100 Far Realm Occurrences (3.5e Other)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 5-4-11
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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The Far Realm is a strange place, so why not spice it up to random changes to the surroundings and physics itself. Every so often, triggered at random, every 1d4 hours, every 2d4 layers you run across, by player action, or perhaps some aspect of reality shifts. Some effects occur instantly, while other have long lasting effects or spread over the entire area until you shift layers. If not otherwise listed, the duration is until you leave that layer. Roll d% and consult the following:

Far Realm Occurances
d% Name Result
1 Slow Light Light only moves 30 feet a round, beyond that players see events as if they occured 1 or more rounds ago. Maximum movement speed is capped at 30 feet. Movement gives a strange blue and reshifting effect.
2 Hard Air Soft Ground Air becomes solid, everyone suffocates unless they can "dig through the air" into the ground, quick has the consistancy of water and is breathable. Treat air as if it were dirt or sand.
3 Evil Gravity Gravity is sentient and maelviolent, cutting off gravity and reversing gravity as the spell, DC 20, at least once a round to harass all living creatures. Previous gravity alterations end when a new instance begins.
4 Damage Mirror Attacks on opponents injure yourself, attacks on yourself injures nearest creature instead.
5 Fractal Element A 5th element beyond acid, cold, electric, and fire appears as fractal crystals which glow, feel cold to the touch, and spread like fire. If touched make a DC 15 Reflex save to avoid catching "on fractal" for 4d6 damage a round. It can only be "put out" by taking sonic damage.
6 Character Burning The environment here is on fire that is prismatic hue. Any fire damage taken here does no hit point damage but removes one aspect of the character a round, starting with alignment, templaes, race, then individual class levels. If they take effective negative levels equal to their HD, they are turned into a level 1 TN Commoner NPC human. This is a curse effect and can be undone by remove curse.
7 Cursed Dice All dice results are now backwards. 20s are 1s on a d20, 4s become 2s on a d6, and so on and so forth. No one knows it is due to their dice.
8 Bear Hell All opponents appear as bears, regardless what their stats are. Every round, one item in a random character's hand turns into a brown bear, which probably tries to maul them then run away. If they character is holding nothing they must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or become an NPC bear. Those items and creatures taken outside the bear effect revert to normal.
9 Age Inversion Young creatures become venerable, venerable becomes young, middle age becomes old, and old becomes middle age. Take the penalties and bonuses as appropriate. The age inversion ends when you leave the affected area.
10 Hurting Spheres Floating spheres dominate this area. Each round if a character does not deal at least 1 point of damage to the spheres, they take 1d6 nonlethal damage, then lethal damage once their nonlethal damage equals their total hp. The spheres themselves are invincible.
11 Surface Walker Jumping is impossible and you can walk along any surface, including in cieling. You are never permited to leave contact with the ground for any reason.
12 Distance Flux In the first round movement is normal, in the second round squares are 10 feet, in the third, they are 15 feet, in the forth they are 0.5 feet, and it resets on the fifth. Movement and other distances are all effected.
13 Spellfire All spellcasting converts the intended spell into a bolt of energy dealing 1d6 + 1d6 per spell level to its intended target.
14 Mental Focus Shuffle Your Str is replaced by your Int, your Dex is replaced by your Wis, and your Con is replaced by your Cha.
15 Physical Focus Shuffle Your Int is replaced by your Str, your Wis is replaced by your Dex, and your Cha is replaced by your Con.
16 Tower of Babel No one can understand each others languages anymore, not even through magic. Language does not exist as a concept.
17 Loved Enemies Opponents in this area appear as various party members or loved ones, regardless of their actual abilities and stats. Killing them causes the actual person they duplicate to take the excess fatal damage, the attacker becomes aware of this fact just before they make the finishing blow and can pull back with a DC 15 Reflex save.
18 Living Items All items become sentient and proceed to angrly swear and complement various creatures at random, sometimes doing both to the same creature.
19 Atmosdissappear Roll 1d4. On a 1 the air pressure is too high everyone takes 1d6 damage, on a 2 there is no air for 1d6 damage and suffocation, on a 3 there is air but it is unbreathable leading to suffocation, on 4 the air is normal. The air changes every 1d4 rounds.
20 Strobe Each round the room is either brightly lit (everyone is dazzled) or pitch dark (everyone is blind, even those with darkvision). Spells which illuminate or darken do not function against their opposite, rendering them useless. After 1 minute, everyone gets a headache resulting in -2 Concentration, Spot, and Search checks for as long as they remain.
