Mecha-Wolf Mercenary (3.5e NPC)
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M/F Lugaru Brawler (Constructed Pugilist) 2/Fighter 1 | |
LN Medium Humanoid | |
Init/Senses | +2/Low-light Vision, Scent; Listen +2, Spot +2 |
Languages | Common, Sylvan |
AC | 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +2 armor, +2 shield) |
hp | 29 (3d10+6+3 HD) |
Fort/Ref/Will | +5/+3/+0 |
Speed | 30 feet |
Melee | compact gunstock warforged battle shotgunmwk+6 (1d6+2, 20/x2, bludgeoning) or |
Melee | bite (feral strike)+5 (1d8+2, 20/x3) or |
Melee | improved unarmed strike+5 (1d8+2, 20/x2) |
Ranged | compact gunstock warforged battle shotgun+6mwk (2d6, 20/x3, 30 feet, 8 shells) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Base Atk/Grp | +3/+5 |
Special Actions | Destiny +1, Hunter's Quarry, Intimidating Growl |
Combat Gear | battle shotgunmwk |
Abilities | Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 10 |
SQ | Hated Foe, Quality Fix, Scent |
Feats | Aiming[1], Combat Engineer, Cyborg, Overcome Deficiency (Int) (Exposed Cybernetics), Sellsword, Stunning Fist, Unarmed Fighting Style (Iron Claws Style), Weapon Focus (battle shotgun) |
Skills | Climb +2, Craft (modern weaponry) +7, Disable Device +5, Escape Artist +2, Handle Animal +0, Intimidate +6, Jump +5, Knowledge (Engineering) +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +1, Knowledge (local) +1, Listen +2, Profession +0, Ride +5, Spot +2, Survival +4, Swim +2, Tumble +4 |
Possessions | combat gear plus buckshot shells (40), kevlarium military backpack |
Destiny +1 (Ex) | As a free action a mecha-wolf mercenary can proclaim its current job. Whenever it's doing something directly related to its job, it gains bonuses to various things. It gains the bonus granted by destiny on armor class, saving throws, 1d6 damage per point of destiny, and 4x its bonus on skill and ability checks. |
Exposed Cybernetics | Mecha-wolf mercenaries have exposed sensitive cybernetics, which can be damaged. |
Flurry of Blows (Ex) | Starting at 2nd level, a brawler can make a brawler’s flurry as a full-attack action. When doing so, a brawler has the Two-Weapon Fighting feat when attacking with any combination of unarmed strikes. A brawler applies its full Strength modifier to its damage rolls for all attacks made with brawler’s flurry, whether the attacks are made with an off-hand weapon or a weapon wielded in both hands. A brawler can substitute disarm, sunder, and trip combat maneuvers for unarmed attacks as part of brawler’s flurry. |
Hated Foe (Ex) | Lugaru gain a +2 bonus to attack, AC, and saving throws against fey and spells and spell-like effects originating from the fey. |
Hunter's Quarry (Ex) | As a move action, a lugaru may assign a creature within 60 ft as their quarry. They gain a +2 bonus on attack and AC, and a +4 bonus on attempts at tracking them against their quarry, but take the same as a penalty against all other creatures. The quarry lasts until the target is defeated, 24 hours pass, or the lugaru gives up the chase. Giving up the chase results in a cumulative -2 morale penalty on attack and AC for 24 hours. |
Intimidating Growl (Ex) | When a lugaru makes an intimidate check, it may intimidate all creatures within 30 ft (to a maximum of shaken). If it gains an ability like this, the range stacks and it may intimidate as a move action. |
Martial Flexibility (Ex) | A brawler can take a move action to gain the benefit of a fighter feat it doesn’t possess. This effect lasts for 1 minute. The brawler must meet all the feat’s prerequisites. It may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + 1/2 its brawler level (minimum 1). |
Quality Fix (Ex) | A mecha-wolf mercenary is skilled at repairing broken or damaged goods. It can restore 1 hit point per class level to a damaged object or building for each hour of work, doing so requires a successful DC 20 appropriate Craft check. Additionally a mechanic counts as having the Craft Construct feat for the purpose of repairing damaged or destroyed constructs, if it has the feat it repairs them at twice the normal rate. |
Shielding Limb | The constructed pugilist learns to block blows with its mechanical limb. It gains a +2 shield bonus to AC, though it loses this bonus anytime it loses its Dexterity bonus to AC. |
Strong Strike (Ex) | A mecha-wolf mercenary's unarmed attacks count as two-handed for damage and power attack. |
Stunning Fist (Ex) | As the feat describes. |
Scent (Ex) | Mecha-wolf mercenaries possess the scent ability. |
Mecha-Wolf Mercenaries are lugarus with cybernetic arms, one of which has a shotgun mounted on. They wear simple jeans or military trousers, with no shirt or monocolor t-shirts. They have dogtags and cool looking shades. Their bodies are enhanced in such a way to provide an armor bonus. They prefer to fight in melee or close range, attacking relentlessly from multiple sides, making good use of all their arsenal and tactics.
