

Alternatively you can gain the benefits of Supersoldier Serum for 1 minute. At the end of the duration you are nauseated for 1 round from being amped for so long.

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Instant Disable
Crazy Gadget (Counter)
Level: 5
Prerequisite: Needs two Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Immediate
Range: Melee attack or Touch
Target: One object
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None

Oops, I think it needed this screw.

This functions like Quick Disable except it is an immediate action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. In addition, unattended objects remain disabled instead of resuming function after a time period. The time period an attended weapon is disable increases to 2d4 rounds.

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Instant Neutralizing Serum
Crazy Gadget (Counter)
Level: 7
Prerequisite: Needs three Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Immediate
Range: Touch
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantenous
Saving Throw: None

I need 500cc of good vibes, stat!

You pull out and use exactly the right medicine for the job. You can negate any one status effect you have just come under, even if the status would otherwise rob you of actions such as petrification. It doesn't function conditions that have existed for 1 or more rounds.

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Maximize Potential
Crazy Gadget (Boost)
Level: 6
Prerequisite: Needs two Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Touch
Target: One consumable
Duration: 1 round or until discharged
Saving Throw: None

With a drop of chemical X, you supercharge your espresso. One shot of this and you will never sleep again.

You enhance a potion or an alchemical weapon to have the maximum possible effect as if affected by Maximize Spell. If the item has a caster level, the caster level becomes your initiator level if higher. The item must be used within 1 round, or the effect is wasted. It does not function on maneuvers that act like consumables such as maneuvers from this discipline, but it can augment any consumables used in the process.

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Net Launcher
Crazy Gadget (Strike)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: Standard
Range: 20 ft increment
Target: One creature within one size category of you
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex partial; see text

You've got this in the bag. Well, the net anyway.

You pull a net from your bag and throw it, entangling your opponents. Make a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 20 ft. Oh a successful hit the tangle is entangled. This in all ways behaves as a net except the range is longer and the trailing rope is 20 ft long. When the net is escaped or broken, the net vanishes into harmless debris.

In addition to its normal use it can be set as a trap in a 10 ft square that goes off when stepped on, with a Reflex save to avoid being affected by a successful net attack, affecting however many creatures in the area when the trap goes off. The DC is 11 + Intelligence modifier. This trap is not inherently hidden, and you can make a Disguise or Survival check over the course of 1 minute as the DC as the Search DC needed to hide it. As long as the trap persists, your maneuver remains expended even if refreshed and you are unable to change it out.

If a net is used as a component the trap persists until triggered, and you are free to refresh this maneuver.

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Neutralizing Serum
Crazy Gadget (Strike)
Level: 4
Prerequisite: Needs one Crazy Gadget maneuver
Initiation Action: Standard
Range: Touch
Target: One creature
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: None

Use this one easy trick that doctors hate!

With the application of medicine you remove any one of the following status effects: disease, exhaustion, fatigue, nausea, paralysis, poison, or sickening. You can use this on yourself when nauseous as a move action instead of a standard action. The treatment renders you immune to that status effect for 10 minutes after application as well.

If a antitoxin or antiplaguePF is consumed as part of this maneuver the target recovers up to 1d8 points of ability damage on all ability scores as part of the healing, and the target gains the immunity up to 1 hour.

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Crazy Gadget (Boost)
Level: 4
Prerequisite: Needs two Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Melee or Ranged Attack
Effect: Overclocked Weapon
Duration: 1 round or until discharged
Saving Throw: None

Turn this chainsaw up to 11. What could possibly go wrong?

Using a gadget you push your weapon beyond normal abilities, but quickly burn it out. Your successful attack made in a round with a weapon deals twice as much damage as if making a critical hit. If the attack is a critical hit, the critical multiplier goes up by one step instead. After a successful attack, your subsequent attack deals half damage. This effect can persist beyond 1 round and will last until you make a subsequent attack.

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Powertool Gadget
Crazy Gadget (Strike)
Level: 6
Prerequisite: Needs two Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Full attack action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature or object
Duration: Instantenous
Saving Throw: None

I have no idea what this is, but it looks dangerous.

