Codex Hexblade (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: October 15th 2014
Status: Finished
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Codex Hexblade

This alternate class feature aim to make the Hexblade a class that is usable in high and very high level of play. It grant a superior form of spellcasting, more skills, a few more bonus feat as well as the ability to actually have any impact with the stupid hexblade's curse ability.

Class: Hexblade

Level: 1-20

Replaces: Arcane Resistance, Aura of Unluck, Bonus Feat Progression, Hexblade's Curse, Saving Throws, Skill Points, Spellcasting

Benefit: Aura of Misfortune, Hexblade's Curse, Improved Skill Points, Improved Spellcasting, Occult Resistance, Variable Save

Skills: The hexblade's skill list and skill points changes to the following;

(4 + Int modifier) Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).

Armor and Weapon Proficiency: A codex hexblade is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, she is also proficient with light armor and all shields (except tower shield). The hexblade do not suffer from arcane spell failure when casting while wearing light armor or carrying a shield lighter she is proficient with. At her option, the codex hexblade may trade her shield proficiency as well as her ability to cast unhindered by shield for a single exotic weapon proficiency.

Variable Saves: At 1st level a hexblade can choose to have either a good Reflex save or Fortitude save, and his current and future hexblade levels are changed accordingly. He retains a good Will save as normal.

Improved Spellcasting: Replace the hexblade's spell known and spell per day with a progression identical to the bard, additionally in addition to their own spell list they gain access to spells on the sorcerer/wizard spell list of the illusion, evocation and necromancy school.

Hexblade's Curse: As the hexblade ability but it can be used a number of time per day equal to your 1 + half your Charisma modifier (rounded up). At 4th level and each 4 level thereafter you gain an additional use per day. A creature who succeed it save against a hexblade curse is immune to further attempt for 5 rounds.

Eschew Material: A 1st level hexblade receive the Alternative Eschew Materials feat as a bonus feat.

Occult Resistance (Su): A 2nd level hexblade add her Charisma bonus to her saving throws against spells, spell-like ability and supernatural abilities.

Weapon Focus: A 2nd level hexblade receive Weapon Focus as a bonus feat and count her class level as a fighter level for the purpose of feats, but only for the chosen weapon.

Forced Omens (Su): A 3rd level Codex Hexblade may use prestidigitation at will and are constantly under the effect of Ell's dramatic action. Those powers may only be used to make the atmosphere darker instead of flashier.

Bonus Feats: The 4th level Codex Hexblade receive a bonus feat she meet the prerequisite of, she receive another at each even level thereafter. The feat must be a [Fighter] feat, an [Hex] feat or a [Metamagic] feat.

Swift Spell (Ex): At 6th level you can cast one of your hexblade spell as a swift action. You may use this ability a twice time per day equal. You gains an additional use of this ability at levels 8, 11, 14, and 18.

Aura of Misfortune (Su): As a free action a hexblade of 12th level or higher may place on herself a barrier or chaos and curse. While her aura of unluck is activate she has a 20% miss chance against all attacks and negative effects. This ability last a a total number of rounds equal to 3 + your Charisma bonus, uses need not to be consecutive.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4524 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassHexblade +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryThis alternate class feature aim to make t
This alternate class feature aim to make the Hexblade a class that is usable in high and very high level of play. It grant a superior form of spellcasting, more skills, a few more bonus feat as well as the ability to actually have any impact with the stupid hexblade's curse ability.
with the stupid hexblade's curse ability. +
TitleCodex Hexblade +