Stone Mage (3.5e Class)

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Stone Mage[edit]

The first weapons were a rock in the hand. Then a sharp rock. Then a sharp rock which is thrown. The rocks have changed in composition and texture, the speeds have gotten faster and the edges deadlier but in the end we are still apes with our rocks. The stone mage embraces the primal weapon, the earth itself, and transforms it into the tool to bring destruction to his enemies.

Making a Stone Mage[edit]

Abilities: Stone Mages rely on Charisma to work the earth to their will. They enjoy a hearty Constitution to keep themselves in tip top shape, and less on Dexterity unlike most X-Mage classes as they can work with the heavier armors. Strength is useful if they wish to bring the fight to melee, and Wisdom shores up their mind, leaving only Intelligence for skills.

Races: Any.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: 5d4×10 gp (125 gp).

Starting Age: As fighter.

Table: The Stone Mage

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Carved Creation, Grit Wave, Stability, Stone Weapon
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Improved Bull Rush, Stoneplate
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Damage Reduction 1/adamantine, Stone Bullet
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Pit Swallow, Stoneplate +1, Stone Weapon +1
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Worm Movement, Unencumbered
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 Hostile Terrain
7th +5 +5 +2 +5 Hand of Gaea
8th +6 +6 +2 +6 Stoneplate +2, Stone Weapon +2
9th +6 +6 +3 +6 Damage Reduction 5/adamantine, Stonewall
10th +7 +7 +3 +7 Gorgon's Gaze, Hungry Pit Swallow
11th +8 +7 +3 +7 Anchor Shot, Earth Blooded, Earth Whisperer
12th +9 +8 +4 +8 Stoneplate +3, Stone Weapon +3
13th +9 +8 +4 +8 Drill Lance
14th +10 +9 +4 +9 World Wave
15th +11 +9 +5 +9 Damage Reduction 10/adamantine, Earthquake
16th +12 +10 +5 +10 Stoneplate +4, Stone Weapon +4
17th +12 +10 +5 +10 Terra Breaker
18th +13 +11 +6 +11 Stone Tomb
19th +14 +11 +6 +11 Verneshot
20th +15 +12 +6 +12 Earth Soul, Stoneplate +5, Stone Weapon +5

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (architecture) (dungeoneering) (geography) (history) (nature) (Int), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Stone Mage.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A stone mage is proficient with all simple weapons, all martial bludgeoning weapons, and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (including tower shields).

Carved Creation (Ex): The stone mage is talented with earth and stone. He can carve without the need for tools, and perform any mundane crafting on any stone object in 10 minutes, no matter how long it would take otherwise. He still must make an appropriate Craft (Stonework) check to make objects from base stone, as well as have enough stone to create the item in question.

Grit Wave (Sp): The stone mage releases a burst of sand and grit from his outstretched hands. Grit wave deals 1d4 damage/level (maximum 10d4) in a 15ft cone, and creatures struck must make a Fortitude save DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Charisma or take a -4 penalty to attack rolls and any skill check involving vision for 1 round. Creatures which don't need eyes to see (such as those using blindsight) do not take the penalties.

Stability (Ex): The stone mage is home on solid earth. A stone mage gains a +1 bonus per class level on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground). This stacks with dwarven stability.

Stone Weapon (Su): At will a stone mage can summon up any weapon they are proficient in and use it in combat. The weapon is automatically masterwork and made of normal stone. If dropped, it shatters but it can be re-created again. Creating the stone weapon is the same action of drawing a weapon (usually a move action). It cannot be a flexible or complex weapon, such as a bow, crossbow, or whip. Spiked chains, being solid links, are ok.

At 4th level the stone weapon gains a +1 enhancement bonus, and another +1 bonus every 4 levels beyond (8th, 12th and so on). They may enhance themselves to enhance any and all stone weapons they produce, spending time and money as normal.

