3.5e Warmage Spells
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This page contains the homebrew class spell list for the Warmage class from Complete Arcane.
1st-Level Warmage Spells
Abjur | Firering: Invoke a ring of flames around the target, both to protect and deal damage
Conj | Acid Bomb: This spell creates a sphere of acid that flies towards the target.
Div | Bond of the Obnoxious Commander: A spirit of an ancient legend of war guides your martial maneuvers.
Evoc | Firering: Invoke a ring of flames around the target, both to protect and deal damage
Light Laser: Shoot a beam of light, deal damage and possibly blind.
Univ | None |
2nd-Level Warmage Spells
Abjur | Kinetic Forcefield: Take control of the kinetic power.
Div | Bond of the Harden Crusader: Learn to model your martial techniques with magic.
Univ | None |
3rd-Level Warmage Spells
Evoc | Rystil's Capturing Winds: Angry winds lift your target into the air, choking and stunning them.
Rystil's Lightning Lance: A ranged touch spell with the potential to leave its target staggered.
Trans | Flameshape: I am the Human Torch!!
Ionic Generator: Turn your body into an electric battery.
Univ | None |
4th-Level Warmage Spells
Conj | Ice Spike: You conjure up a super-sharp icicle to impale an enemy from below.
Univ | None |
5th-Level Warmage Spells
Evoc | Internal Explosive: Cause an internal explosion, which might spill out and consume those standing around them.
Respiratory Burst: Harness the power of oxygen to create an explosion that devastates minuscule creatures.
Univ | None |
6th-Level Warmage Spells
Conj | Greater Bamf: Like bamf, but with greater range and flexibility.
Evoc | Earth Power: Make the ground erupt with power — it's like flame strike, except that it comes from below. (Useful against foes on the ground, not so much against foes in the air.)
Hurricane Disc: Create a spinning disc of sharp wind, controlling it with your mind and gestures.
Univ | None |
7th-Level Warmage Spells
Evoc | Arcane Aura: You encase yourself in raw arcane power to injure foes that you grapple.
Univ | None |
8th-Level Warmage Spells
Evoc | Illuminating Blast: Light-force wave similar to Delayed Fireball
Univ | None |
9th-Level Warmage Spells
Conj | Under the Ice: You drop an entire glacier on the opposition. Painful dying ensues.
Evoc | Demonic Megiddo: Nuke your surroundings with raw darkness.
Trans | Morrdin's Lethal Arrows: Grant 1d10 projectiles the power to kill instantly
Univ | None |
Adding New SpellsEdit
To add a spell to this list, make certain that the article belongs to Category:3.5e, Category:User, and Category:Spell. The spell must also have "Warmage #" in its level entry. It may take up to 24 hours after these steps are completed for your spell to be listed on this page. If you have any issues, please contact an admin.
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