Noble Tyrant (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 28th March 2022
Status: Complete
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Noble Tyrant

The stereotype of a corrupt decadent aristocrat is hardly a fantastic one. While there are many stout-hearted and virtuous nobles, true leaders of men, it is true that there are a handful of bad apples. A rare breed is those with a dark heart that is filled with courage and strength. Both trained in the way of the court and the battlefield, these men and women may be cunning aristocrats, conquering lords or anything in between. At best they are autocratic individuals, who rarely tolerate dissent, but see order as worth preserving over individual rights. At worst they are as debased and decadent as the darkest example of aristocracy in history.

Class: Bard

Prerequisites: Any Evil

Level: 1st-20th

Replaces: Bardic Knowledge, Countersong, Versatile Performance, Well-versed, Lore Master

Benefit: A noble tyrant gain the following class features:

Authoritarian Voice (Ex): The noble tyrant must use Perform (Oratory) for her bardic performance, and no other perform skills.

Courtly Knowledge (Ex): A noble tyrant gain the Noble Scion feat as a bonus feat and adds half her levels on Knowledge (local) , Knowledge (geography) and Knowledge (nobility) checks. She also adds this bonus on Diplomacy checks made to influence the members of a noble court.

This ability replaces bardic knowledge.

Cruel Performance (Ex): A noble tyrant does not simply inspire her allies, she drives them forward at all cost. Whenever a noble tyrant starts her bardic performance to use Inspire Courage, Inspire Competence, Inspire Greatness or Inspire Heroic her performance is a cruel performance. A noble tyrant does not benefit from her cruel performance, she does benefit from her normal bardic performance bonus while maintaining it however.

A cruel performance increased all bonuses granted by the listed bardic performance by +1. However, each ally under the effect of the performance loses 1 of hit points at the end of their turn if that ally performed any strenuous actions (as per dying). This loss of hit point counts as non-lethal damage, unless the receptor is immune to non-lethal damage. An ally may decide at the start of each of her turns whether she benefits from the noble tyrant's cruel performance or not. If she decides to not gain the benefits, the noble tyrant may make an Intimidate checks to demoralize opponents as a free action outside of her turn, if successful the ally must accept the benefits of the noble tyrant's cruel performance instead of the check's normal effect.

The bonus increases granted by cruel performance and the number of hit points lost increases by +1 at 5th, 11th and 17th level. The noble tyrant may reduce the bonus from cruel performance to reduce the hit point loss at her option when she starts the performance.

This ability replaces countersong and all instances of lore-master.

Bonus Teamwork Feat: At 2nd level, 6th level and each 4 levels thereafter, the noble tyrant gains a bonus teamwork feat she meets the prerequisites for.

This ability replaces all instances of versatile performance.

All for One (Ex): At 2nd level, any creatures under one of the noble tyrant's cruel performance or made shaken by her demoralize opponents gain the use of one of the noble tyrant's teamwork feat. The noble tyrant decides which feat she grants when she start her cruel performance, or when she initiate her Intimidate check, she must grant the same feat to all subjects of her performance, but not on intimidated creatures. The noble tyrant may change which feats she grants through her performance as a swift action.

If the noble tyrant grants a betrayal feat, creatures granted this feat can only act as abettors while the character with this feat can act as initiator. If an opponent is granted a feat, it counts as a willing ally for the noble tyrant for the purpose of taking advantage of the teamwork feat, but the opponent does gain no benefits from the teamwork feat unless she normally possesses it.

This ability replaces well-versed.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4521 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassBard +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryThe stereotype of a corrupt decadent arist
The stereotype of a corrupt decadent aristocrat is hardly a fantastic one. While there are many stout-hearted and virtuous nobles, true leaders of men, it is true that there are a handful of bad apples. A rare breed is those with a dark heart that is filled with courage and strength. Both trained in the way of the court and the battlefield, these men and women may be cunning aristocrats, conquering lords or anything in between. At best they are autocratic individuals, who rarely tolerate dissent, but see order as worth preserving over individual rights. At worst they are as debased and decadent as the darkest example of aristocracy in history.
darkest example of aristocracy in history. +
TitleNoble Tyrant +