Electivire (3.5e Monster)

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Author: Luigifan18 (talk)
Date Created: December 24, 2012
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Electivire in Diamond/Pearl.
Size/Type: Medium Magical Beast (Electricity, Pokémon)
Hit Dice: 15d10+10 (126 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 27 (+3 Dex, +14 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 24
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+20
Attack: Slam +20 melee (1d8+5)
Full Attack: 2 slams +20 melee (1d8+5) plus spark +11 melee touch (1d8+1 electricity)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Egg Move, Leer, Thundershock, Low Kick, Swift, Shock Wave, Thunder Wave, Electro Ball, ThunderPunch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Discharge, Screech, Thunderbolt, Thunder
Special Qualities: Electric Pokémon Traits, Motor Drive, Quick Attack, Light Screen
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +5
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 19
Feats: Improved Initiative (1 HD), Lightning Reflexes (3 HD), Ability Focus (ThunderPunch) (6 HD), Prone Attack[1] (9 HD), Power Attack (12 HD), Murderous Intent (15 HD)
Environment: Plains
Organization: Solitary or group (2-4 Electivire)
Challenge Rating: 15
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually chaotic
Advancement: 11-24 HD (Medium), 25+ HD (Large)
Level Adjustment:

This odd feline/humanoid crossbreed appears to be eating electricity from the sky. As it notices you, it cracks its knuckles and advances menacingly, the prongs on its tail sparking wildly.

Electivire is the ultimate form of the Electabuzz line. It's a powerful Pokémon able to use a variety of elements.


Electivire is much stronger than its previous forms. It's a versatile physical powerhouse. It's perfectly capable of using ice and fire attacks (though it's not as proficient with ice as Magihexy, nor is it as proficient with fire as Magmortar). Its electric attacks, however, are much stronger than those of its immediate peers.

Electivire's spark attack is a melee touch attack using the prongs on its tail. It is a secondary natural weapon (taking the −5 attack roll penalty for this status), and its attack and damage rolls are based on Constitution rather than Strength. For Electivire, this means that it's usable, but not excellent.

Motor Drive (Su): Electivire absorbs electricity (it has electricity absorption), but its usage of absorbed electrical energy is more like a golem than a living creature. Instead of regaining hp when hit with electricity, Electivire gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its Dexterity and a +5 enhancement bonus to its movement speed for 1 minute. It gains 1 "speed point" for every 10 points of electricity damage that it would have taken (to a minimum of 1 speed point when absorbing 10 or less points of electricity damage), which must be immediately spent on increasing the Dexterity and speed bonuses by +1 and +5, respectively, or on increasing the duration by 1 minute per point. Being hit with more electrical attacks grants Electivire more speed points, which it can spend on further increasing its Dexterity/speed bonuses and increasing the remaining duration of the boosts; boosts gained in this fashion can stack on top of each other with no limit (though not with other enchantment bonuses). (The moral of the story is, don't use electricity on Electivire unless it's on your side!)

Egg Move: The Egg Move Electivire had as an Elekid and Electabuzz is improved:

  • Cross Chop (Ex): When making a slam attack, Electivire may elect to take a penalty on its attack roll up to its Base Attack Bonus. If it does, it may only make one slam attack for any attack action it takes in that round (thus, it only makes one slam if making a full attack), but its slam attack's threat range is increased by 1 per point of penalty (for instance, taking a −5 penalty increases the threat range from 20 only to 14-20). The attack roll penalty taken to use Cross Chop is not applied to a roll made to confirm a critical hit. Cross Chop also adds 1d8 to its slam attack's damage per point of penalty taken, and these extra damage die are multiplied by a critical hit. Cross Chop stacks with Power Attack, and Power Attack combines perfectly with Cross Chop; this means that the attack roll penalty taken with Cross Chop is also applied to Power Attack, with no additional penalty needing to be taken, and this allows Power Attack to be used with a penalty and bonus greater than +5. Cross Chop cannot be used in conjunction with some of Electivire's other attack options, including Low Kick, Electro Ball, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, and ThunderPunch. The attack penalty taken with Cross Chop applies to all slam attacks made until the end of the round. Cross Chop is a [Fighting] effect.
  • Focus Punch (Ex): As a 1-round action, Electivire may make a single slam attack with a +4 bonus to its attack roll. If this slam attack connects, it does 10× as much damage as an ordinary slam attack, and if it scores a critical hit, the critical hit is multiplicatively applied (so a ×2 critical Focus Punch would actually do 20 times as much damage as a normal slam). However, since Focus Punch is a 1-round action, Electivire can take no other actions in the round, and the attack isn't executed until the start of Electivire's next turn; thus, Electivire doesn't threaten any squares while preparing to Focus Punch, and the attack can be completely avoided simply by retreating out of Electivire's melee range. In this regard, using Focus Punch is just like casting a 1-round spell, except for the fact that exiting melee range generally isn't enough to avoid a spell. Furthermore, using Focus Punch requires even more concentration than casting a spell would; if distracted in any way (including taking damage), Electivire must make a Concentration check at a −15 penalty, or Focus Punch fails. (However, since Focus Punch is not actually a spell, it has no spell level.) Focus Punch can be used as a coup de grace, though this does not shorten its execution time. Focus Punch is incompatible with other special slam attacks, like Low Kick, Electro Ball, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, and ThunderPunch. Focus Punch is a [Fighting] effect.
  • Meditate (Su): By spending a full-round action to meditate, Electivire can increase its Strength by 2 points for 2 minutes. This can be used multiple times to raise Electivire's Strength further and reset the duration; however, the maximum Strength increase attainable with this ability is +12 Strength. This meditation is mechanically similar to how a swordsage[2] refreshes maneuvers, and therefore does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Quick Attack (Su): As a swift action, Electivire may use haste on itself and gain the Spring Attack feat (even though it doesn't meet the prerequisites). It may deactivate both effects as another swift action. These boosts can only be active for a total of 40 rounds/day. This is a [Normal] effect.

