God-Machine Wings (3.5e Monster)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 1-22-15
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God-Machine Wings (Roc)
Size/Type: Gargantuan Construct (Vehicle)
Hit Dice: 20d10+60 (260 (shield 100) hp)
Initiative: +4**
Speed: 20 ft, fly 80 ft (good)
Armor Class: 25 (+4 dex, +15 natural, -4 size), touch 10, flat-footed 21
Base Attack/Grapple: +15**/+41**
Attack: Talon +25 melee (2d6+14, 20/x2) or Bite +25 melee (2d8+7, 20/x2)
Full Attack: Two Talons +25 melee (2d6+14, 20/x2) and Bite +20 melee (2d8+7, 20/x2)
Space/Reach: 20 ft/15 ft
Special Attacks: Bomb, Chaff, Maximum Missile Massacre
Special Qualities: Artifact Body, Construct Traits, Darkvision 60 ft, DR 10/adamantine, Energy Shield, Extraordinary Health, Fast Healing 1, Low-Light Vision, Pilot Bind, Space Capable, Transform, Zoom Vision
Saves: Fort +6*, Ref +10*, Will +6*
Abilities: Str 39**, Dex 19**, Con -, Int -*, Wis -*, Cha -*
Skills: As pilot.
Feats: As pilot, plus Flyby AttackB, SnatchB.
Environment: Any
Organization: Unique
Challenge Rating: 13**
Treasure: None
Alignment: As pilot.
Advancement: 21+ HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment:
  • As pilot.
    • As above, or as pilot (if better).

Before you is a giant mechanical beast, its body made of ivory and golden trim, sparkling jewels, and metal plating. This one is designed after a massive roc, with a huge wingspan made of reflective silver feathers and a pulsating orange light flickering through its body. It gives off a sharp cry as it attacks!

Legends tell of an ancient world ruled by beasts. In these times humanity was pushed to the brink of extinction, cowering in their rocky caves as the titans dominated the planet, ravaged the landscape, and devoured their children. Many fell into despair, others transforming the terrible monsters into dark bloodthirsty gods to be feared and worshiped, with bloody sacrifices to ensure their safety. Still others fled deep and was lost to the nightmares below. But one day the prayers of dying man were heard and the gods listened. From the heavens fell a great ball of fire, and within the molten crater lay the savior of the world, a giant mechanical deity known as the Final Arbiter. Matched with chosen warriors of justice, these few heroes set forth to conquer the World of Monsters and return the surface world back to humanity.

The Final Arbiter split its power up among Seven Holy Warriors, who were granted the legs, arms, wings, sword, and heart of justice. The wings, one of the largest due to its immense wingspan, was known as Topaz Roc which took the form of some of the terrible monsters which roamed that day and were able to fight toe to toe with these terrors. When transformed into the Final Arbiter, it attaches to the back and become the Arbiter's wings that guide it to victory.

The god-machines do not speak, but sometimes animate on their own and are known to vocalize as the creatures they mimic. When in times of duress, they often rumble and emit glowing energy and steam. When piloted, the pilots can communicate with other god-machines as if they had telepathy out to 1 mile, and may speak via speaker verbally to creatures in earshot.


The largest of the base god-machines, its purpose is typically one of recon as it employs its Zoom Vision from far away. When entering battle, it can obliterate entire fleets of small weak opponents with its missiles, hit hard against a single powerful target with its bomb, and avoid counterattacks with Chaff. It suffers from having limited ammo, but when push comes to shove it is not afraid of descending, grabbing its opponent, and launching them into the sky!

Artifact Body (Ex): Technically all god-machines are pilotable major artifacts, and are effectively indestructible. Though they can be rendered inert by bringing it down to 0 hp, it is never fully destroyed. The god-machine can be brought back to life as if it were a living being, with no loss in levels. If there is a way to forever destroy a god-machine, it is a well kept secret that none know. As a side effect, all weapons used by the god-machine bypass DR/magic and DR/epic.