Combat Tactics[edit]
Mecha-wolf mercenaries start the fight usually from hiding, either striking first while unnoticed, or revealing themselves to start the fight, depending on their assessment on the threat-level they have to face. The first round, or even before, if possibile, they use their Hunter's Quarry ability, each on a different opponent (unless outnumbered, in such case they may prefer not to) which will be their preferred target. Then they almost always employ ranged attacks with their aiming battle shotguns if possible, keeping their distance, but staying near enough their target to shoot with the most accuracy they can manage, while one of them tries to intimidate their foes with its Intimidating Growl (usually a different member of the group repeats the action in later rounds if some targets passed the save). Once they distance themselves too much they prefer to stop fighting and organize another attack.
If the target survives the first attack, they usually move in close combat, either making singular combat with their Hunter's Quarry's target or aiding each other in flaking a single enemy, usually in two, but in such cases the mecha-wolves had chosen the same target for their ability. They use Flurry of Blows whenever they can, but if this tactic doesn't work they usually switch to more reliable strikes. If some of them remain at range, they usually use Martial Flexibility to gain the Precise Shot feat and help their companions in melee, though this feature is employed as needed depending on the situation (those in melee usually gain the Power Attack feat if they feel they need it).
If they have to take hostages or to quickly disabilitate some opponents, those in melee make use of their Stunning Strike. They will use their Destiny ability only if the fight prolongs too much or at the start of the combat if they think their opponent will be an hard one to beat, usually announcing their business as they reveal themselves.
They fall back if reduced at less than half their original numbers or if they see that the battle is wasting too much resources and they need to reorganize. They usually don't surrender and either try to flee or to fight to the death if pressed and not left with other choice, becoming reckless and more dangerous, sometimes swarming a single foe, usually the stronges one, to bring it down.
The Iron Fangs Corps[edit]
The Iron Fangs are a paramilitary force that works as highly effective field agents, as well as mechanics and battle engineers. They are exclusively composed by lugarus, with cybernetic augmentations, mainly their iconic construct arms and arm-shotgun. They are ruthless soldiers, who prefer mid to close combat, even when using their ranged weapons. They are capable of tracking down their targets and usually operate with pack tactics, alternating between ranged and melee combat. Despite their courage and pride they can assess when a situation is lost and prefer to retreat to avoid casualties. Their high officers are charismatic and cunning commanders. Matisse Fauves is their founder and legendary leader, whom all members swear loyalty.
The Corps are divided in singular brigades, defined by their specialization. The main brigade is the Steel Beasts Brigade who represents the larger group and they act as the first line fighters. The presented stats are for this type of soldiers. Then there's the Howling Gear Brigade, specialized in reparing and constructing the Corps' vehicles, weapons, bases and cybernetic parts. They also act as the mobile brigade, driving medium vehicles for transportation. The Moon Chasers Brigade is the stealth and tracking-specialized unit, able to provide intel, carry out assassinations and follow targets. The Cannon Claws Brigade operates heavy machinery, tanks, artillery and any heavy weapons and vehicles.
Each brigade is divided in numerous squadroons, called "packs", which are deployed together or alone, depending on the situation. Each pack is controlled by one pack-leader officer, also known as captain, which may appoint lieutenant subordinates to better command its pack. Each brigade has a Brigadier General in charge of it, while Matisse Fauves covers the role of Great General.
The Iron Fangs Corps are bound by a strong camaraderie, between themselves and among their own brigade or squadroon. Despite this, they operate quite flexibly, often forming groups for special operations, composed by individuals belonging to different brigades, to capitalize on their strength and accomplish their mission the best way possible.
Life as a Mercenary[edit]
Mecha-wolf mercenaries are often employed both as regular soldiers and as commandos or specialized forces, bidding their services to whoever pays most, but never betraying the trust of their employers, as lealty is highly valued by these ruthless warriors and also because making fragile oaths make for bad business for highly respected mercenaries such as them. They usually work at least in small squads of 3 to 5 members, but any number of them can be found, depending on the mission they need to accomplish, so even individual Iron Fangs are sometimes found, especially as scouts, spies or to avoid arising suspicion when dealing with a particular mission.
Their first line of work is usually tracking and scouting, which is mostly done by the Moon Chasers Brigade, less frequently by other brigades such as the Steel Beasts or Howling Gear, when more advanced technology is required. The Cannon Claws are mostly used in larger-scale warfare, especially for sieges and field battles, while the other two corps work usually in smaller packs, often employing guerrilla tactics, but ready for open combat.
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- Jump up ↑ Only applies to ranged attacks with its battle shotgun
Author | the bluez in the dungeon + |
Challenge Rating | 3 + |
Identifier | 3.5e NPC + |
Name | Mecha-Wolf Mercenary + |
Race | Lugaru + |
Rating | Undiscussed + |
Size | Medium + |
Summary | An enhanced lugaru with construct implants. They are skilled mechanics and ruthless mercenaries of the Iron Fangs Corps. + |
Title | Mecha-Wolf Mercenary + |
Type | Humanoid + |