Leer (Su): As a standard action, Electivire may attempt to unsettle opponents and make them open up their guard a bit. Its menacing stare affects all targets within a 30-foot cone that meet Electivire's gaze, forcing them to succeed on a Will save (DC 21, Wisdom-based) or gain damage susceptibility 3/physical for 5 rounds. This is treated as a gaze attack, and thus can be avoided in any of the same ways that a gaze attack can be, but it is not continuously active; Electivire has to consciously choose to use it. (It's just like a vampire's dominating gaze in that respect.) Leer is a [Fear, Mind-Affecting] effect, with all of the capabilities and limitations that are implied by said descriptors (for instance, Electivire's wasting its time by trying to use Leer on a mindless creature or a paladin).

Thundershock (Su): As a standard action, Electivire may launch a spark of electricity as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet. If this attack connects, it does 2d8+4 electricity damage (the +4 is Electivire's Charisma modifier). This is an [Electric] effect.

Low Kick (Ex): At Electivire's option, if its slam attack hits, it gains a free trip attempt against that foe. Instead of making opposed Size+Strength checks, the foe must pass a Reflex save (Strength-based), with a penalty equal to the number of size categories they are above Electivire. If they fail, they fall prone and take 1d4 damage, plus 1d4 for every size category they exceed Medium by. Being smaller than Electivire grants no bonus to the save, but being smaller than Medium results in zero damage from being tripped. This is a [Fighting] effect, and in Contests, if it earns any points, it also steals a point from whoever has the most. Electivire must announce that it is using Low Kick before attempting its slam attack, as this attack is incompatible with some of Electivire's other attack options (including Cross Chop, Electro Ball, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, and ThunderPunch).

Swift (Su): As a standard action, Electivire may launch one star-shaped astral energy projectile, plus one more for every three Hit dice it has (maximum 8 projectiles), at its foes. Each projectile strikes unerringly, as magic missile, and does 1d6 + ¼ HD + Charisma modifier damage (the damage is force-type). Electivire may aim at any number of targets, up to its number of projectiles, as long as no two are more than 40 ft. apart. Swift is a [Normal] effect and is only usable a limited number of times per encounter; the limit is equal to Electivire's Wisdom bonus, minimum 1 use/encounter. The sample Electivire launches 6 projectiles that do 1d6+8 damage, and may use Swift 3 times per encounter.

Shock Wave (Su): Electivire may elect to make a Thundershock attack equal in terms of accuracy to a magic missile; it literally cannot miss unless the target has total cover. This is an [Electric] effect, and may only be used once per day per two Hit Die plus Electivire's Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 use per day). The sample Electivire may use Shock Wave 10 times per day.

Thunder Wave (Su): As a standard action, Electivire may launch a ray of electricity as a ranged touch attack. If it hits, the target takes no damage, but it is numbed for 24 hours. Unlike most nondamaging touch attacks, this ability can score a critical hit (it threatens a critical hit on a natural 20 unless augmented). If it scores a critical hit, Thunder Wave still doesn't do damage, but it outright paralyzes its target for 2 rounds in addition to the numbing effect. (Boosting Thunder Wave's "critical multiplier" is allowed, but instead of causing any damage, it extends the paralysis duration for 1 round per +1 multiplier increase; thus, a ×3 critical paralyzes for 3 rounds, a ×4 critical paralyzes for 4 rounds, etc.) This is an [Electric] effect, and its threat range is increased by 2 increments (by default, from natural 20 only to 18-20) when used on creatures vulnerable to electricity or [Electric] effects (such as Gyarados).