Bomb (Su): Topaz Roc can drop a bomb out of its midsection which explodes violently. The bomb drops straight down from wherever it is, and explodes into a 30 ft radius blast dealing 15d6 points of fire damage. Unlike normal fire damage this ignores the hardness of objects, and counts as a siege weapon making it very useful against immobile fortifications. It leaves difficult terrain in its wake. Releasing a bomb is a standard action, and may be done up to 2/day.

Chaff (Su): Topaz Roc can evade ranged attacks by deploying feather-like shards of metal which confuse and distract targeting. As an immediate action, it can raise its AC against ranged attacks by +10 for 1 round. Afterwards it cannot use this ability again for 5 rounds.

Energy Shield (Ex): All god-machine come with their own personal energy shields which protect them from harm. They have a reserve of 5 temporary hp per HD in their shield, and recover 10 hp every round. If depleted to 0 hp, the shield is disabled for 1d4+1 rounds, after which it returns at 50% strength. While the shield is up, the god-machine is protected against critical hits.

Extraordinary Health (Ex): God-machines always have maximum hp per HD.

Maximum Missile Massacre (Su): Topaz Roc can launch its feathers as a thousand shafts of light in all directions. 1/day it can launch up to 40 magic missiles as the spell, but can target a single creature with no more than 5 missiles at a time.

Pilot Bind (Ex): A god-machine on its own it little more than a motionless tool. It must bind to a pilot, who enters and attempts synchronization. The pilot must make a DC 15 Charisma check, failure means they cannot try again for 24 hours. Failing by 5 or more means they take psychic backlash, taking 1d6 points of ability damage to Int, Wis, and Cha. Upon a successful synchronization, the pilot and god-machine are bound in a way not unlike a spellcaster and their familiar. The pilot is aware of their god-machine's location and general status as long as it is within 1 mile, and the pilot can call the god-machine as a standard action. The god-machine will appear within 1 round next to the pilot in the closest available space, ready to be boarded.

Entering and activating a god-machine is a full round action. Once inside, the pilot has total cover from the outside and is in a self-containing life supporting environment. They are neurally hooked up to the god-machine and can feel its pain, use its senses, and move around as easily as if it were their own body. The god-machine adapts the mental ability scores, skills, and feats of the user as well as the user's saving throws (if better) and initiative (if better). The pilot can use their class features, but they do not have line of effect to the outside (making most spellcasting impossible). Effects like maneuvers may be done using the god-machine as their weapon, as well as class features such as sneak attack.

While the god-machines are not sentient, they are capable of self-animation usually following the commands of its external pilot. It is said that long term use of them imprints the pilot's mind to the god-machine, resulting in strange quirks and behaviors when unpiloted and self-animating. It also makes accepting new pilots difficult; a god machine with an assigned pilot who encounters another pilot trying to take control must have the new pilot succeed on the charisma check as well as an opposed charisma check with the previous pilot. If they fail either, they are rejected. If they fail the opposed Charisma check the god-machine self-activates as if piloted by its former owner, often to the threat and danger of its occupant who is unable to wrest control back. Transferring between pilots may be performed willingly. If so, the second opposed Charisma check is not needed.

Space Capable (Ex): Topaz Roc is capable to entering space and technically does not need to flap its wings to remain aloft, propelled by extraordinary lances of light from its back. It suffers no danger from radiation or pressure.

Transform (Ex): All god-machines have the ability to transform into a part of a greater being known as Final Arbiter. All god-machines must be present within a 1 mile area, and a single god-machine activating transformation (a standard action) alerts other god-machines to do the same on their turns. Once all god-machines have accepted to transform, the process begins. Over the course of 1 round all god-machines are absorbed into a vortex focused on the first which chose to activate the transformation, rendering them invulnerable to harm during the process. At the end of the transformation, the god-machine is effectively gone and replaced by the Final Arbiter.

Zoom Vision (Ex): By concentrating (a standard action) it can gain a +40 circumstance bonus on Spot checks to see far away. It is flatfooted while zoom vision is activated.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5657 Articles)
AlignmentAs pilot. +
AuthorEiji-kun +
Challenge Rating13 +
EnvironmentAny +
Identifier3.5e Monster +
Level Adjustment+
Rated ByBhu +
RatingRating Pending +
SizeGargantuan +
SubtypeVehicle +
TitleGod-Machine Wings +
TypeConstruct +