21 Bent Light Roaring Sound Beyond 20 feet, all creatures seem blurred. Beyond 40 feet all creatures seem displaced. Beyond 60 feet, vision is impossible as it melts into a swirl of colors. Sound propogrates well here, all sonic damage deals 50% more damage. Any creatures discovered here are blind with blindsight out to 30 feet + 10 feet per HD.
22 Muffed Sound Blinding Light Beyond 20 feet all Listen checks take a -4 penalty and sonic damage is reduced a damage size. Beyond 40 feet all Listen checks take a -8 penalty and sonic damage is reduced to minimum. Beyond 60 feet hearing is impossible and sonic damage cannot travel. Light is extra bright here, all sources dazzle, sources which dazzle blind, and sources which blind blind permenantly and deal 1d6 points of damage per level of the effect (1d6 for non-magical sources).
23 Crossing of Essence Every round, two traits switch between two creatures, such as their strength score, their hit points, their alignment, their body parts, or any other suitable aspect of their character. If the creature is alone, it swaps its body parts or things in places they don't make sense, such as gaining your +1 longsword as your new dexterity score while you fight with a dexterity 13.
24 The Dollhouse Everything seems artifical and fake somehow, yet picture perfect. Enemies are puppet-like in their movements and devoid of details. Those grappled by the opponents must make a DC 20 Will save or become puppeted as the others, compelled as if affected by dominate monster with permenant duration unless some fine invisible strings are cut with a ghost touch weapon. The strings have hardness 0 and 5 hp. The dollhouse is "played with" by a fantastic invincible creature which is not beyond grappling you directly (+100 to grapple) and moving you at its whim if you go outside of The Dollhouse, though it never directly injures you.
25 Frictionless Step If you move more than 5 feet a round in this area, you immediately move an infinite distance in your chosen direction until you hit something (up to 500 feet every round), where you stop instantly without harm. You provoke attacks of opportunity as normal for this uncontroled movement. Best to apply this effect there there are walls or creatures in the way to stop their passage.
26 Hard Angle It is easier to change one's absolute speed rather than direction of movement, so all creatures walk, burrow, climb, fly, and swim as if they had fly maneuverability of clumsy.
27 Snapshot in Time The landscape is in a permenant Time Stop, though creatures are unaffected. If they take damage however they must make a DC 15 Will save or become frozen in time for 1 round + 1 round per 5 points of damage, as if stuck in time stop.
28 Misspelling The spell misspell is in effect for everyone.
29 Slice of Truth The surroundings appear as a flat surface, typically a gridwork or however your game table appears, including other objects on the table which cannot be reached but can be seen beyond the "invisible borders of the grid". Characters appear to be statues, not nessicarly identical to their real appearances. While unable to move arms and lets, this does not prevent moving, attacks, and other interacts. The PCs simply cannot comprehend they are minis on a map. If there are no minis or map, the PCs and monsters are invisible to themselves and others, and only able to "see" the surrounding terrain and various giants around them which ignore their presence.
30 Spiral Every round creatures must make a DC 15 Fort save or have their limbs start bending into spiral shapes, giving a -1 penalty to attack, damage, and AC. Strangely this seems pleasurable, and so the next have has a -1 penalty on the check. Effects are cumilative. Once the creature has a penalty equal or greater than their HD, they twist completely into an immortal, immobile, eternally gleeful, and impossibly twisted spiral shape with regeneration 15 bypassed by nothing, and cannot be saved by anything short of miracle or wish.
31 Infinite Wounds Any wounds dealt or recieved in this effect have the effect repeat every round, forever. Remove curse or heal which brings the target to full hit points removes this effect.
32 Singularity A square in the room acts as a singularity. Creatures can approach it or move around it but cannot retreat from it. Entering the square is fatal, and the landscape distorts the closer you get. Escape is only possible by waiting, it will vanish in a 10d6 fireball after 1 minute of non-interaction.
33 Shadow Puppets A strong light source shines from one direction of the area, one which can possibly be moved. All opponents appear as if shadows. Attacking them will result in a miss, but attacking them one square off where your shadow will be projected results in the ability to hit them. Moving the light source moves where your shadow projects. Complete darkness is dangerous, as you are teleported randomly 1d6x10 feet in random directions each round.
34 Hecatoncheires Each minute, roll 1d5 (that is a 1d10 in half). On a 1, lose two limbs of your choice. On a 2, lose one limb. On a 3 no limbs are lost. On a 4, gain one limb. On a 5, gain two limbs. The limbs gained or replaced are always alien and horrible. Magic armor and items adjust to your new mutations if possible, falling at your feet otherwise. The effect fades one minute after leaving the effect, returning your normal limbs and body parts.