Improved Bull Rush: At 2nd level, a stone mage gains the Improved Bull Rush feat. He may attempt bull rushes using his stone weapon, stone bullet, and drill lance abilities when he receives them and may use Charisma in place of Strength when using these weapons.

Stoneplate (Ex): At 2nd level, a stone mage can summon up and don any armor they are proficient in. The armor is automatically masterwork and made of normal stone, but the same weight as a normal iron weapon of its caliber. When removed it shatters, but it can be re-created again. Creating stoneplate is the same action of donning the appropriate suit of armor.

At 4th level the stoneplate gains a +1 enhancement bonus, and another +1 bonus every 4 levels beyond (8th, 12th and so on). They may enhance themselves to enhance any and all stoneplate they produce, spending time and money as normal.

Damage Reduction (Ex): At 3rd level stone mage is as hard as rock. He gains DR 1/adamantine. At 9th level this damage reduction rises to DR 5, and by an additional +5 DR every 6 levels beyond (15th, 21st, and so on).

Stone Bullet (Su): At 3rd level, a stone mage can release shards of rock from the ground and project them at high speed. As a standard action they make a ranged attack (not a touch attack) and deal 1d6 points of bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage per level out to 60 feet (chosen when you make the attack). You may use your Charisma modifier instead of your Dexterity for attack rolls with stone bullet. On a critical hit, you gain a free bull rush attempt which (if successful) the target falls prone after being moved. You do not move with your opponent, and the bull rush and prone attempt applies even if the creature is immune to critical hits.

Physical damage from stone bullet bypasses DR magic, DR adamantine, and DR epic (when you have 21 HD or greater). They count as magic weapons.

Pit Swallow (Su): At 4th level a stone mage can open up an extradimensional hole in the earth. The hole is up to 5 feet deep per level, and takes up a 10 foot square. Creatures in the area can make Reflex saves (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Charisma to avoid falling in (moving them to the nearest empty square, no save if there is nowhere to move). Creatures that fail take falling damage, and can try escaping by climbing the walls (Climb DC 25). Because this is an extradimensional hole it can be created on surfaces with insufficient depth to it such as a room with a basement below.

The stone mage may use this at will, but never have more than 1 pit swallow active at one time. Using it a subsequent time dispels the previous hole. Dispelled holes expel creatures safely to the surface. If the pit is covered, the creatures are shunted through the solid object taking 1d6 damage and appearing in the nearest valid space.

Worm Movement (Ex): At 5th level a stone mage can move on the ground with the greatest of ease. He gains a burrow speed equal to half his land speed, and does not take any penalties from being prone. He may crawl on the ground at his burrow speed.

Unencumbered (Ex): At 5th level a stone mage gains the ability to move in medium and heavy armor without slowing down, like a dwarf. If the stone mage already had an ability like this he instead can never be slowed down by any effect (including solid fog) more than his move speed as if wearing medium or heavy armor. For example a dwarven stone mage with a speed of 30 ft enters a solid fog. His speed is reduced to 20 feet instead of 5 ft.

Hostile Terrain (Su): At 6th level a stone mage can create rubble and other debris to form difficult terrain anywhere in Long range in up to a 40 foot radius burst. Difficult terrain slows creatures down, and the entire area is treated as if being peppered with caltrops. Use your attack roll for the caltrops. Creatures with the Earth subtype are uneffected.

The stone mage may use this at will, but never have more than 1 hostile terrain active at one time. Using it a subsequent time dispels the previous hostile terrain. If the stone mage spends 1 round casting this ability he may shape the area, offering safe paths for allies to move through.

Hand of Gaea (Su): At 7th level, a stone mage can summon a giant hand out of the earth which can fight in his steed. Treat this as a Large creature with a 15 foot reach. It is immobile, but threatens everything in its area and strikes out at creatures. It has a BAB equal to your level, a Strength score equal to your Charisma, and can make 1 slam attack a round dealing 3d6 + Str and a half in damage with improved grab, allowing it to grapple creatures.

