Magihexy (3.5e Monster)
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CN Medium Magical Beast (Cold, Psionic, Pokémon) | |
Init/Senses | +7/darkvision 90 feet; Listen , Spot |
AC | 27, touch 19, flat-footed 24; Unearthly Grace (+3 Dex, +8 natural, +6 deflection) |
hp | 104 (15d10+15 HD) |
SR/PR/Resist | 28/33/cold 40 |
Fort/Ref/Will | +10/+12/+9 |
Speed | 30 ft.; Dimension Door |
Melee | Iterative slam +15/+10/+5 (1d8 plus optional Ice/Fire/Thunder Punch augmentation plus wake-up plus cold vengeance) or |
Melee | Lick +10 (1d4 plus numbness) |
Ranged | Telekinetic thrust +18 (damage dependent on objects) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Base Atk/Grp | +15/+15 |
Atk Options | Spellcasting, telekinesis, Lick, Sweet Kiss, Lovely Kiss, Powder Snow, Confusion, Sing, Heart Stamp, Fake Tears, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, ThunderPunch, Wake-Up Slap, Avalanche, Petal Dance, Feather Dance |
Special Actions | Bardic music (as 15th-level bard), bard spellcasting, telekinesis, Egg Move, Lick, Sweet Kiss, Powder Snow, Confusion, DoubleSlap, Sing, Heart Stamp, Fake Tears, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, ThunderPunch, Wake-Up Slap, Avalanche, Petal Dance, Featherdance |
Bard Spells Known | (CL 15th): 6th (—/day)—— 0 (6/day)—6 (Azore's speaking tome, daze, dancing lights, flare, lesser dispel magic, lesser refresh magic)
Spell-Like Abilities | 15/day (shared)—Fascinate*, Song of Freedom*, Irresistible Dance* At will (contingent)—Suggestion**
Abilities | Str 10, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 23 |
SQ | Ice Pokémon traits, Psychic Pokémon traits, Unearthly Grace, Dragon Dance, Quiver Dance |
Feats | Improved Initiative (6 HD) |
Advancement | 16-24 HD (Medium), 25+ HD (Large) |
Bardic Music | Magihexy has all of the bardic music options available to a 15th-level bard. It has a total of 15 bardic music uses per day. See the bard page for more information on bardic music. |
Bard Spells | Magihexy casts spells as a 15th-level bard. Its spells are drawn from the bard spell list. See Magihexy's spell list for details. |
Unearthly Grace (Su) | Magihexy adds its Charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to AC. |
Irresistible Dance (Sp) | Even when Magihexy is merely walking, it appears to be dancing, and its motions tend to make humanoids begin dancing themselves. As a standard action, Magihexy can begin dancing in a fashion that replicates the effects of an irresistible dance spell, affecting all humanoid-shaped creatures other than itself out to a distance of 100 feet (Magihexy can choose to exclude 1 creature from the effect for every Hit Die it has). A Will save can negate the effect of the current use of irresistible dance; the DC to resist is 22 (Charisma-based, DC calculated as a 6th-level spell). Magihexy can concentrate on this effect to maintain it for up to 1 round per Hit Die. This is considered a bardic music effect, and thus initiating it costs Magihexy one of its uses of bardic music for the day. |
Telekinesis (Ps) | As a high-tier Psychic Pokémon, Magihexy is able to use telekinesis, as the spell, at will. Its caster level is 15, and it only has the violent thrust option available to it. This is a [Psychic] effect. |
Egg Move | The Egg Move Magihexy knew as a Smoochum and as a Jynx is improved:
Lick (Su) | Magihexy can use its tongue as a natural weapon, steeped in supernatural energies. It may attempt to lick a foe as a melee attack. If it hits, it does 1d4 negative energy damage (plus or minus Magihexy's Strength modifier) and numbs the foe for the rest of the encounter. A Fortitude save (DC = 10 + ½ Magihexy's HD + Magihexy's Charisma modifier) can negate the numbing but not the damage. This is a [Ghost] effect. |
Sweet Kiss (Su) | As a standard action, Magihexy may attempt to kiss a foe. This is treated as a melee touch attack. If Magihexy connects, the foe must succeed on a Will save (DC = 10 + ½ Magihexy's HD + Magihexy's Charisma modifier) or become confused, as the spell, for 2d4−1 rounds. This is a [Fairy] effect.