35 Blood Rain Blood wells up from the ground and starts to rain upwards against the pull of gravity.
36 Thing Bone hands and fingers well up from the ground, snatching at everyone upon it. All creatures touching the ground must make a Reflex save (DC 20) or be immobilized for one round. Those who save are instead entangled.
37 Thick Air The air becomes thick enough where you need to make swim checks to move, and treat yourself as if you were underwater for the purposes of movement and attacks.
38 Easter Plane A room full of marshmellow peeps. They don't do anything, but they're watching, and they are everywhere. A close up look reveals the eyes are real. However they are still edible. If anyone eats more than 9, they must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or be sickened for 1 hour.
39 Inside Out Characters turn inside out. Somehow this doesn't hurt or kill you. Attempted sneak attacks and critical hit confirmations get a +4 circumstance bonus against all creatures.
40 Malicious Weaponry All weapons animate as if dancing weapons and try to murder their users, unless the user grasps the weapon and makes a DC 20 Will save to control it. The weapon uses the attack, strength, and damage of its user.
41 Erratic Time Flux Every round creatures must make a DC 18 Fort save, thoes that make the save is affected by a (Ex) Haste, were those that fail the save is affected by a (Ex) Slow
42 Erratic Space Warp Every round creatures must make a DC 20 Will save or be teleported in a random unoccupied direction 1d4 squares away.
43 Spore Land Healing no longer functions, any healing instead creates a number of tiny duplicates of the creature equal to the amount to be healed which grow on the skin, fall off, and run aimlessly around until they perish shortly after.
44 Blood Weird Every slashing or piercing wound taken deals double damage, but grants the victim a natural primary tentacle attack that deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage (for Medium creatures) plus strength. Multiple wounds are culmulative, tentacles last for 1 round.
45 Touched By Fate When this result is rolled everything seems normal, but attacks done to another leave a brief glowing mark. Opponents struck during this round are bonded by fate, even if the creature dies it will re-spawn for revenge sometime later during the course of a year. Re-spawned creatures are compelled to destroy their target, and will return to normal (possibly returning to being dead) afterward. Detect magic can determine the attacker is cursed, and break enchantment or higher can remove the curse.
46 Fumbles the Porcupine Porcupines rain from the sky and get everywhere. For 1 round, all rolls are natural 1s, unless a natural 1 is rolled, in which case it is treated as a 20 and automatically confirmed if needed. For each natural 1, even a skill check, the creature takes 1d4 piercing damage from the scattering porcupines. They vanish 1 round later.
47 Freaky Friday Pass all character sheets to your right, switching characters. Characters have switched bodies with one another and have access to their abilities, feats, and other attributes but retain their normal alignment and personality. The change remains for 1 hour.
48 Sputnik the Horse A flying golden horse appears overhead granting good luck to all creatures. For 1 round, all rolls are natural 20s, unless a natural 20 is rolled, in which case it is automatically confirmed. Effects which trigger on a natural 20, such as vorpal, do not occur unless you actually have rolled a 20.
49 Grass Battle The floor becomes sentient and attacks, becoming fluid and able to make slam attacks as if it were a massive ooze. It attacks with a +20 bonus and deals 5d6 damage with no strength, and may make one attack to each creature a round. It has a reach of 5 feet and cannot attack creatures flying higher than 5 feet.
50 Inside Out All creatures turn inside out, a painful process which results in a -1 morale penalty to attack. The creature is otherwise unharmed and can survive in this state, but as their organs are exposed it grants attackers a +4 bonus to confirm critical hits against them. This is a curse and can be removed by remove curse.
51 Repulsion The Realm suddenly tries to repulse every creatures who is not a Aberration, all non Aberrations, must make a DC 21 Will save or be magicaly repulsed to a random Plane, those that make their save are instead just magicaly moved 1D100 layers away from effect
52 The Seeding A great golden seed fals from high above, and burries down into the ground when it hits, 1d4 rounds later a great tree springs forth from the ground and a single big golden eeg sits on the tree, if egg is touched it explodes roll 1d6 for the following:
  1. Empowered Fireball CL 15 Save DC 19.
  2. A Stinking Cloud CL 15 Save DC 15.
  3. A Wail of the BansheeCL 15 Save DC 11.
  4. Like 1 but anyone damaged by the fire ball must also make a Will DC 19 or be affected by Hideous Laughter.
  5. As 2 but anyone who fail the save is also affected by SRD:Maddening Scream.
  6. As 3 but any creature killed by the wail is fully returned back to life 1d12 rounds after they died with the pseudonatural creature CA template permanently added.