As part of this attack you can temporarily switch out whatever items are in your hands for the powertool gadget, a complex two-handed machine of uncertain purpose but great destructive potential. Make an attack roll, on a successful attack you deal 1d8 points of simultaneous bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage per level. You ignore all material based DR and DR/magic and ignore hardness less than 20. It can make critical hits against Constructs and corporeal Undead. If used against a wall it is capable of drilling through a wall leaving a tunnel of your size up and moving up to half your normal movement speed, as long as it is capable of breaching its hardness.

You can choose to render any object (or I suppose any corpse) down to its base components which are ejected out of separate vents. The machine breaks apart after the attack is made and your original items may return to your hands.

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Pseudo-Suicide Pill
Crazy Gadget (Counter)
Level: 2
Prerequisite: Needs one Crazy Gadget maneuver
Initiation Action: Immediate
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 minute/level or until discharged
Saving Throw: None

You fall down dead, clearly the dagger was far more effective than anyone could imagine.

Used as a ruse, you fall prone and seem to die. A Sense Motive check (if observed initiating) or a Heal check against DC 10 + your initiator level can detect the ruse. You are fully aware of your surroundings even if your eyes are closed, and holding your breath lasts twice as long. While not actually dead, you do gain a +4 alchemical bonus to Fortitude and Will saves while "dead".

Creatures which assume you are dead are flatfooted for 1 round to you when you act. Pulling this off more than once an encounter or against a foe that expects it is difficult, the DC of your check decreases by 10. The DC decreases by 10 if there seems to be no cause to your death as well.

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Quick Action
Crazy Gadget (Counter)
Level: 4
Prerequisite: Needs one Crazy Gadget maneuver
Initiation Action: Immediate
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Instanteous
Saving Throw: None

In a flash the weapon sheathed itself thanks to your auto-sheathe technogadget.

You may make any non-movement based move action as an immediate action and without provoking attacks of opportunity. This includes sheathing a weapon or standing up from prone, but not anything that would cause you to move 5 or more feet.

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Quick Bang
Crazy Gadget (Counter) [Light, Sonic]
Level: 6
Prerequisite: Needs two Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Immediate
Range: 15 ft
Area: 15 ft cone
Duration: Instantenous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates, Reflex negates, Will negates

Shining a loud flashlight in an opponents face is surprisingly effective.

An explosive cone erupts into sparks and explosive thunderous peals. This functions like Flash Bang, except as an immediate action in a 15 ft cone. It also coats the target in shining debris like glitterdust rendering them more visible until the glitter is wiped away as a move action. You may still consume items as before.

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Quick Disable
Crazy Gadget (Strike)
Level: 2
Prerequisite: Needs one Crazy Gadget maneuver
Initiation Action: Standard
Range: Melee attack or Touch
Target: One object
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None

Concussive maintenance works in reverse too!

You can make a Disable Device check and if successful complete it as a standard action regardless of complexity of the device, but unless the full time is taken it will return to normal function after 2d4 rounds.

Alternatively you can make a disable device check as part of a melee attack at -4 penalty to attack. You must have one hand free when making this attack. This provokes an attack of opportunity unless you can sunder without provoking, but does not stop the effects of the attack or the maneuver. If successful you can disable any attended weapon or object of complexity of a crossbow or greater for 1d4 rounds. The target can restore function with an opposed Disable Device or appropriate Craft check to return function normally as a standard action.

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Repellent Spray
Crazy Gadget (Stance)
Level: 1
Prerequisite: Needs one Crazy Gadget maneuver
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Saving Throw: None

It's a good thing I brought my shark repellent. What, I am very well prepared.

Using an alchemical spray you protect yourself against certain creatures. Choose a creature type off the ranger's favored enemy list when you enter this stance. You gain a +2 alchemical bonus to AC and saves against creatures of that type. Creatures with no sense of smell like most Constructs are unaffected by this, and the stance is washed off and ends if submerged in water.

It is especially effective against animals and mindless vermin. It prevents bodily contact by these creatures unless compelled to or forced such as by an owner or a magical effect.

