Heavy Weapon (3.5e Spell)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 2-27-14
Status: Complete
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Heavy Weapon
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One weapon
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: Yes

With the sound of creaking metal, the sword suddenly became a lot heavier, falling unto the ground.

You make a weapon unusually heavy for the duration of the spell. On a failed save the target weapon weight doubles, its damage size goes up by one, and the ease of use goes up by one catagory (light becomes one-handed, one-handed becomes two-handed, two-handed becomes three handed, and so forth). If the weapon now requires more hands to use than the wielder has, they cannot use said weapon unless they use it as an improvised weapon at -4 attack and with a 20/x2 critical. This can be a buff, if trying to obtain more power attack damage, or a bane if the weapon encumbers or becomes unusable in a grapple.

On a successful save, the weapon's mass is briefly disrupted, causing a -2 penalty on the next attack roll made within 1 round.

Material Component: A lead pellet.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5657 Articles)
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorEiji-kun +
ComponentV +, S + and M +
Identifier3.5e Spell +
LevelSorcerer/Wizard 2 +
RangeOther +
RatingUndiscussed +
SchoolTransmutation +
SummaryMake a weapon unusually heavy, which could be a boon or a bane. +
TitleHeavy Weapon +