53 Hungry Eyes The DM proceeds to describe other creatures, including PCs, as various food products without any indication that it is strange, such as calmly stating how the dire watermellon attacks with its claws. The food-vision has no effect on abilities, or make the creatures actually edible. The food vision effect goes away after they have had a full meal.
54 Genetic Lotto If a creature dies in the area of effect of this occurance they reincarnate as the spell 3 rounds later into a race of equal CR as their original. The reincarnation is not perfect and usually has artifacts of their last race within, such as patches of green skin on an orc turned human, or pointy ears on an elf turned dwarf. They will continue to respawn however many times they are killed, but after 1d4+2 respawns, they will respawn as a pitiful lump of flesh and limbs of random races they have reincarnated as. They are helpless, immobile, and immortal, needing no food, sleep, or breath. Future death attempts only make the mutant worse, it can only be cured by leaving the affected area and reincarnating there, or using miracle or wish to restore the natural form. Simply reviving them will not help, it will only revive their helpless blob state.
55 Studio Audience Creatures feel like they're being watched. Actions on part of creature get reactions from an invisible audience, responding to funny events with laughing (even if its not very funny), kindness with "awwws", successful skill checks and shows of bravado with applause, and any matter of innuendo with "wooooooo" sounds. Even normal events like hitting people with swords and tripping have cartoon sound effects. It has no mechanical effect beyond making it impossible to move silently with the constant "creeping around" soundtrack and other problems. It lasts as long as they are on the layer and 1d4 hours after.
56 No-See-Ums The bodies of all creatures become invisible as by greater invisibility, but clothing, items, and other gear do not. This benefit grants a 20% miss chance, or complete invisibility if the creature is naked and devoid of items. Bodily fluids and consumed food remain or become invisible. This lasts for 24 hours.
57 Fatal Fists, Blunt Blades All lethal damage becomes non-lethal. Meanwhile all non-leathal damage becomes lethal and deals twice as much damage as normal. Attempts to deal non-lethal damage (and thus lethal after the change) by taking -4 function, but do not double in damage. The effect vanishes after leaving the area.
58 Hole A toothy maw-like hole appears under a random creature, provoking a DC 15 Reflex save vs falling in. The pit appears to be bottomless and lined with teeth and strange colors. Each round, the pit expands in a 5 foot radius, letting anything in its path fall in until it eventually consumes the entire layer. Those who fall inare randomly shifted to another plane besides the Far Realm, and there is a 20% chance that they are hopelessly insane when they arrive.
59 Railroading A set of twisted railroad tracks criss-crosses this area, sometimes splitting and sometimes converging but always going from point A to B. PCs can travel anywhere along it but a magical force prevents them from leaving it. Monsters and other native creatures are not so constrained. The magical force can be broken with a DC 30 strength check but the moment the PCs leave the railroad they are pummeled with magical rocks falling from out of nowhere, dealing 5d6 damage a round, no save. The rocks stop when they return to the railroad. The ends of the railroad always lead to valid exits off the layer.
60 Overstep Yourself Roll 1d3, on a 1 for each square of movement a creature makes it instead moves two squares ahead, stopping only for a solid obstacle. You cannot willingly move less distance, and you always travel in the direction. In effect your movement of, say, 6 squares is 6 squares of 10 foot intervals (making your move speed 60 feet instead of 30). On a roll of 2, you move three squares of movement, and on a roll of 3 you move four squares of movement. 5-foot steps are also altered by this effect, and it lasts until you leave the area.
61 Spiders A large cloud of tiny black flecks (which on close inspection are spiders) blossoms from the ground. Those who breath it in must make a DC 20 Fort save or feel sickened for 1 round. The cloud disperses after 1 minute on its own and everything seems fine. However if they break anything open on this layer after the event they will discover that they are full of black spiders as well as what is what is normally inside. Open a coconut, spiders. Take off a helmet, spiders. Kill a monster. Blood, guts, and spiders.

One day afterward those who failed the saving throw have their vitals, their blood, even their brains, replaced by millions of spiders. This has no detrimental effect and they may not even notice until they are cut and spiders pour out. This change is permenant. It does have two beneficial effects and one side effect, it allows the affected creature to move on the Far Plane without needing to make the save against the ambient insanity, and the creature is not attacked by mindless spiders unless directly ordered to. On the downside, the creature counts as vermin whenever not beneficial. Drow often see this as a blessing from their goddess.