Grappled creatures have the usual options for grappling, or they may be thrown in the next round up to 10 feet per level and the creature falls prone. If thrown at another creature the hand of gaea makes an attack roll (still using your charisma) to hit, and if successful both the thrown creature and the target take the fall damage and go prone.

The hand of gaea has hardness 8, 10 hp per level, and an AC of 20 (-5 dex, +26 natural, -1 size). It uses your saving throws, and is considered a construct. The stone mage may use this at will, but never have more than 1 hand of gaea active at one time. Using it a subsequent time dispels the previous hand of gaea. It is the same hand summoned each time, so damage to a previous hand of gaera carries over. Fortunately it recovers its hp every 24 hours (when you rest). If the hand of gaea is destroyed, the stone mage cannot create another one for 24 hours.

Stonewall (Sp): At 9th level, a stone mage can duplicate the effects of wall of stone at will. However, they stone mage may only have 1 stonewall active at one time. Unlike the spell, using it a subsequent time dispels the previous stonewall.

If cast over 1 round, the stone mage can create a permanent stonewall which stays around afterwards like wall of stone.

Gorgon's Gaze (Su): At 10th level can activate a gaze attack which effects all enemies within 20 feet. Creatures must make a Fortitude save or have their speed cut in half as they partially petrify. This lasts as long as they remain in range. A creature need only save once, until they leave and re-enter the area of effect.

As a standard action the stone mage may focus their gaze on a single target currently affected by their gorgon's gaze. They must make another Fortitude save or be petrified as per flesh to stone. A successful save renders the creature immune to 24 hours to the petrification (but not any slow effect).

Hungry Pit Swallow (Su): At 10th level, the pit swallow ability of a stone mage improves. The pit actively moves and bites with sharp teeth while holding creatures, dealing 6d6 + your Charisma score in bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage each round they remain in there. The Climb DC to escape is reduced to DC 15, but the sharp barbs that make up the wall deal the bite damage every time they make a climb check. Otherwise, treat this as pit swallow. You may choose if you will make a pit swallow or a hungry pit swallow, but they are the same feature and thus you may only have one at a time.

Anchor Shot (Su): At 11th level a stone mage can weigh down their foes they have struck with a stone bullet. The bullet juts out barbs and hangs heavy pieces off of their body. They must make a Fortitude save DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Charisma modifier or go up one step in encumbrance. They go from medium encumbrance, to heavy, to being almost immobile. They can rip off the debris weighing them down as a standard action.

Earth Blooded (Ex): At 11th level stone mage begins to transform into a being of earth themselves. They gain the Earth subtype, darkvision out to 60 feet, tremorsense out to 30 feet, and a +6 bonus on saves against poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and AC against critical confirmation rolls. If they did not already speak Terran, they gain Terran as a language. They are considered native to both their home plane and the Elemental Plane of Earth.

Earth Whisperer (Su): At 11th level can duplicate the effects of stone tell at will. Of course, talking to the same rock over and over again is typically uneventful. It turns out, rocks are not the best conversational speakers.

Drill Lance (Su): At 13th level the stone mage can project a long spinning lance of stone at the enemy. This is an augmentation to stone bullet, but they may make an attack roll against every creature in a 120 foot line. In addition they gain several options to use.

Deep Bore: You can use it to drill a hole through earth, stone, or similar materials with a hardness of 8 or less. You bore through an amount of earth equal to your burrow speed, creating a tunnel as wide as your character (5 feet for Small or Medium creatures). You leave a permanent hole, so other creatures may cross over behind you.

Driller Killer: On a critical hit you can choose to embed the drill into your enemy. This stops any movement and prevents you attacking creatures behind, but each round you deal your melee damage to the drilled creature again. This continues until the drill is pulled out as a standard action. This functions even if the creature is immune to critical hits.

Spin Up: You can increase the casting time of your drill lance for more force behind it. Casting it as a 1 round speed doubles the damage you deal. Casting it as 2 rounds triples it, and so forth up to 5 times the normal damage with a 5 round charge.