This attack is obtained naturally during the Smoochum stage, but may be lost upon evolution. This never happens to a Pokémon under a Pokémaster's control; however, any Magihexy that was not obtained as a Smoochum or a Jynx has only a 25% chance of being able to use Sweet Kiss. |
Lovely Kiss (Su) | As a standard action, Magihexy may attempt to seductively kiss a foe. This is treated as a melee touch attack. If Magihexy connects, the foe must succeed on a Will save (DC = 10 + ½ Magihexy's HD + Magihexy's Charisma modifier) or fall asleep for 1d4+1 rounds. This is a [Normal] effect, but can affect incorporeal creatures (including Ghost Pokémon). |
Powder Snow (Sp) | As a standard action, Magihexy may generate a snowstorm that covers a sphere with a radius of 10 feet per 4 Hit Die (minimum 10 feet), centered on Magihexy itself. This snowstorm does 1d4 cold damage per 2 Hit Die Magihexy possesses (maximum 10d4 at 20 HD) to all within range, with a Fortitude save (DC 19) allowed for half damage. This ability is the equivalent of a 3rd-level spell, and its DC is calculated accordingly; the save DC is Charisma-based. |
Confusion (Ps) | Magihexy may manifest confusion, as the spell, as a psi-like ability at will. This psionic assault also does 2d4 damage to the opponent. A successful Will save (calculated as normal for a confusion spell) can negate the confusion but not the damage. This is a [Psychic] effect.
This attack is obtained naturally during the Smoochum stage, but may be lost upon evolution. This never happens to a Pokémon under a Pokémaster's control; however, any Magihexy that was not obtained as a Smoochum or a Jynx has only a 25% chance of being able to use Confusion. |
DoubleSlap (Ex) | Magihexy's slam natural weapon (actually, yes, a slap) is treated like a monk's unarmed attacks. This means that it is capable of BAB-based iterative attacks, just like a manufactured weapon. This is a [Normal] effect. |
Sing (Su) | As a bardic music effect, Magihexy can sing a calming lullaby as a standard action, maintaining the effect as a standard action for up to 1 round per Hit Die. Each round that Magihexy continues singing, it makes a Perform check, and all creatures within 10 feet per Hit Die that can hear Magihexy must succeed on a Will save (DC equal to Magihexy's Perform check) or immediately fall asleep. Affected creatures remain asleep until Magihexy stops singing and for a number of rounds afterwards equal to Magihexy's Charisma modifier. Because Sing is considered a bardic music effect, it draws upon the same pool of bardic music uses as all other bardic music abilities. This is a [Normal] effect, but can affect incorporeal creatures (including Ghost Pokémon).
This attack is obtained naturally during the Smoochum stage, but may be lost upon evolution. This never happens to a Pokémon under a Pokémaster's control; however, any Magihexy that was not obtained as a Smoochum or a Jynx has only a 25% chance of being able to use Sing. |
Heart Stamp (Su) | If Magihexy is psionically focused, it may expend its psionic focus to apply the Stunning Fist feat to a slam attack; a foe struck by this slam attack must succeed on a Wisdom-based Fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round. The slam attack enhanced by Heart Stamp may also affect incorporeal creatures as though it had the ghost touch property. This is a [Psychic] effect. |
Fake Tears (Su) | As a standard action, Magihexy can pretend to cry, in order to guilt-trip foes into going easy on it. It can maintain this effect as a standard action (treat this as concentrating on a spell, equivalent to 2nd level). All who see or hear Magihexy "crying" must succeed on a Will save (DC = 10 + ½ Magihexy's HD + Magihexy's Charisma modifier) or take a −4 morale penalty to all saving throws for as long as Magihexy continues crying and for a number of rounds afterwards equal to Magihexy's Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round after the crying stops). This is a mind-affecting effect, and creatures unable to see and hear Magihexy are unaffected. This is a [Dark] effect. |
Ice Punch (Su) | When making a slam attack, Magihexy can wreath its fist in frost energy. This adds 2d6 cold damage to its unarmed attack and (assuming Magihexy hits) forces the target to make a Fortitude save against being frozen, as the freeze[2] spell. This attack is an ordinary slam attack in all other respects, though it is also iterative thanks to Doubleslap. The Fortitude save DC is 19 (Strength-based, includes a +2 racial bonus). This move is an [Ice] effect. |
Fire Punch (Su) | When making a slam attack, Magihexy can wreath its fist in fire energy. This adds 1d8 fire damage to its unarmed attack and (assuming Magihexy hits) forces the target to make a Fortitude save against being burned. This attack is an ordinary slam attack in all other respects, though it is also iterative thanks to Doubleslap. The Fortitude save DC is 17 (Strength-based). This move is a [Fire] effect. |
ThunderPunch (Su) | When making a slam attack, Magihexy can wreath its fist in electric energy. This adds 1d8 electricity damage to its unarmed attack and (assuming Magihexy hits) forces the target to make a Fortitude save against being numbed. This attack is an ordinary slam attack in all other respects, though it is also iterative thanks to Doubleslap. The Fortitude save DC is 17 (Strength-based). This move is an [Electric] effect. |
Wake-Up Slap (Ex) | The critical multiplier for Magihexy's melee attacks is increased by +3 (for instance, from ×2 to ×5), and Magihexy also adds +3d6 to the inflicted damage (this extra damage is not multiplied). In exchange, Magihexy's melee attacks will always awaken a sleeping creature, even if that creature's sleep normally could not be interrupted with a melee attack. This is a [Fighting] effect. |
Avalanche (Ex) | Whenever Magihexy takes damage in a round, its slam attack does double damage for the rest of that round. This is an [Ice] effect. |
*These abilities are all bardic music effects, and count against Magihexy's bardic music limit.
