Disciple of Eilistraee (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)
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Disciple of Eilistraee
A specific cleric to the goddess Eilistraee the Moonmaiden.
Class: Cleric
Prerequisites: Must worship Eilistraee.
Level: 1-20
Replaces: Proficiencies, Skills, Domains
Benefit: You gain the following.
Skills: The Disciple of Eilistraee has 4 skill points per level, and their skill list is Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (Nature) (Arcana) (Religion) (The Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim and Tumble.
Proficiencies: The Disciple of Eilistraee is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the Longsword, Shortsword, Scimitar, Rapier, and exotic weapon proficiency with the Bastard Sword. They are also proficient with light armor, but not with shields.
Wardrobe Talisman (Su): Disciples to Eilistraee often tend to exist just as their goddess does - Unclad, hair long and untamed, dancing with their silver blades under the moon. In fact, Eilistraee gives each of her priests a convenient way to follow in her tradition without risking their lives in the process, baring themselves to her but not to the blades of the enemy. Essentially, the Disciple of Eilistraee can, as a swift action, store all their non-weapon gear, be it clothing, jewelry, boots, gloves, and so forth (Even the scabbard of their sword) within their holy symbol, gaining the effects of the gear while wearing the holy symbol. Thus, you can store warm clothing in your symbol, and dance in snow without being bothered by the cold. The items still take up their respective magic item slots as normal, meaning you can't abuse this talisman to wear two hats, two pairs of boots or etc., but it does allow you to fulfill your vows (See below) without endangering yourself. You cannot, however, store armor or shields in your Wardrobe Talisman. If the talisman is broken, all of its contents are dumped onto the ground in the square in which is was broken. Additionally, because she knows not all societies are accepting of nudity and would like to see her clergy lynched for obeying her, any creature who would be angered or otherwise negatively affected by seeing the Disciple of Eilistraee nude, will instead see them as if they were wearing no more than a white satin gown, as per the Decency spell.
Body of the Goddess (Ex): Like Eilistraee herself, the Moonmaiden's clergy tend to go naked in honor of their goddess. In return for this, she grants her priests boons while unclad. While not wearing any clothing beyond jewelry, the Disciple of Eilistraee adds their Charisma bonus as a Dodge bonus to AC, and may use their Charisma modifier in place of their Wisdom modifier for the purposes of determining the saving throw DC of their spells Additionally, clothed or not, all Disciples of Eilistraee gain Body of Iron as a bonus feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites.
Dance of Blades: While gaining the benefits of Body of the Goddess (Above), the Disciple of Eilistraee may also add their Dexterity to attack and damage rolls in place of Strength while wielding a Longsword or Bastard Sword.
Mooncaster (Su): The Discipline of Eilistraee suffers a -1 penalty to caster level (Minimum CL 1st) while the moon is new, or when they aren't under the moon's light. While under moonlight, they gain a +1 bonus to caster level. This bonus increases to +3 on the night of the full moon. Additionally, you may use the open night sky while the moon is up, or yourself, for the purposes of line of sight and line of effect for Cleric spells and abilities.
Moonlight's Caress: When casting a Cleric spell that deals hit point damage, the Disciple of Eilistraee may choose for the spell to deal Radiant damage instead, gaining the [Light] descriptor if it did not already have it, allowing the spell to dispel [Darkness] effects within its area.
Melodic Casting: When casting a Cleric spell with a verbal component, the Disciple of Eilistraee may use Perform in place of Concentration for all purposes surrounding the spell, such as casting defensively or not losing the spell if struck during casting. Any feat or ability that applies to Concentration checks, such as Combat Casting, also applies to Perform checks when they are used in this way.
Domains: Rather than just two domains, the Disciple of Eilistraee may choose three of their goddess' domains. Eilistraee's domains are: Chaos, Charm, Drow, Elf, Good, Lust, Moon, and Portal. The Disciple gains the Granted Power of each domain normally, but may still only prepare one domain spell of each level.
Channel The Moonmaiden: Over their career, the Disciple of Eilistraee learns many ways of calling upon the power of their goddess. Each of these abilities consumes Turn Undead uses.
- Moonsong Dance (Su): While gaining the benefits of Body of the Goddess, the Disciple of Eilistraee may, while under the light of the moon, perform a dance that refills her Domain spell slots. Performing the Moonsong Dance is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, and requires a Perform check (DC 10 + twice the level of highest-level spell you can cast). If you succeed, you expend one use of Turn Undead per level of the highest-level spell you can cast - So if you can cast 7th-level spells, you would need to expend 7 Turn Undead uses and succeed at a DC 24 Perform check in order to use this ability. If this ability "refills" a domain spell slot that is already full, you simply gain a second casting of that domain spell.
- Moon Magic (Sp): Beginning at 3rd level, the Disciple of Eilistraee adds Nealan's Unbuckling to their spell list, and may expend one use of Turn Undead to cast Nealan's Erotic Touch or Eilistraee's Moonfire Champions of Valor, p. 55 as spell-like abilities, or expend two uses to cast Nealan's Erotic Gaze as a spell-like ability.
- Highmoon Waltz (Su): Beginning at 5th level, you may spend two Turn Undead uses as a swift action to bathe yourself in moonlight for an instant. Until the beginning of your next turn, you shine silvery light as a torch, and gain benefits as if you were underneath the light of the full moon, including being able to use the sky for line of sight/line of effect for your spells.
- Moon Sign (Su): Beginning at 7th level, lycanthropes in humanoid form caught in the area of any [Light] spell you cast must make a Will save, or be forced into their animal form for one round, unless they succeed a Will save (Using the spell's save DC). They can just shift back, but if they are still being affected by the spell (Such as in the case of a spell with a duration longer than one round), they must make a Will save to do so. If they succeed any of these Will save, they are immune to being forced into animal form by that spell for 24 hours.
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