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Joined 12 years ago

Power-gamer, Experienced Dungeon Master, fun gaming group

I grew up playing Starcraft (original and Brood war), Warcraft 2-3 then into World of warcraft...

At which point I was introduced to the Oldschool... Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. A complete moron thinking i knew what i was doing i dived in. quickly and still learning i, will forever, have no idea what the hell i am doing.

Now playing 3.5e with my group having moved on from the oldschool (mostly).

theres something that I have wanted to see for a while and have been unable to find. Play-able "Defence of the Ancients" effects. (i have not played Dota2)

So I plan to try and make a few abilities or spells which match up to the good ol' DotA that I remember playing. lets see how close i can get. (and pray I don't butcher anything too badly) "Search DoTA"

might consider doing a bit of League of Legends conversions while I'm at it.

work work has killed game-time...



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