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Right Tool for the Job
Crazy Gadget (Rush)
Level: 9
Prerequisite: Needs five Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Move
Range: 0 ft
Effect: One object of choice
Duration: Encounter
Saving Throw: None

If only you had a spork of undead slaying, you could defeat Grand Overlord Ultra Death right now. But wait... if you combine these items you will certainly obtain what you need.

Due to epic foresight and a little on the spot improvisation you draw exactly the item you need of up to 25,000 gp in value of any non-consumable item. The item acts as normal but due to flaws in its working it does not persist longer than the encounter, or 1 minute, whichever is longer. However, you cannot duplicate unique items or artifacts. You may need to make an appropriate Craft check for unusually complex items. You can only have one object created by this maneuver at one time making this a once an encounter maneuver.

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Rocket Strike
Crazy Gadget (Strike) [Fire, Sonic]
Level: 8
Prerequisite: Needs three Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Standard
Range: Long (400 ft + 40 ft/level)
Target or Area: One creature or object, and a 20 ft radius burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half

Sometimes you just need a bigger shoota.

Short and simple, you pull a rocket launcher out of nowhere and fire it (you do not need a free hand to do this). You may make a ranged touch attack and if you hit the creature they do not get a Reflex save against the damage. Otherwise they and all creatures in a 20 ft radius burst take 1d6 points of simultaneous fire and sonic damage per level (take the lower of resistance or immunity). It is very effective against objects, ignoring hardness, and destroys the bodies of those killed by the blast rendering them unsuitable for raise dead. The effect is completely extraordinary.

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Smoke Bomb
Crazy Gadget (Rush)
Level: 1
Prerequisite: Needs one Crazy Gadget maneuver
Initiation Action: Move
Range: 0 ft
Area: Cloud extending 10 ft from you
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

With a blast of gray smoke, the ninja vanished.

You drop a smoke bomb at your feet, concealing yourself in a cloud of smoke identical to obscuring mist out to a 10 ft radius burst centered on you. You may then immediately make a move action up to your normal movement speed. The cloud lasts for 1 round and does not follow you.

If you consume a smokestick as part of initiating this maneuver, you may attempt a Hide check and remain hidden until the start of your next turn, even if you are in plain sight.

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Sneak Suit
Crazy Gadget (Rush)
Level: 6
Prerequisite: Needs three Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Move
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Concentration; see text
Saving Throw: None

You are nearly invisible, just as long as you don't make any sudden movements.

Appearing as a transparent distortion at best, you become transparent, able to make Hide checks in plain sight with a +20 circumstance bonus. You are not actually invisible and see invisibility and similar abilities does not function. However you must concentrate on it as a move action to retain it, and while your transparency does not falter when attacking any attacks cause you to take a -20 penalty to Hide checks, canceling your bonus for the round. Effects which illuminate or cover you such as faerie fire function normally.

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Sniper Bolter
Crazy Gadget (Boost)
Level: 6
Prerequisite: Needs two Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Unlimited; see text
Effect: One extended projectile
Duration: Instantenous
Saving Throw: None

Add more boosters and struts.

You augment a projectile, throwing weapon, ammunition, or other item you can throw and give it an unlimited range. Your range increment extends to 500 ft if greater, but the weapon can travel an unlimited amount of distance as it is powered by rockets and questionable science. For extreme ranges the projectile travels at a speed of 6 miles per round, more than any can reasonably hit at but making it possible to miss due to travel time at long ranges.

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Sudden Caltrops
Crazy Gadget (Boost)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Melee attack
Area: 5 ft square
Duration: 1 minute
Saving Throw: None

You scatter legos all over the floor. You are certainly chaotic evil now.

As part of a melee attack you throw down some cheap caltrops in a 5 ft square where your opponent is. If they remain in the square, they are affected by the caltrops as normal.

If actual caltrops are consumed as part of initiating, the caltrops are more potent. They use your BAB as a bonus to attack rolls, and persist as an instantaneous effect.

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Supersoldier Serum
Crazy Gadget (Boost)
Level: 5
Prerequisite: Needs two Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

Drugs are bad m'kay? These though, these are just your multivitamins.

You amp yourself up with chemicals, gaining a +6 alchemical bonus on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. Do not change your hp, instead gain 3 temporary hp/level. Your movement speeds double, and you roll twice and take the better result for all ability and skill checks. This lasts for 1 round.

