Green Knight (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 25th January 2020
Status: Finished
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Green Knight

The green knight is martial focused druid, eschewing much of their spellcasting abilities in exchange for pure combat abilities. A green knight is especially proficient at using slashing weapons, such as scimitars, to hunt down the foes of nature or her fey liege. A green knight still gain access to a mighty companion and the ability to wild shape, which make her a great foe to face.

Class: Druid

Level: 1st-20th

Replaces: Spellcasting

Benefit: A Green Knight possess full base attack bonus and hit dice is a d10 instead of a d8. She gain the following class features:

Armor and Weapon Proficiency: A Green Knight is proficient with all simple and martial weapons as well as all armors and shields (except tower shield).

Code of Conduct: A Green Knight does not suffer any penalties from wearing metal armor. A Green Knight must swear to either protect nature, serve a specific fey or a similar oath. If she grossly violate her oath she become an ex-druid, she does not loses her extraordinary and natural green knight abilities while an ex-druid.

Sword of the Fey: A 3rd Green Knight gain Weapon Focus with one slashing weapon of her choice. She count her class level as fighter levels for the purpose of qualifying for feat which augment slashing weapons.

Nature's Grace (Ex): A 2nd level Green Knight add her Wisdom as a bonus to all her saving throws. This does not stack with Divine Grace or similar bonuses.

Implacable Devotion: A 3rd level Green Knight gain both Endurance and Diehard as a bonus feats.

Limited Spellcasting: A 4th level Green Knight possess spellcasting as a Paladin except that her caster level is equal to her class level. She prepare her spells from the Druid spell list instead of the Paladin spell list.

Bane of the Unnatural (Ex): A 5th level Green Knight receive a +1 bonus on attacks roll and damage roll against creatures of the Aberration and Undead type or augmented subtype. This bonus increase by 1 at 9th and each 4 levels thereafter.

Mettle (Ex): At 6th level Green Knight receive mettle as a HexbladeCA

Supernatural Sharpness (Su): A 7th level Green Knight's sword has become extremely sharp, capable of beheading or bisecting a foe with a single stroke. While it is using a slashing manufactured weapon, If Green Knight roll a natural 20 the critical modifier of her weapon become x4 instead of it normal multiplier, if higher. On a natural 20 she can deliver a critical hit even against creatures immune to critical hit or objects.

At 9th level any slashing weapon she wield count as being made of Adamantine and as having the Keen enhancement for as long as she hold them. This stack with any material of enhancement on the weapon. At 13th level any slashing weapon she wield gain the Alternative Vorpal enhancement for as long as she hold it.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4528 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassDruid +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryThe green knight is martial focused druid,
The green knight is martial focused druid, eschewing much of their spellcasting abilities in exchange for pure combat abilities. A green knight is especially proficient at using slashing weapons, such as scimitars, to hunt down the foes of nature or her fey liege. A green knight still gain access to a mighty companion and the ability to wild shape, which make her a great foe to face.
shape, which make her a great foe to face. +
TitleGreen Knight +