World Wave (Su): At 14th level, a stone mage can travel around on the surface of the earth quickly by having the earth carry him on a shockwave. He and up to 1 ally per level within 20 feet travel over the ground at 600 feet per round (60 mph). The wave distorts the floor briefly, but leaves structures and creatures unharmed by its passing. Creatures struck by the wave are knocked prone unless they make a Reflex save DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Charisma modifier.

The stone mage may use the world wave to pass through supernatural channels that dip into the elemental plane of earth by traveling underground. Using this method the stone mage and allies can duplicate the effects of shadow walk, crossing planes in 1d4 hours but only to the Material Plane and the planes which touch the elemental plane of earth (Water, Fire, Crystal, Dust, Ooze, and Lava planes, quasiplanes, and paraelemental planes).

Earthquake (Su): At 15th level the stone mage can duplicate the effects of an earthquake spell. They may use it up to 1 time per point of their Charisma modifier (minimum 1) per day.

Terra Breaker (Sp): At 17th level, a stone mage can cause a massive explosion of earth and dirt in an area. They gain a cylinder out to Long range with a 20 foot radius burst and 40 feet tall which deals 1d6 per level of bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, and all creatures fall prone. It must start on a solid surface. Creatures get a Reflex save for half damage and to negate being prone, DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Charisma modifier.

If the casting time is increased to 1 round, the cylinder becomes a 40 foot radius burst and 80 feet tall. It leaves a cloud of smoke and dust in the air for 1 minute, obscuring things as a fog cloud. For each subsequent round charged the radius and height are increased by +20 radius and +40 feet height. If the casting time goes to 1 minute, effect may become centered on you and the area becomes 1 mile wide and 2 miles tall. You are excluded from the effect in this case. You can only charge up to 1 minute.

Stone Tomb (Su): At 18th level, if the stone mage dies for any reason they can instead choose to petrify themselves. They transform into a stone statue, bypassing any immunity to petrification. They are thus not dead and may be restored via stone to flesh or similar means, though they may subsequently die if their statue is destroyed.

Verneshot (Su): At 19th level can cause a 20 foot cube of rock to eject itself into orbit at high speed. All creatures in a 20 foot cube must make a Reflex save or be launched skyward with the cube of rock, with a successful save allowing them to fall off it before it reaches escape velocity and dropping them from 100 feet up (dealing 10d6 damage). If they have failed, they are thrown miles into the air and take 5d6 damage a round from various effects such as buffeting winds, low pressure, freezing cold, burning heat, radiation, and the other dangers of low-orbit space travel. They remain airborne for 5 rounds. They may make a Reflex save each round (at a -6 penalty) to disengage from the cube of rock and fall, taking as many rounds to get to the ground falling as they had spent up in the sky (minimum 1 round).

At the end of the 5th round, the cube of earth comes crashing back to the ground at high speed like a meteor. The stone mage may choose where it lands, anywhere up to 1 mile per level away. It comes down with apocalyptic force dealing 1d10 damage per level in a 200 foot radius burst with a Reflex save for half, and turns the ground into difficult terrain as it becomes a crater. Since the damage comes from so many sources, the damage is untyped. Any unlucky passengers still on the verneshot recieve no save, as well as an extra 20d6 from fall damage.

Verneshot is a 1 round casting time, and may be used up to 3/day. Controlling where the verneshot lands afterwards is a free action.

Earth Soul (Su): At 20th level, a stone mage ascends and gains the Elemental type. They are immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning, as well as critical hits, nor do they need to eat, sleep, or breath. At will they can see through solid unworked stone and earth as if it were air, up to their usual viewing distance. They count as a member of their original type when beneficial.