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Technical Workaround
Crazy Gadget (Boost)
Level: 9
Prerequisite: Needs four Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round or until discharged
Saving Throw: None

All you need to do is reverse the polarity of your wibbly wobbly timey wimey orbs, convert the field into a scalar reverberation on the planck matrix, and then... perfect. Their defenses are down.

With the power of technobabble and gadgets not even you understand the function of you make it so that the next attack you make bypasses all immunities and resistances. Damage reduction and spell resistance do not apply. Immunities, magical or natural, do not apply. You can burn a fire elemental, poison a construct, and critical hit an ooze. Your attack also always counts as the appropriate damage to bypass regeneration or any number of conditional barriers such as a prismatic wall, with the only exception being the damage reduction of a cave demon crab and the regeneration of the tarrasque.

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Tether Recovery
Crazy Gadget (Counter)
Level: 2
Prerequisite: Needs one Crazy Gadget maneuver
Initiation Action: Immediate or Move; see text
Range: 5 ft/level
Effect: One grappling line
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: None

You manage a perfect edge recovery. Just in time, you could have fallen to your death there.

As long as you have one hand free and have fallen 10 or more feet, you whip out and fire a grappling hook as an immediate action. As long as there is a ledge within the reach of your line, you embed the grapple on any rough surface and arrest your fall. You can attempt to grapple onto a nearby rough wall horizontal to your position but you will take minimum falling damage when you slam into the wall. From there the line persists until broken or you release your hold, and you may take your normal movement speed to move up and down the line to its maximum length.

Alternatively you may use this as a [Rush]. As a move action you throw out your grappling hook and then may move up to your normal movement speed in the direction of the line as normal.

In both cases the line vanishes into harmless debris when released. It can be attacked (AC 10, hardness 0, 6 hp, break DC 23) but is generally immune to area effect attacks.

If a silk rope is consumed as part of initiating, add the consumed ropes length to the length of the tether. However this destroys the rope.

Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewClass Ability ComponentsMartial DisciplinesCrazy Gadget

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 9-6-19
Status: Complete
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Vulnerability Gel
Crazy Gadget (Boost)
Level: 7
Prerequisite: Needs two Crazy Gadget maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Touch
Target: One weapon
Duration: 1 round or until discharged, then 1 round/level or until removed
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates

This dark purple gel weakens the body and corrupts the biology. Good for killing trolls.

As a swift action you coat your weapon in a poison-like substance (but immunity to poison does not apply) which lasts for 1 round or on your first successful it. Creatures must make a Fortitude save DC 17 + Intelligence modifier or be coated in the gel which then persists for an additional 1 round/level. As long as the gel persists, all attacks count as the appropriate attack for bypassing DR and regeneration, and spells bypass SR. This lasts until the gel is wiped off as a standard action or being submerged in water for at least 1 round. It does not bypass DR or regeneration with no bypass requirement.

Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewClass Ability ComponentsMartial DisciplinesCrazy Gadget

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 9-6-19
Status: Complete
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Ziptie Strike
Crazy Gadget (Strike)
Level: 4
Prerequisite: Needs one Crazy Gadget maneuver
Initiation Action: Standard
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None

With simple plastic or metal wire you bind your opponent in painful shackles.

Using a special garrote gadget you start a grapple check without provoking attacks of opportunity, and dealing your unarmed strike damage on a successful touch attack. You may then make a grapple check to wrap up the creature's limb in zipties, and they are entangled if successful. If you succeed on the grapple check you may immediately transition into another grapple check to completely bind their limbs. You may disable up to two arms or two legs or similar limbs, preventing their use entirely and in the case of legs, reducing movement speed to 0 ft.

These penalties last until the ties are broken with a DC 18 Strength check as an attack action, an Escape Artist check at the same DC, or the ties are destroyed (AC 10, hardness 0, and 2 hp/level). A natural 1 misses the ties and strikes the bound victim instead for normal damage.

If a creature is entangled (but not bound) by this maneuver, an subsequent grapple checks on the creature can attempt to bind them as per this maneuver on a successful grapple check.

Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewClass Ability ComponentsMartial DisciplinesCrazy Gadget