**This is the bardic music version of suggestion, and can only be used on a creature that Magihexy has already fascinated via its bardic music. The suggestion itself does not expend an additional usage of bardic music (hence why it is labeled as being usable at will), though it may only be attempted once on a single creature per fascination.
Strategies and Tactics[edit]
Magihexy has a +8 racial bonus on Perform (dance) and Perform (sing) checks.
Magihexy functions in many respects like a 15th-level bard. It can use bardic music and cast bardic spells just like a 15th-level bard, and unusually for a Pokémon, it is proficient with simple weapons, shields, and light armor. (The sample Magihexy is not wielding weapons or wearing armor, though it does wear some magic items.)
Sample Encounters[edit]
Environment: Frigid caves.
Typical Physical Characteristics: Appearance-wise, Magihexy looks like a larger, more curvaceous Jynx that wears a slightly more form-fitting dress. The dress is simpler in design than Jynx's, but more elaborately decorated (think the sort that Reimu from the Touhou series would wear. Or better yet, Marisa.) By "decorated", I mean that Magihexy's dress is lined with all sorts of lucky charms, all made of ice. The dress is somewhat loose, but long enough that Magihexy's legs aren't visible. Its blonde hair is a bit longer than Jynx's. It also wears a pointy hat, reminiscent of a stereotypical witch.
Alignment: Magihexy can have any nonlawful alignment, just like a bard, but tends to be chaotic neutral.
Sample Lair[edit]
Like its predecessors, Smoochum and Jynx, Magihexy prefers to live in frigid caves. However, it's also not uncommon to see a Magihexy in an urban environment. (No, they are not strippers, they're ganguro yuki-onna dancers. That said, it is more often than not aware that humanoids tend to find it physically attractive and willing to exploit this.)
Typical Treasure[edit]
Magihexy tends to wear magic items that increase its allure.
For Player Characters[edit]
Magihexy is theoretically playable, but as a Pokémon, it's better suited to being captured by a Pokémaster.
Creatures As Characters[edit]
Magihexy already treats its Hit Die as bard levels for many purposes (see Advanced Creatures below). This does not prevent Pokémasters from being able to catch it.
Creatures With Class Levels[edit]
Magihexy already treats its Hit Die as bard levels for many purposes (see Advanced Creatures below). This does not prevent Pokémasters from being able to catch it.
Advanced Creatures[edit]
Magihexy continues to treat its hit die as bard levels for the purposes of available bardic music, number of uses of bardic music, bard spells known, and bard spells per day. It also learns more techniques as it levels up.
At 19 HD, Magihexy learns Perish Song (Su). At Magihexy's option, instead of serving as a calming lullaby, its song may foretell a great loss, and those who hear it risk death itself. All who hear this song must make a Will save (DC = 10 + ½ Magihexy's HD + Magihexy's Wisdom modifier). If they fail, they become shaken as they realize their life is going to be cut short. If, two rounds later, they can still hear the song, they are instantly slain.
A Magihexy can end this by no longer singing, and can sing to counter another perish song (including that of a Pokémon not belonging to its own evolutionary line, such as a Lapras or Politoed). To begin singing this requires a standard action, but to continue merely takes a Swift action. It is not considered a bardic music effect, for it incurs its own cost; if Magihexy does not stop singing after three consecutive rounds, it too passes away from its own song.
At 22 HD, Magihexy learns blizzard as a spell-like ability usable once per day. It is treated as an [Ice] effect.
At 29 HD, Magihexy learns Fiery Dance (Su). It gains a solar aura similar to a Volcarona which, in addition to instantly vaporizing creatures vulnerable to sunlight unless they succeed on a Fortitude save, does 1d6 fire damage per HD of the Magihexy per round to all creatures within its radius. Initiating the Fiery Dance requires a standard action, and sustaining it requires a move action. When Magihexy stops actively sustaining it, it ends after a number of rounds equal to Magihexy's Charisma bonus.
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Luigifan18v [Expand] |
Author | Luigifan18 + |
Challenge Rating | 15 + |
Help Wanted Reason | Assistance with skills and feats + |
Identifier | 3.5e Monster + |
Name | Magihexy + |
Rating | Unrated + |
Size | Medium + |
Subtype | Cold +, Psionic + and Pokémon + |
Summary | The evolved form of Jynx, Magihexy is an expert dancer whose skills can match (or exceed) those of the most dedicated human dancers. No mystical dance is beyond its capability to perform. + |
Title | Magihexy + |
Type | Magical Beast + |