Lilitan (3.5e Race)
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Lilitan (sing. and pl.) are a human-like people, descended from the first mortal and a demoness named Lilati.
Lilitan are a race for Urtrament, but are basically just Vashar, and can be used as such in other settings.
The core of Lilitan philosophy is that to exist is to suffer--whether that be a living existence in the realm of mortals, an existence in the afterlife among the gods, or an undead existence anywhere. They believe that suffering is the result of the capricious and out-of-touch gods who created it, and that any state of being will be one of suffering, only complete non-existence can be free of suffering. Given that they believe all existence is suffering, they also believe that suffering breeds strength and that the defining trait of their culture is the endurance of unjust suffering.
Oddly, this means that, counter to what might be expected of an evil culture the Lilitan do not torture their enemies, and instead kill quickly and cleanly, or, if they must hold a prisoner, provide them with every comfort they can. The Lilitan believe that to endure suffering is a privilege, not a punishment.
They reserve it for their children.
Lilitan society seems cruel and uncaring. This is not the case. Lilitan truly love their children. But Lilitan culture holds that one cannot be a part of their society without enduring pain and humiliation. Most of their rites of passage involve ritualized torture, refined to the point where great, indescribable pain is inflicted with no risk of death or permanent injury. Debilitating injury is incredibly rare, and death during these rituals is unheard of. Adult Lilitan believe this torture is necessary to truly understand what it is to be Lilitan, and their children look forward to it with an eager dread. Each torture brings increasing respect and privilege in their society.
On the note of parenthood- Lilitan place no value or importance on biological parentage. They adopt as freely as they couple, even adopting children of other races. They practice a concept they refer to as "spiritual parentage," believing that a child's soul is malleable, and the shaping of that soul is vastly more important than the creation of their body. So too, every person in a marriage is equally the parent of any child of that marriage, regardless of whose specific seed or womb created the child. It is not important how a child is born, when it comes to whether the adult they become is Lilitan, what is important is what rites of passage they have endured.
Physical Description[edit]
Lilitan are broadly indistinguishable from other humans save for cultural affectations, but their unique heritage has left its mark. They exhibit a range of skin colors--The First Mortal was a neutral gray color, but the introduction of daemon blood into their children caused them to be born with in many different skintones, even some which don't appear in other humans. Their hair likewise grows in many shades, including those not seen in humans. The First Mortal was as a giant, but their children are merely often tall, standing 6 feet on average, but due to the chaos of their mother, much shorter is not uncommon, and there are quite a few who near 8 feet tall.
What does distinguish the Lilitan however are their ritualistic scars, earned through the many rites of passage in their younger years and various profane rituals which they partake in throughout their lives. Lilitan women are usually shaved bald, with bright red marks covering their scalps, while men bear their scars on their bodies. Tattoos are likewise extremely important in Lilitan culture, with many tattoos being established symbols of deeds and statuses.
Lilitan are, generally speaking, extremely prideful of their appearances, and each cultivates an image that exudes a particular impression they wish to give off. This is not to say that every single Lilitan obsessively scrubs and cleans, though many do bath and groom themselves quite a bit more often than people of many other cultures. Some Lilitan cultivate an image of a dirty wildperson, the forest floor come to life, and so are constantly streaked with mud, dirt and worse, and stink like an animal. These Lilitan are peculiar, however. Most Lilitan prefer to be clean, if only for comfort if nothing else, and make use of customized perfumes as part of their image.
Additionally, the extensive tattoos, body modifications and mortifications of Lilitan encourage careful and demanding hygeine. While magic certainly can take care of infections, it is better to avoid it in the first place.
While many cultures claim they are superior to others, the Lilitan know it. They are descended from the First Mortal, and are therefore the result of the gods' first and most pure creation, and the later races were created to be slaves to the gods, whose souls will break when they learn the truth. However, the Lilitan believe that it is not birth which makes a Lilitan, but the endurance of suffering. Any mortal being might be transformed into a pure Lilitan through suffering, and the fact that these people do not want this is held as proof of their inferiority and indoctrination. They would kill these poor mortals as a mercy, but that would merely further enslave them to the gods, and therefore, the only mercy the Lilitan can give to the second races is the destruction of their souls.
Despite this view of their own superiority, the Lilitan do trade and otherwise deal with the second races, but view the obliteration of the gods and their worshippers as a long-term goal.