Epic Stone Mage[edit]

Table: The Epic Stone Mage

Hit Die: d8

Level Special
21st Damage Reduction 15/adamantine
24th Stoneplate +6, Stone Weapon +6
27th Damage Reduction 20/adamantine
28th Stoneplate +7, Stone Weapon +7
29th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
30th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->

<-number of skill points-> + Int modifier skill points per level.

Damage Reduction: At 21st level and every 6 levels beyond, the stone mage gains an additional +5 DR/adamantine.

Stoneplate: At 24th level and every 4 levels beyond, the stone mage gains an additional +1 enhancement bonus to their stoneplate.

Stone Weapon: At 24th level and every 4 levels beyond, the stone mage gains an additional +1 enhancement bonus to their stone weapons.

Dwarf Stone Mage Starting Package[edit]

Weapons: Warhammer.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Skill Ranks Ability Armor
Concentration 4 Con
Knowledge Dungeoneering 4 Int
Knowledge Geography 4 Int
Spellcraft 4 Int

Feat: Toughness.

Gear: Chain Armor.

Gold: 13 gp.

Campaign Information[edit]

Playing a Stone Mage[edit]

Religion: Stone mages work with earth so it was only natural for stone mages to worship deities of earth, stone, and metal. Dwarves seem to sign up as stone mages in spite of their charisma penalties.

Other Classes: Stone mages fit the other mage archtypes; highly specialized but good at what they do.

Combat: Stone mages are hardy enough to battle in melee with the fighters, yet have abilities to battle at range with magical powers. They use physical damage, do they must deal with damage reduction often but have little concern of resistances or spell resistance.

Advancement: Stone mages do not multiclass out well, until they are mixed with other "X-mage" classes.

Stone Mages in the World[edit]

Diggy Diggy Hole Diggy Diggy Hole
—Steve, Human Stone Mage

Daily Life: You have the power to manipulate the earth. Many make a job out of it, becoming miners and the like.

Notables: Steve the stone mage worked well with cubes of earth and dirt. At least until he was lost in the portal accident. I wonder what strange land he ended up in.

Organizations: Stone mages can be found intermixed with other magic users, though they are sometimes derided as being more brutish with their physical damage and heavy armors.

NPC Reactions: Reactions vary depending on how an NPC uses magic, but few can deny the mining opportunities of earth manipulation.

Stone Mage Lore[edit]

Characters with ranks in Knowledge Geography can research stone mages to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge Geography
DC Result
10 Stone mages can manipulate the earth, carving with their bare hands, and forming weapons and armor out of solid stone.
15 Some stone mages can open up holes in the ground below you, or strike you with flying rocks from afar. Stay off the ground, lest they bind you in difficult terrain.
20 Powerful stone mages can command the earth to explode, taking you up and away with it. Flying won't even save you in some cases, the earth reaching up to strike at you violently.
30 Those that reach this level of success can research specific stone mages, their whereabouts, motives, lore, and other details.

Stone Mages in the Game[edit]

Sample Encounter: A powerful stone mage has made war against those who invade his canyon home. Can you make the canyon pass safe again?


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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5657 Articles)
Allowed AlignmentsLawful Good +, Lawful Neutral +, Lawful Evil +, Neutral Good +, Neutral +, Neutral Evil +, Chaotic Good +, Chaotic Neutral + and Chaotic Evil +
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorEiji-kun +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionModerate +
Class AbilityAlternate Magic +
Class Ability ProgressionFull +
Fortitude Save ProgressionGood +
Identifier3.5e Class +
Length20 +
Minimum Level0 +
Rated ByUndead Knave + and Spanambula +
RatingRating Pending +
Reflex Save ProgressionPoor +
SkillAppraise +, Balance +, Climb +, Concentration +, Craft +, Escape Artist +, Intimidate +, Knowledge +, Profession +, Search +, Spellcraft + and Survival +
Skill Points4 +
SummaryCarve the earth into a deadly weapon. You are the mage who will KNOCK THEM ALL DOWN! +
TitleStone Mage +
Will Save ProgressionGood +