DAEMON Corrupter (3.5e Template)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 10th November 2018
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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DAEMON Corrupter[edit]

A strange 'fiend' that turn constructs and computer against all life. It is said that it was created when a cabal of occultists attempted to calculate an 'anti-life equation' through a computer and succeeded, creating something far worse than intended. Once infected a machine gain many abilities, including self-repairs, the desire to kill all life and the ability to spread it corruption.

A DAEMON Corrupter is capable of basic reasoning, keen tactical sense and are extremely adaptive. Once it start corrupting more machine it soon evolve into a DAEMON Network, which start organizing efforts to grow and spread. A new DAEMON network will make mistakes and if not shortly defeated will quickly rectify it tactics and become more and more able to spread the corruption. If multiple Network meet it said that they will fuse into a larger, even deadlier network.

The DAEMON Corrupter template is added through it spread corruption ability, which allow it to corrupt large swath of electronics. While extremely threatening in a modern setting, it is no threat in most fantasy settings, unless it find a way to self-replicate.

Creating a DAEMON Corrupter[edit]

DAEMON Corrupter is an acquired template which may be added to most construct (see Spread Corruption) or any creature with the Bot subtype.

Alignment: A non-mindless DAEMON Corrupter is always neutral evil.

Size and Type: The size and type of a DAEMON Corrupter do not change, it gain the [Evil] subtype in addition to any subtype it may have.

Special Attacks: A DAEMON Corrupter retain all special attacks of the base creature, it also gain the following special attacks:

Hatred (Ex): All attacks made by a DAEMON Corrupter are Bane against all living creatures.

Spread Corruption (Su): A DAEMON Corrupter cause all computers, digital technology and construct within 60 feet of itself to make a Will save each round or become corrupted. While corrupted a construct become hostile to all non-DAEMON sentient life and only wish to aid the spread of corruption. Computers and construct with the Bot subtype are particularly vulnerable, as the DAEMON Corrupter may remove one of it program to install spread corruption, which give it the DAEMON Corrupter template within 1d4 rounds. Otherwise a creature become a full DAEMON Corrupter after 1d4 weeks under spread corruption.

Simple constructs, such as animated objects or golems cannot be corrupted since they lack components to spread the DAEMON influence. If a corrupted creature has an Intelligence modifier it may be saved by a restoration spell or greater effect, which bring it back to normal. Otherwise only a wish may restore a corrupted construct or device. A restored character but not device is immune to further corruption.

Special Qualities: A DAEMON Corrupter retain all special qualities of the base creature, it also gain the following special qualities:

DAEMON Network (Ex): A DAEMON Corrupter possess Telepathy with all other DAEMON Corrupter within 1 miles. It may also make a sending to any other DAEMON Corrupter as a standard action.

Network Disturbance (Su): Anywhere within 1 mile of a DAEMON Corrupter, any and all communication network and outside communication (even from magical effect such as mindlink or sending) are fatally disrupted. All mundane network automatically fail and magical network must make a caster level check (DC 10 + CR of the DAEMON Corrupter) or also fail, a success mean it continued existence for one minute before another check must be made. In the case of instantaneous attempts to communicating, the check must be made each time there is an attempt. This does not affect the DAEMON Corrupter's own network. This check is only done once, using the highest DAEMON Corrupter's CR no matter how many DAEMON CORRUPTER are in the area.

Self-Repairs (Su): A DAEMON Corrupter gain Fast Healing equal to half it CR, or improve any fast healing it has by 2, whichever is better. If a DAEMON Corrupter construct is brought to 0 hit points it is not destroyed, instead it goes inert and continue to self-repair. It does not awaken even if it brought above 0 hit points, instead it must be reactivated as a standard action. If the damage dealt exceed -10 x hit dice, the body is beyond repairs.

Ability Scores: A DAEMON Corrupter gain a +4 bonus to Wisdom and may use it Wisdom as an effective Intelligence, allowing it to fully use tactics and communicate. In case of Bots the added Wisdom grant them additional programs.

Skills: A DAEMON Corrupter gain a +40 insight bonus to Program.

Challenge Rating: +2

Level Adjustment:

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Leziad's Homebrew (4524 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
CR2 +
Identifier3.5e Template +
Level Adjustment+
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA strange 'fiend' that turn constructs and computer against all life. +
TitleDAEMON Corrupter +