Lilitan tend towards Evil and Chaos, as they tend to prioritize their own interests and chafe under the authority of others. They are not necessarily malevolent towards outsiders, but often are fairly disinterested in their desires or needs.
Lilitan are, categorically, non-theistic. They do not worship anyone or anything, flat out refusing to do so, and in fact becoming a worshiper means that one is no longer, at least in a cultural sense, lilitan.
Occasionally, a lilitan will deign to be counted amongst a demon or devil's cult, but that does not mean they worship the demon, merely that being a part of the cult serves some purpose for them.
Lilitan can be cause-clerics and druids, but the former often feels too much like worship for a lilitan, and the latter tend to be nearly solitary, or members of nearly solely lilitan circles.
Lilitan all know Common, learning it at an early age, as well as their own language, Lilitani. Additionally, however, they also all know the Dark Speech. While they might not necessarily all know how to evoke the magic of the Dark Speech, they do all know how to communicate with it--and in fact, it is their favorite for curses, profanity and obscenity, areas in which no other language can match it.
Lilitani has an odd relationship with gendered terms. Which is to say, they don't really use them. Instead, they have terms which denote mortal, divine, or profane status, dominant, submissive, or subjugated status, and whether the subject is favored, hated, or of no interest to the speaker. All of these can be used in incredibly subtle and metaphorical ways. All in all, this gives the impression to non-Lilitan that Lilitan does have gendered terms along with a complex system of hierarchy and respect. Lilitan who become aware of this misunderstanding generally have a reaction ranging from offense to derisive laughter. Although it's rare that they actually educate the non-Lilitan , at least in such a way that doesn't involve the non-Lilitan being killed at the end of the lesson. Those who don't feel inclined to punish the non-Lilitan for their impertinence in this way hate to ruin the walking joke.
Racial Traits[edit]
- +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom: Lilitan culture promotes tough bodies and strong personalities, but their disdain for divine matters leads to them being less wise.
- Humanoid (Human, Tiefling): As descendants of the First Mortal, Lilitan bear the blueprint of the primordial humanoid, and so, in essence, are humans. However, they also descend from at least one demon, far back in their ancestry, and there's a word for that--tieflings.
- Medium: As a Medium creature, a lilitan has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
- Lilitan base land speed is 30 feet.
- Low-Light Vision: A lilitan can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
- Fiendspawn (Ex): Every lilitan is descended from, at least, Lilati, and usually far more fiends. They are considered tieflings for the purposes of prerequisites, qualify for fiendish classes, may count as one other specific form of "thing descended from fiends," such as hellkin, fellion, azal, azazel, etc, for prerequisites, including paragon classes.
- Defiled Flesh (Ex): Lilitan culture pursues body modification and mortification of the flesh quite enthusiastically. By the time they are an adult, a lilitan is a canvas of scars and tattoos of fell sigils, and all lilitan possess the feat Depraved Physiognomy, as well as another Low or Moderate Vile or Deformity feat for which they qualify. Note-- printed Deformity feats are generally Moderate or Low, with a few outliers, and lilitan will never take feats which subjugate them to a god, evil or otherwise.
- Automatic Languages: Common, Lilitani
- Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages such as Druidic.
- Favored Class: Warlock or Conduit of the Lower Planes
- Level Adjustment: +0
- Effective Character Level: 1
Vital Statistics[edit]
Adulthood | Simple | Moderate | Complex |
15 years | +1d4 | +1d6 | +2d6 |
Middle Age1 | Old2 | Venerable3 | Maximum Age | |
35 years | 53 years | 70 years | +4d20 years | |
Gender | Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
Male | 4' 11" | +3d12 | 140 lb. | × (2d4) lb. |
Female | 4' 11" | +3d12 | 140 lb. | × (2d4) lb. |
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ValravenApocalypsev [Expand] |
Article Balance | High + |
Author | ValravenApocalypse + |
Effective Character Level | 1 + |
Favored Class | Warlock + and Conduit of the Lower Planes + |
Identifier | 3.5e Race + |
Level Adjustment | 0 + |
Racial Ability Adjustments | +2 Constitution +, +2 Charisma + and -2 Wisdom + |
Rating | Undiscussed + |
Size | Medium + |
Subtype | Human, Tiefling + |
Summary | Lilitan (sing. and pl.) are a human-like people, descended from the first mortal and a demoness named Lilati. + |
Title | Lilitan + |
Type | Humanoid + |