62 Cocooned the layer tries to cocoon all creatures in it, a successful Ref save DC 22 ejects the character to nearest layer, were a failed save ends the creature on the inside of a cocoon.

A Cocooned creature can try to cut its way free with any light slashing or piercing weapon, the cocoon have AC 11, hardness 5 and 8 HP.

63 Small Kopi All living creatures have their left hand fall off dealing them 2d10 damage, and the creatures regenerate a new hand in 1d4 rounds though the damage is not also healed. The hand springs to life the second it hits the ground and take form (plus stats and ability's) like a Kopi Doll which will try and kill its "creator".
64 Gender Changer All creatures change sex to opposite one and must all immediately make a Charisma check. The creature who rolled the highest on the check recieves the benefit of a Enlarge Person that can affect any creature regardless of type, while all other gets the effect of a Reduce person with no save that can affect any type and which does not effect their equipment. The effect lasts for 24 hours and may be removed by break enchantment or stronger magic.
65 Bounty of the Land Bushes begins to appear out of the ground bearing great numbers of delicious looking fruits and berries, if eaten they bestow same effect as a Heroes' Feast but anyone who eats must also make a Fort save DC 16 or receive one random mutation.
66 The Spawning The earth spawns one or more creature with the pseudonatural creature templateCA, roll 1d6 to find out which creature appears:
  1. The earth spawns 1d4 pseudonatural small monstrous centipedes each round for the next 1d12 rounds.
  2. The earth spawns 2d4 pseudonatural araneas.
  3. The earth spawns 1d6 pseudonatural dire sharks each round for 1d4 minutes. If not helped into water, they will immediately begin suffocating.
  4. The earth spawns a single pseudonatural elder black pudding every 1d12 rounds until it has spawned 5 puddings.
  5. The earth spawn 1d3 completely identical pseudonatural planetars, which behave erratically.
  6. The earth begins to shake and rumble over the next 3d10 rounds before finaly spawning a single pseudonatural dream larva.
67 Surrogate A Plant like thing springs up from the ground and fires 1d4 needles at all creatures in the 3 nearest layers, + 13 to hit 1d4+1 damage if wounded the creature must make a successful Fort save DC 19 to kill the egg in the creatures stomach, over the next week the creature will begin to have stomach pains that tops 9 days after the egg was laid, then on the 10th day a dire rat with the pseudo-creature template will burst out of creature's stomach dealing 4D6 CON damage. If the creature is subject to a Heal or Remove disease after the surge but before the 10th day the creature is killed and the creature newer knows how close he/she was. If the creature is immune to diseases or have no CON, he is immune to all of this.
68 Stuff More Stuff
69 Stuff More Stuff
70 Stuff More Stuff
71 Stuff More Stuff
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95 Stuff More Stuff
96 Enlightenment A bright flash of light occurs, and characters must make a DC 20 Will save or be permenantly blinded, their eyes burned right out of their head, save negates. However if a character is blinded they gain a +4 on initiative, +4 on saves against traps, gain Improved Uncanny Dodge as a barbarian of their character level, and may use the spells of the Knowledge clerical domain 1/day as spell-like abilities. If their blindness is ever cured (which requires regrowing the eyes) they lose these benefits.
97 Even Death May Die Characters must make a special level check of their character level + 1d20 against DC 30. If they succeed, they are rendered biologically immortal but hopelessly insane, ignoring even mind-affecting immunity. If they fail, they are not driven insane but their lifespan is cut in half, which may push them into a new age catagory. If they have been pushed beyond their maximum lifespan, they must make a DC 15 Fort save or die, otherwise they have 1d6 years left to live. The insanity and the aging effect can only be cured by a miracle or wish. Reverting the aging effect restores their natural age and reverts any penalties or bonuses gained from it.
98 The Offer A bizaare and otherworldly entity appears, stopping the flow of time if needed to speak with them, and offers the PCs the ability to become as gods, however they will have to leave everything behind. If refused it has no issue and departs. However if agreed to the character is swept away into the gibbering madness never to be seen again. Evidence that the character has ascended into the state of an elder evil is apparent. They are now an NPC, but will subtly impact the game with their motives and beliefs, leaving their mark on the world.
99 Double Weirdness Roll twice on this Table, re-rolling any further roll of 99 or 100.
100 Strange Eons Roll 1d4+2 times on this Table, re-rolling any further roll of 99 or 100.

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AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Other +
Rated ByXX the memenist Xx + and Foxwarrior +
RatingRating Pending +
Title100 Far Realm Occurrences +