Dark Cloud of the Void (3.5e Vestige)
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Dark Cloud of the Void
The ancient evil that is the Dark Cloud of the Void can be channeled through the fool who once bound her. The dark being who reside between the planes is openly accessible through the vestige of a king who once sought ultimate power, only to lose it when he realized his fate was drawing near.
Level: 8th
Binding DC: 31
Special Requirement: Yes
The Dark Cloud of the Void is a being who reside in the dark void between the planes, in a state of essential nonexistence. When awakened it is said that she take the form of a beautiful woman made of dark spiraling clouds. It is also she said she was able to take a much more humanoid form, a form that she used when visiting the material plane. The Dark Cloud of the Void hate existence and wishes nothing more than to plunge everything into oblivion. However being unable to do so she instead constantly "sleep" and let thousand of years pass by between her disorganized thoughts.
One day the creature was awoken from it slumber, by a monarch who sought power. He entered the her realm using ungodly magic and sought an audience with her. The Awoken Cloud agreed to grant the king power for one-hundred years, but after doing so she would manifest and utterly destroy the land he conquered. She hoped that he would conquer the material plane and beyond so she could obliterate all of it. The greedy King agreed to the pact, figuring he would be dead by then and he only lusted for earthly power. The King conquered and rule, however to his dismay he did not grow old. As time passed he became afraid of the dark pact he made, so afraid he made mistakes and lost his kingdom.
When a hundred year passed the Dark Cloud of the Void came to this dimension, finding a landless king curled in a corner. She completely obliterated the corner he stood in and dragged the screaming king in the depth of her own dark dimension. No one truly know what happened to the king afterward.
It is possible for binder to bind the vestigial remains of the king and his pact, doing so indirectly bind the Dark Cloud of the Void.
Special summoning
The binder must provide a genuine crown for binding the Dark Cloud of the Void. It may be a powerful magical crown or as simple as a well-crafted laurel. There is no real minimal value to the crown except that it must be genuine.
A dark rift open before the binder and shadowy tendrils slowly extent out of it. They surround the binder without touching him or her, and once the pact is made they hastily retract into the rift which closes.
The binder is energized by the power beyond, she now look like she did as a young adult at her prime. However her shadow grows tendrils and make minor movements by itself.
The Binder seek conquest and power, she will take what she think she deserve, take control of people she love and will crave earthly power. The Binder also become extremely afraid of final death and the Dark Cloud of the Void itself, gaining the Fear of Oblivion flaw with no bonus feat. If she already possessed the flaw she become frightened instead of At Bay.
Granted Abilities
All is Dust (Su)
The binder gain the power of total obliteration, her attacks ignore 1 point of hardness or DR per 2 binder level. If she destroy an object or kill a creature she may have it reduced to dust as per disintegrate.
Dark Rift (Su)
The binder gain the ability to open portals, effectively gaining teleport and plane shift. However the initial effect only carry herself and her equipment. She also leave a portal of her size or medium (whichever is larger) behind her, which allow line of sight, line of effect and passage. The portal last for 1d4 rounds. Once you have used this ability, you cannot use it again for 5 minutes.
Psionic Boon (Ex)
You gain 68 power points when you bind to the Dark Cloud of the Void. These are added to your pool of power if you already possess psionic power, or they create a pool and you become a psionic creature for the duration of this binding.
Shadow Ball (Su)
As a an attack action the binder may create a ball of dark energy and throw it, it require ranged touch attack to hit and has a range of 60 feet. If the ball hit it deal 1d8 + your Charisma modifier in untyped magical damage.
You may also fire the shadow ball as a full-round action, doing so make it explode on contact in a 20-ft radius spread and increase it damage to 1d6 per binder level + your Charisma modifier, a successful Reflex save halves the damage except for the creature who directly struck who receive no saving throw. Once you have used this ability, you cannot use it again for 5 rounds.
Umbral Body (Su)
The binder gain the ability to transcend dimension much like the Cloud did, as a free action she gain Partial Incorporeality and a fly speed of 60 feet (Good). However while doing so she become a shadowy version of herself. She may dismiss the ability as a free action.
Unmake (Ex)
You gain access to the psionic powers psionic disintegrate, disintegrating touch, unreality zone for the duration of the binding. You may manifest each power as a psion would and as if it is a power known by you. You may augment each power as a psion normally could, substituting your effective binder level in place of manifester level.
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