Electro Ball (Su): As a full-round action, Electivire can twirl around rapidly, almost like a ballerina, to approach and attack a foe. It may move up to its speed and make a single slam attack. If its attack connects, Electivire does an extra 1d8 electric damage for every 5 feet it moved to attack the opponent. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal, and if struck by an attack while approaching its target, Electivire must succeed on a Balance check (DC = 10 + damage taken) or immediately fall prone, immediately ceasing the action (negating all additional movement and preventing it from making an attack). This attack is an [Electric] effect.

Light Screen (Sp): Electivire has the ability to set up a mystical screen. This mystical screen is a flat, vertical plane that is exactly like a wall of force (and, like wall of force, is treated as a 5th-level spell), except for three key differences. First, the area of the Light Screen is twice that of a wall of force (one 20-foot square per level). Second, a Light Screen doesn't actually prevent anything from passing through. Instead, it blunts the force of any magical attack (whether melee or ranged) that is initiated within the screen or passes through it, so that the damage it inflicts is cut in half (before applying other factors that might reduce the damage, such as spell dampening or energy resistance). Third, unlike a wall of force, a Light Screen can be suppressed by an antimagic field. The screen remains for 5 rounds, and Electivire cannot set up a new Light Screen while it already has one in effect.

ThunderPunch (Su): When making a slam attack, Electivire can wreath its fist in electric energy. This adds 2d6 electricity damage to its unarmed attack and (assuming Electivire hits) forces the target to make a Fortitude save against being numbed. This attack is an ordinary slam attack in all other respects. The Fortitude save DC is Strength-based and has a +2 racial bonus. This move is an [Electric] effect.

Ice Punch (Su): When making a slam attack, Electivire can wreath its fist in frost energy. This adds 1d8 cold damage to its unarmed attack and (assuming Electivire hits) forces the target to make a Fortitude save against being frozen, as the freeze[3] spell. This attack is an ordinary slam attack in all other respects. The Fortitude save DC is Strength-based. This move is an [Ice] effect.

Fire Punch (Su): When making a slam attack, Electivire can wreath its fist in fire energy. This adds 1d8 fire damage to its unarmed attack and (assuming Electivire hits) forces the target to make a Fortitude save against being burned. This attack is an ordinary slam attack in all other respects. The Fortitude save DC is Strength-based. This move is a [Fire] effect.

Discharge (Su): As a standard action usable once every 1d3 rounds, Electivire may emit a massive electrical discharge that affects all squares within 30 feet per 10 HD (minimum 30 feet) and does 1d8 damage per 2 HD Electivire has. A Reflex save (Charisma-based DC) is allowed to halve the damage. Failure by 5 or more on the Reflex save results in paralysis. This is an [Electric] effect.

Screech (Su): As a standard action, Electivire can emit an extremely loud and ear-grating noise, and all creatures within a 60-foot line that are able to hear it must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC is Charisma-based) or be rendered flat-footed by the sheer unpleasantness of the screech. This is a [Sonic, Mind-Affecting] effect.

Thunderbolt (Su): Once every 1d4+1 rounds, an Electivire may unleash a thunderbolt against a target within Close range (25 ft. plus 5 ft. per two levels). The thunderbolt has a 5' radius spread and deals 1d6 damage for each of Electivire's hit dice, with a Reflex save allowed for half damage (DC 10 + 1/2 hit dice + Charisma Modifier). Thunderbolt comes directly from the sky, and cannot be used indoors or underground. Thunderbolt is learned at 12 HD — the sample Electivire already knows it. Thunderbolt is an [Electric] effect.

Thunder (Su): If at least 3 Electivires unleash Thunderbolt at once, they may combine them to make a Thunder which covers a 10' radius spread area that inflicts 1d12 damage per participating Electivire. The Save DC is equal to the highest of the Thunderbolts and is increased by +1 for each additional participating Electivire. An Electivire is considered to be equivalent to a Raichu for contributing to a Thunder attack, and Electivires (with knowledge of Thunder) and Raichus (with any number of HD) are effectively interchangeable for contributing to Thunder attacks. Thunder is learned at 14 HD — the sample Electivire already knows it. Thunder is an [Electric] effect.


At 17 HD, Electivire learns Giga Impact (Ex). This is a mighty slam attack, executed as a full-round action, that does 10× the damage of an ordinary slam attack, but forces Electivire to skip its next turn, causing it to become flat-footed until it can act again. This is a [Normal] effect.

With the assistance of a special device, Electivire can learn Flamethrower (Su). This functions just like Magmortar's Flamethrower, except that Electivire does 1d6 fire damage per Hit Die and takes a −4 nonproficiency penalty to the save DC.

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Luigifan18v [Expand]
AlignmentUsually chaotic +
AuthorLuigifan18 +
Challenge Rating15 +
EnvironmentPlains +
Identifier3.5e Monster +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeMedium +
SubtypeElectricity + and Pokémon +
SummaryElectivire is the ultimate form of the Electabuzz line. It's a powerful Pokémon able to use a variety of elements. +
TitleElectivire +
TypeMagical Beast +